Our Manor 23-27 September 2024

Welcome to this week's newsletter

The weather has changed this week, and our community has had to adapt to what feels like the start of winter. It is great seeing students turning up to school with coats and umbrellas, making sure they stay warm and dry. The lessons I have visited this week are full of warmth, seeing students learning with enthusiasm and gusto.

I have had two huge highlights this week. Firstly it was being at the well-attended Year 11 Pledges Evening on Thursday, where students and parents/carers heard from Miss Bishop, Mr Carter and our subject leaders about the structure of Year 11, including the important dates and events. For those who were unable to attend, Mr Carter will be sharing the presentation with key information in it. Year 11 have come back with enthusiasm and drive this term, and we want to make sure they are clear on what will make them successful. Thank you to Miss Bishop and Mr Carter for organising this event.

Secondly I met our Head Students (Isabella, Lucy and Charlie) on Thursday too. We met to discuss their thoughts and ideas for events we can run, improvements for the school site and how we can reward students, especially those who do the right things all the time. These are the Manor students we should all aspire to be like. Our Head Students are a great bunch and I am looking forward to meeting fortnightly to discuss the progress with their ideas. I also asked them to visit tutor groups in younger years to gain feedback from them about the next steps for Manor. I am really proud of the maturity and constructive thinking of this team - they are setting a great example to students who aspire to be the next Head Students in future years.

As always, I wish everyone in our Manor community a fabulous weekend. I look forward to seeing them all back, safe and rested, next week.

Adam Crawte, Interim Principal

Contacting the school

Please use the form on our website if you need to contact the school. To ensure that your message is responded to quickly and efficiently, please use this form for all initial contact with the school. During the school day most of our staff are teaching and will not check emails regularly. A message sent via this form will be sent to an inbox that is regularly checked by multiple members of staff (who know individual students) during the day.

School photos

The deadline to order your child's recent school portrait is Wednesday 2 October. Please see the order form sent home with students last week for details.

Paris 2025 trip

The deadline to register for our 2025 trip to Paris is Monday 30 September. This trip is open to all students who study French at Manor School.

For further details please email enquiries@manor.school.

Football result

Our U13 girls football team kicked off their district league games this week with a 0-0 draw versus Wrenn, and a 1-0 win versus Wellingborough (goal scored by Emily M).

Next Thursday the games are at Manor where the team will play against Sir Christopher Hatton and Rushden.

NSPCC Kindness Week

Next week is the NSPCC's Kindness Challenge Week. During assemblies, Mrs Radd will be talking about the important work that the NSPCC does and reminding students where they can find support in and out of school.

We will also be considering our own actions and how kindness can make all of our lives better. We would love to hear about our students' acts of kindness during the coming week and encourage them to complete this form to share them with us.

The Kindness Challenge is a national fundraising campaign by the NSPCC, to find out more about their work, click here. To make a donation please follow this link.

Extra-curricular timetable

Another new club has been added to our extra-curricular offer. Key Stage 3 students are invited to attend the Design Technology club after school on Tuesdays. Spaces are limited so students should make sure to express their interest in attending as soon as possible.

A reminder that we also run a number of GCSE revision sessions after school for students in Years 10 and 11. These include English, science, DT and art. These sessions are a great opportunity for students to receive extra support with their studies from our subject teachers.

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Year 6 into 7 Open Evening

Our Year 6 into 7 Open Evening is taking place on Thursday 3 October, with presentations at 4pm, 5pm and 5:45pm.

The event will provide valuable information about the transition process including key dates, timelines, and the steps we’ll take to ensure a smooth start. Join us to learn about the support available, meet some of the Year 7 team, and ask any questions you may have.

Please click here for further details and to book free tickets.

Russell Group webinars

UK University Search are excited to be collaborating with the Russell Group to bring a series of informative and inspiring webinars that cover a range of key topics. Each session will feature expert panellists who will offer clear, impartial guidance for students looking at taking the next step in their educational journey.

For full details and to register for a place, please click here. Students and parents/carers should also register if they would like to be emailed access to the recordings afterwards.

Community opportunities

Raunds heritage trails

Step back in time with the Raunds heritage trails. Download the Raunds Town App to discover the history of Raunds.

Download the app for free from the Apple Store or Google Play, or visit www.raunds-tc.gov.uk/raunds-town-app for more information.

Nene Valley Music Centre

Musical activities will resume once again at NMPAT Valley Music & Performing Arts Centre based at Oundle Primary from Saturday 21 September. Come along for a no obligation taster session where you can explore the fun and worthwhile world of music. We provide a galaxy of musical opportunities including guitar, rock school, band and orchestral instruments, singing and ukulele, and our Early Years provision provides a fun and exciting entry into musical enrichment. For further details, see the promotional card below.

Dates for your diary

House points