WEEK 10 TERM 3 2024


What a lovely way to see out Term 3, with a celebration and acknowledgement of 13 years of education for our class of 2024.

We were fortunate to be joined by Alumni Mia Peden (Psychologist) and Ty Hughes (Civil / Structural Engineer) who were the school captains in 2019 when our class of 2024 were in Year 7. It was lovely to hear Mia and Ty talk so fondly of their time at Whitebridge High School and the community they continue to remain proud of and connected to. They spoke openly of the skills and experiences that they gained at high school, that they continue to reflect on and that supported them both on their current career pathways. Mia and Ty, shared with our students some words of encouragement as they prepare for their final exams and some words of wisdom regarding the opportunities that continue to present as they decide which path to take after finishing school. There are plenty of options out there and as they reminded our students, the HSC will not define them and the choices and experiences, they choose from here on will help them to create a positive and successful future.

I extend my thanks to Mia and Ty for giving up part of their day to celebrate and support our graduating class.

Despite the extremely poor weather that chose to dump a significant amount of rain right on arrival time, we were delighted to be joined by so many parents and family members as acknowledged our students.

Our class of 2024 had a lovely school formal on Wednesday evening the 25th of September where they were dressed beautifully and shared a meal with friends and staff followed by some dancing. It must be noted that if they study for their exams, with even half the enthusiasm they demonstrated on the dance floor then we are in for some cracking results! Some lovely awards were voted on by Year 12 in the lead up to the Formal and interestingly, many of the awardees elected by student closely resembled the more formal awards issued at Graduation. It appears that the achievements and talents of our students are also widely recognised by their peers. Luca West was voted most likely to represent Australia, Tully Elliott voted the Future Innovator and Cassie Corder, the kindest member of Year 12. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Year 12 Formal without the best dressed awards and with so many wonderfully dressed students there were many to choose from. Winners on the night were, Charles White and Taylor Callow.

We had ninety-seven students complete their Year 12 education and graduate from WHS on Thursday of week ten. Students received their graduation certificates and special awards throughout the ceremony.

Special congratulations to all our major award winners:

Kienna Clegg: Principals award for highest academic achievement & UoN Vice Chancellors Award. Pat Conroy Community Involvement, Premiers Sporting Challenge Medal.

Matisse Murray: Jodie Harrison Award for Citizenship

Jasmine Bruce: Rueben F Scarf Award for Commitment

Cassie Corder: Ampol Best All Rounder & joint winner Sports Person of the Year

Gabrielle Davison: ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership Award

Tully Elliott: ADF Future Innovators Award

Brendan Gardiner: Malang Academy Award - Commitment to Learning

Luca West: joint winner Sports Person of the Year

As we return to Term 4, we wish all our HSC students both across the Year 12 cohort and the Year 11 accelerated VET students the best for their HSC examinations. We are confident in the preparation and support our students have received at school and the independent study and additional preparation they have been doing at home. Throughout the HSC examinations and when the results arrive in late December students will no doubt reap the rewards of hard work and effort. It is important to also recognise the achievements and stories of our class of 24 students who have already exited school and taken up employment, apprenticeships, and training throughout this year. There have been many successful transitions across this year, and we have been delighted to support our students to achieve their goals. The HSC is only one pathway for students and for all our students it is important to recognise that there are many ways to achieve your goals, and staff will always be available to support and guide students on their next steps.

Throughout Term 3 we commenced working with My Strengths and most of our students have undertaken positive workshop sessions with the My Strengths team to focus on the characteristics and abilities that form part of who they are. Our school is committed to a strengths-based approach to student wellbeing, and we encourage all students to discuss their strengths at home. During Term 4, the remaining groups will undertake the strengths workshops and parents will receive an invite to a free community workshop to support all members of our community to focus on strengths as a strategy for open communication and support of student wellbeing. With students, parents and staff all engaging in this program together, our common language will continue to strengthen our school community.

At the end of last Term, we farewelled a couple of our staff members who have commenced their maternity leave to welcome new members of their family. Congratulations and best wishes to Mrs Perry and Mrs Beatty from CAPA, we look forward to hearing news of the arrival of their little bindles of joy.

Throughout this newsletter you will see a snapshot of our Term 3 wrap up, it certainly has been a term of excitement, achievement, progress and learning across all areas of the school.

All students return to school for Term 4 on Monday 14th October.

Kind Regards

N Harvey



Congratulations to our newly inducted Whitebridge High School Student Representative Council (SRC).

At the induction breakfast the students were asked to recite the pledge to uphold the values of Whitebridge High School and the commitment to the position of SRC representatives.

Our SRC representatives and their family members were treated to a breakfast cooked by our Year 10 and Year 11 Early Commencement VET Hospitality students and our talented hospitality staff who did an amazing job.


Congratulations to Brina Chong Nee and Braith Pavlou for being elected School Captains and to Jesse Hill and Neve Scully for being elected School Vice Captains for 2025!

Congratulations also goes to our incoming Executive Prefects, Cadell Pheils and Eddie Moncrieff as well as our new Prefects for 2025, Kohbi-Lee Simcoe and Isabella O'Brien

1 Brina Chong Nee, Braith Pavlou 2 Jesse Hill, Neve Scully  3 Isabella O'Brien, Brina Chong Nee, Braith Pavlou, Cadell Pheils, Neve Scully, Eddie Moncrieff, Jesse Hill, Kohbi-Lee Simcoe (absent)
Year 11 2025 - Senior Prefects
Congratulations also goes to Max Neal, Matthew Homer, Rex Wardle, Amy Hodsdon, Tiana Beaumont and Isabella Farr for being elected Year 11 Senior Prefects for 2025 and Lilly Cousins our new Junior AECG Representative
Year 8-10 2025 - school leaders
Congratulations also goes to Claude Yates, Eliza Brown, Matilda Broekman and India Davidson (Year 10 2025)
Congratulations to Christopher Lalevski, Amelia Phillips, Pippa Norris and Hayley Matchett (Year 9 2025)
Congratulations to Koby Davis, Nixon Sherry, Poppy Beveridge, and Abby Gordon (Year 8 2025)

A big congratulations to Toby Holbrook who has also been elected student leader in the Malang Academy. Well done Toby!


Year 7 have had yet another positive and productive term where they have shone in leadership, sportsmanship and participation.

I would like to congratulate our outstanding SRC representatives Poppy Beveridge, Nixon Sherry, Abby Gordon and Koby Davis. They have already demonstrated their enthusiasm, kindness and outstanding confidence when public speaking.

I would also like to shout-out Axl Bryant for his bronze medal in long jump at the NSW CHC Athletics Championships in Sydney.

Year 7 have been developing their skills and understanding around bystanding, power and jealousy in their wellbeing lessons and we have been proud of their maturity when dealing with peer conflict this term.

We would like to remind all of Year 7 of the importance of attendance, being kind to one another, disconnecting from technology, and making the right choices leading into our final term of Year 7 together. As always there is so much wonderful support and great opportunities at Whitebridge High so if students need anything please reach out.

Ashley Fry - Year 7 Advisor


We are now well into our second year of high school, and the vast majority of Year 8 students seem to have moulded into a settled routine. Congratulations to everyone who attended the 0/90 excursion at the end of last term, having not been to Taronga Zoo in over 40 years it was also an experience for myself. The weather was fantastic and feedback from students was that a great day was had by all. Over the past weeks I've had the opportunity to attend a number of finals sporting events on the weekends, to see how the Year 8 cohort performs in the sporting arena, the highlight being an extremely close game between Dudley and Souths with Dudley coming out eventual winners in a very close game 12-10. Congratulations to all winners, and the best of luck next year to all others. On a personal note I'm looking forward to seeing some warmer days ahead and the beginning of daylight savings in Term 4! Safe travels over the October break to all families.

Andy Holahan - Year 8 Advisor


Year 9 are finishing the term off with a BANG!!!

Congratulations to our 2025 Year 10 SRC Leaders India Davidson, Claude Yates, Matilda Broekman and Eliza Brown. I am very proud of each of you and cannot wait to see you all blossom in your leadership roles next year.

On Monday the 16th of September, Year 9 conquered the muddy 'Raw Challenge' at Doyalson. What a turnout it was! All students were divided into a team in which they chose which teacher they would like to complete the course with. Each team had a chosen theme and I believe all students met the design brief on this one!

  • Team Osland "Dads"
  • Team Lindsay "Bogans"
  • Team Wicks "Tradies"
  • Team Jenkins "Hawaiian"
  • Team Munro "Lifeguards"
  • Team Stampy "Pro Sports"

Fantastic efforts by not only our students involved but the teachers. It was a challenge but with dedication we got there! It was a great day and there were a lot of tired kids that night! Well done to our Year 9 warriors!

Bronte Osland - Year 9 Advisor


It has been a busy end of the term for Year 10. All students are preparing to sit their first Preliminary Exam in their Early Commencement VET Course. Ms Turner and Mrs Morrow wish all students the best of luck!!

Year 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students had the opportunity to attend an HPGE Day at the University of Newcastle. While there, students engaged in a variety of activities and had the opportunity to tour around the different areas of the university to see what courses they have on offer.

A small group of dedicated Year 10 Science students helped organise and run a Science and Engineering Discovery Day for local primary school students. Year 10 were organised, respectful and were commended for their positive attitude throughout the day.

Year 10 student spotlight

In Week 8 Ava competed in the NSW CHS Athletic Championships. Ava was outstanding in her events and walked away with three gold medals for the 100m, 200m and the 4x100 relay!! Not only that, Ava was also awarded Hunter MVP of the Championship! Ms Turner and all of Year 10 are so proud of you Ava!

A group of talented Year 10 boys also made up part of the Open Boys Soccer Team "The Bridge Boys". This team travelled down to Sydney to play in the final. Although they didn't walk away with the win, Ms Turner and Year 10 are beyond proud of the effort, teamwork and sportsmanship they displayed throughout the tournament! Bring on next year!!

Finally, congratulations to our Senior Prefects that have been elected for 2025 - Tiana Beaumont, Isabella Farr, Amy Hodsdon, Matthew Homer, Max Neal and Rex Wardle. All six students consistently display our core values of WHS and will be an excellent student voice for not only Year 11 2025 but the whole school. Well done!!

SENIOR JACKET REMINDER - All Senior jacket orders must be placed by October 25th. Year 10 parents/carers have been emailed further information and a link to purchase.

Have a safe and restful break. We're looking forward to seeing you back and ready for your final term of Junior School!

Courtney Turner - Year 10 Advisor


Congratulations and best of luck to Year 11 in your Prelim Exams! I am very proud of how diligent our year group has been in finalising course work, building study routines and preparing for your final examinations. HSC starts Week One next term and I know our year group is ready! It was a pleasure to see our 2025 leadership team announced at the SRC induction breakfast. A huge well done to all of the exceptional students who completed the nomination process including addressing their peers and staff. 2024 has been an enormous year of growth, success and leadership. I am very proud of our year group as they strive to maintain 0/90 while taking a positive approach to learning and communication at school everyday.

Georgia Lindsay - Year 11 Advisor


The final stretch of Year 12 is always a time of mixed emotions—excitement, nerves and anticipation for what lies ahead. Please remember that your HSC exams are just one chapter of a much bigger story. You each have unique strengths and paths ahead, and I am confident you will continue to learn and grow beyond the classroom.

I also want to congratulate those students who have already received early entry offers to university! This is a fantastic achievement and a reflection of your hard work and determination.

It’s often said that it takes a village to support and guide us through life, and Year 12, you are incredibly fortunate to have such a strong and caring village behind you—family, friends, and teachers—who have all played a part in your journey.

As you head into the future, take pride in what you’ve accomplished and trust in your ability to navigate what comes next. I’m excited to see where life takes you and the mark you’ll leave on the world.

All the best in the coming weeks and beyond. You’ve got this!

Emma Beecham - Year 12 Advisor



During our weekly mentoring period in RUOK day/week our students and staff discussed the value of checking in with others, the significance of R U OK Day and the importance of asking the question of those around us ANY day.


Visual Arts

Year 10 Visual Arts elective students have been developing an abstract series of work throughout the term. Students have been inspired by a range of influential artists while experimenting with mixed media.

Georgia Lindsay - Teacher, CAPA


12 Dance can breathe a sigh of relief with 80% of their course now complete. Students performed their three major work dances to external markers in Week 5. The exam process involves performing their two performance works and presenting their own composition dance that is performed by a student dancer. Each component is followed by a verbal discussion with the markers on the intent and elements of dance. 12 Dance did an amazing job and we wish them all the luck for their theory exam.

Year 12 would like to thank their student dancers Bella Moran, Jada Smith, Catherine Sasikirana, Charlotte Brady and Amelia Linnert for their time and dedication to learning and performing their works to the markers in such a professional and committed manner.

L-R Lucy Sartori, Eleanor Jefferson, Breanna Smith, Imogen Burns, Liana Smit, Lola Stevenson
Eleanor Jefferson

Eleanor Jefferson of Year 12 has been nominated for the 2024 'Callback' Dance Showcase. Students are nominated by external markers who have the task to identify exemplary performances that will then undergo the selection process to perform at 'Callback'. She has worked diligently to refine her practical works and is so deserving of the nomination for her Major Study Dance work. We wish Eleanor luck in the nomination process and hope we get to watch her perform in Sydney at the HSC Showcase in February. Well done Eleanor!

Melanie Perry - Teacher, CAPA


Year 7/8 Debating

Our amazing Year 7/8 Debating Team won their Regional Knockout Debate against Gorokan High School. What a fantastic result from a stellar team which consisted of Christopher Lalevski, Amelia Bowron, Sienna Hardy and Sienna Egan.

L-R Christopher Lalevski, Amelia Bowron, Sienna Hardy, Sienna Egan

Talented public speaker Year 7 student Poppy Beveridge, participated in the NSW Junior Secondary Speaking Award and competed with 10 other schools from across the region.

Poppy Beveridge

The adjudicators commented on how Poppy's prepared speech on the experiences of being a part of 'Generation Alpha' was one of the best speeches on this content area they had heard. Both adjudicators also agreed Poppy's speech demonstrated her natural flair for storytelling and use of humour to engage the audience.

Congratulations Poppy on making it to the regionals and we can't wait to hear what you have to say next time!

Lisa Murrell - HT English


As another busy term draws to a close, we firstly wish to send a big congratulations to our graduating Year 12 students. We wish all of you success in your future lives wherever they may lead you. It has been a pleasure for us seeing you mature into young adults ready to face the world and take on future opportunities that come your way.

On a more serious note, recently the Courage to Care organisation visited our school and used a number of inspiring life stories to remind Year 10 and Year 11 students of the importance of being upstanders rather than bystanders. Aside from the wellbeing aspects of the presentation, it also aligns with HSIE topics in various Stage 5 and Stage 6 courses. Both students and staff were particularly moved by hearing the memories of one Holocaust survivor who (as a very young child) experienced the reality of warfare and the horrors of the Holocaust before some of the family managed to escape to Australia.

Teachers have been impressed by the skills development shown by many junior students as they complete summative tasks in a range of different formats. Some have created engaging multimedia displays while others have delivered interesting performances or made clever models of objects. Finally, congratulations once again to those students who participated in the Australian History Competition. Some very impressive results were gained in this Australia-wide competition and we look forward to seeing more students participate in the future.

Sue Nunn - HT HSIE/Languages

Courage to Care
Australian History Competition


HSC Industrial Technology Timber and Furniture Projects

Our HSC students worked on designing, researching, experimenting with and constructing their major design projects and accompanying portfolios. They all accepted the challenge, overcoming a variety of obstacles and ultimately producing four pieces that incorporated a variety of individualised features and inclusions. The projects comprised of the following:

Chess board complete with wood turned pieces (Victoria Shields), a Blackbutt timber slab audio cabinet (William Monk), a Blackbutt timber slab topped cabinet with feature barn doors (Cooper Cooke) and a mobile flip top work bench (Ashton Cox).

Robert Milne - Teacher, TAS

Year 10 & 11 Industrial Technology Timber finished products


The Science staffroom at Whitebridge High has been extra crowded this term. Three teaching interns from Newcastle University have been completing their final placements in the science faculty. Abby Stephens has been working with Steven Edwards, Julia Watkins has been working with David Moore, and Victoria Marks has been working with Glen Mulhearn.

During our internships, we have been taking on the roles of our mentors - planning and teaching lessons, partaking in playground duties and joining excursions.

The past 10 weeks have been both informative and rewarding. Some of the highlights include - whale watching excursions with Marine Science, cheering on the boys soccer team as they climbed the ladder to the state finals, volunteering with 13 wonderful stage 5 students at the Science and Engineering Challenge, assisting with the creation and grading of Term 3 assessments, building positive relationships with students, and of course, being supported and mentored by the very experienced and talented staff.

The school community has been extremely welcoming and supportive, offering us a shining example of why teaching is such a vibrant and rewarding profession. Special thanks goes to our School Administrative Staff who helped us stay organised, in particular Carly Otton and Cate Rogers, our lab assistants for helping us prepare engaging and impactful practical lessons; the students of Whitebridge who welcomed us as their teachers; Amy Daugherty, Ben Jones, Shannon Williams and Sophie Breen, members of the Science Faculty who may not have been our ‘official’ mentors but who have provided invaluable support and guidance throughout our journey.

Thank you Whitebridge - we may see you in the future in the classroom!

Abby Stephens, Julia Watkins and Victoria Marks - Teaching Interns, Science

L-R Steven Edwards, Abby Stephens, Julia Watkins, David Moore, Victoria Marks, Glen Mulhearn


Term 3 has been a busy time for the Learning and Support Teachers and Student Learning Support Officers. We have been continuing to support students in class and outside to complete learning activities as well as assessment tasks. Deb Levin and Caroline Smith are continuing to boost individual student progress through our Year 7 and 8 Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Quicksmart Program.

We have been working with Year 11 and 12 students to prepare and complete assessment tasks and further develop their study skills for their Preliminary and HSC Examinations, in addition to working with students and their families to complete their applications to NESA for their HSC Disability Provisions.

An exciting part to the term has been working with the Year 6 to 7 Transition Team to visit partner primary schools and meet with incoming students and their teachers.

Dimity Budden - Teacher, LAST




Children's Book Week is the annual celebration of books for young people and the joy of reading. On Wednesday 11 September Whitebridge High staff and students acknowledged this special occasion by dressing up as our favourite book characters!


The Premier's Reading Challenge closed on Friday 23rd August. Students needed to read a total of 20 books (10 of which needed to come from the Premier's Reading booklists) and log online by this date. Congratulations to the students who finished reading and logging their books:

Poppy Beveridge, Olivia Birch, Oliver Blatchford, Brax Brown, Eliza Brown, James Brown, Axl Bryant, Ray Carter, Isla Clark, Ashley Clinton-Muehr, Ayla Collins, Bryce Creigh, Sammy Curtis, Koby Davis, Quinn Deacon, Mikayla Delport, Grace Denny, Ruth Donaldson, Josie Done, Ruby Dunne, Ben Dwyer, Fallon Egan, Sienna Egan, Olivia Elvins, Louie Evans, Wilbur Feenan, Lillian Forbes, Max Freeburn, Asha Forder, Zara Gintings, Liv Glashoff, Abby Gordon, Flynn Hill, Grace Hill, Sunny Hoffman, Memphis Hopgood, Georgie Horton, Lachlan Jinks, Lucas Kalogianis, Isobel Kellock, Angelina Kelly, Christopher Lalevski, Manu Lewis, Ayla Little, Imogen Maciel, Piper Maddocks, Maya Maloney, Lexi Mangnall, Hayley Matchett, Paige McPherson, Edith Monk, Evelyn Nash, Max Neal, Aurora Pattison-Blanco, Claudia Penman, Kyle Price, Dean Reece, Eva Rodgers, Bailey Rolton, Nixon Sherry, Hudson Sinclair, Ruby Stace, Ella Stone, Lucas Unicombe, Luke Went, Jarrah Willis, Ember Wittman, Luka Wolfe

All students completing the challenge will receive their certificates in Term 4.

Sarah Walker - Teacher/Librarian

SASS Recognition Week

SASS Recognition Week is about celebrating our support staff and the work they do each and every day in support of students and staff across our school.

These dedicated professionals are the backbone of our school, ensuring everything runs smoothly, supporting both students and teachers in countless ways.

Our Business Manager, School Administrative Manager, School Learning Support Officers, School Administrative Officers, Technology Support Officer and General Assistants - each of their roles are essential to our school community’s success.

Let’s take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for their hard work, commitment, and the vital support they provide every day.



Students involved with our HPGE and ASPIRE programs attended the Australian Museum this term. They enhanced their knowledge and stimulated their curiosity while experiencing the wonders of human history. It was an early start at 6:30am, but from all accounts, it was well worth the trip!



Yaayiin have been busy this week presenting their Personal Interest Projects exhibitions. Students have been researching topics of their choice and completing a variety of tasks across the term and are currently showcasing what they have learned by presenting to their classmates. Some of the topics students are presenting on include Queen, Kane Brown, Horses, The Last of Us and Greek Mythology. In English, we have been studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Students have been enjoying reading various characters lines aloud, and analysing the dramatic scenes. In Community Access, we have been visiting Whitebridge Shops to purchase items to cook with. This term, we purchased the items to make Butter Chicken and Naan Bread following a recipe chosen by the students.


Waaling have been busy this term! In English we have been completing a film review on "The Bridge to Terabithia". We have researched character profiles, discussed the mystical world and created our own magical diorama as a class which includes bridges, tyre swings and a variety of creatures found in our magical forest. In Mathematics our focus was on learning to get from Point A to Point B using public transport, following directions with maps from our local area. We have identified different keys on a map which allowed us to research catching a bus, train or ferry in our area. Students chose a location on our map and researched travel time, costing and the best location to hop on and off using public transport.

Kobie Binkins - Teacher, Specialised Learning


Waakan have been preparing for the $20 BOSS event next term and developing their entrepreneurial business minds. They have researched costing a variety of product ideas and are now gathering the ingredients and making order lists to bring their ideas to life. You can look forward to purchasing paper crane mobiles, doggie treats and ice cream sandwich slices at our Malang Academy event.

Waakan have been collaborating with Waaling to investigate finding our way in the community. In Week 6 we traveled by bus to the Queens Wharf Ferry terminal and then across Newcastle Harbour on the Stockton ferry. Students learned about safe and respectful travel, signage and places to visit in the local area. We are looking forward to our next journey on the train to Tuggerah.

Kristen Hepple - Teacher, Specialised Learning


To conclude Term 3, Tunang class have been applying their enthusiasm for art in preparation for the $20 BOSS carnival next term. Our students will be contributing fridge magnets and coasters featuring painted designs of Australia’s natural landscapes and Indigenous cultural heritage.

In Food Technology, Tunang students have continued their committed approach to learning and have produced some impressive results in the kitchen. The dishes they have most recently prepared include Peri Peri Chicken Burgers served with sweet potato fries, cookies and Cream Frozen Fudge and Dessert Pizzas.

Tim Walker - Teacher, Specialised Learning


Empowering Sport Day

The Year 8 Empowering Girls sport class headed to Callaghan College Wallsend to participate in a Girls in Sport Gala Day. The girls competed in ultimate frisbee, soccer, volleyball and netball. Although they were up against Year 9 students, they competed very well finishing in 4th and 5th position!

Ms Munro was very proud of the engagement and sportsmanship the girls showed throughout the day! Special mention to Alannah Dimmock and Emily Tiller who were awarded MVP players for the tournament.


The "Bridge Boys" travelled to the Shire for the final of the CHS knockout competition. We started the day being celebrated by the school during the weekly assembly. Players were announced to the school with cheers that rocked the neighbourhood and we felt like we were off to the World Cup.

Back - Mr Blake Barnes-Riddell, Mr Renato Martinelli, Lars Bergmann, Harper Collins-Fry, Jordan Velovski, Kalan Black, Josef Cresnar, Jasper Hoad, Oslo Harradine, Luca West, Mr Chris Dale Front - Elois Bimenyimana, Jai Thoroughgood, Bailey Neat, Blake Palmowski, Matt Homer, Jesse Hill, Tallan Krainz

The bus ride down to Miranda was full of expectation and excitement. Music was cranking and the boys were quietly confident. We arrived at the ground to the news that local school Hunter Sports High School had won their final and we watched a high quality open girls sports high school final that went to penalties. Mr Dale started implementing “Dark Arts” by securing the “home” dressing sheds and then securing the only warm up area in the ground- a quality effort applauded by coach “Pep” Martinelli.

The pre-game talk was one of extremely high quality. Pep described how recently he was contacted by a local resident who explained that his brother, Paul Stuart (who has since passed away) played in the Tasman Cup final in 1977 (the now Open Boys final). He visited the school and donated Paul’s playing shirt to Pep and the story surrounding the game- which Whitebridge lost by conceding more corners!!! Pep highlighted that football is about community and has the ability to bring people together and forge lifelong memories. He urged the boys to control the space between their ears and enjoy the opportunity to play on the big stage in front of a large travelling crowd. There were goosebumps everywhere!

The game started late, which was positive as the traffic had delayed the Whitebridge horde arriving on two buses. The game started with a frenzy as Luca “The Wizard of Whitebridge” West shredded three Freshwater defenders to get himself into the box. He squared up to goal and sent a shot millimetres wide of the post. The three defenders looked at each other and one mouthed to the others “Doesn’t this bloke play for Barcelona?” He certainly will one day!

The crowd arrived in the 6th minute to one of the greatest “Fashionably Late” arrivals of all time. There were fears that it was another mini earthquake as the ground shook. Drums were beating. Horns were blaring. “Come on the Bridge” chants rang out. The boys noticeably lifted as our supporters let Freshwater know what it is like to have the support of the best fans in the business. The game continued to ebb and flow.

Shortly before halftime we turned the ball over playing out from the back. Freshwater seized on their opportunity to attack and placed the ball in the back of the net for a 1 nil scoreline. Even the great Jordan Velovski was unable to save it. That would be the scoreline at halftime.

Pep had some words of wisdom during the long break. He spoke about the semi final where we came back from a goal down to win the game and to look for one moment! We started to play with the ball more in the second half and had some nice chances. Jesse Hill, Jasper Hoad and Matt Homer wreaked some havoc. A coaching change saw Josef Cresnar promoted to striker to chase a goal. With one minute left in regulation time he was able to sneak onto a through ball. The Freshwater keeper advanced, but Josef was too quick and took a touch past him toward the corner. The angle was very tight and he crossed the ball toward the back post. Jasper Hoad was bearing down on an equaliser. The crowd sensed the moment! A Freshwater defender appeared to pull Jasper’s shirt and delay his run and he came agonisingly close to scoring but it was not to be. The score ended 1 nil to Freshwater.

This has been one of the greatest journeys. A group of wonderful young men supported by an amazing school. It shows the power of sport, the power of community and has been a highlight not only for the players, but other students, staff and families. We would like to thank everyone who has been involved and look forward to more opportunities in the future.

Luke Harradine - HT, PDHPE



Representatives from Whitebridge High School competed at the NSW CHS Athletic Championships in Sydney.

We would like to congratulate all of our competitors who represented the school and the Hunter Region.

We had some fantastic results that the school is very proud to announce.

Ava Ross won 3 gold medals in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay

Cassie Corder won 2 gold medals in pentathlon and 4x400m relay and a silver medal in 4x100m relay

Axl Bryant won a bronze medal in the long jump

Emma Shields won a gold medal in the 4x100 m relay

Ella James won a gold medal in the 4x100 m relay

Special congratulations to Ava Ross and Cassie Corder who have been named Hunter MVP of the championships for their contribution to the team and outstanding results.


Congratulations to Victoria Shields on an outstanding effort at the CHS Trampolining Tournament.

🥈2nd - Double mini trampoline

🥈2nd - Single mini trampoline

🥈2nd - Trampoline

🥈2nd - Tumbling

Well done Victoria!


Luca West in Year 12 was named as CHS "Player of the Tournament" on the 28th August.

This caps off a wonderful school football career for one of the most humble and talented players we have produced. He was named as one of the best 11 players of the recent CHS tournament. Luca has now been selected to be part of the Australian Schools Team to tour the UK and Ireland in early 2025.

Congratulations Luca!