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The Identity Archive Victoria Grodzki

Numerous facets of existence shape an individual's character, encompassing insecurities, sexual identity, physical appearance, and self-perception. This series delves into the inner workings of my friends' psyches, revealing diverse dimensions of our identities. Each model's "portfolio" or “file” adheres to a consistent format: featuring two images and a personal statement from both the model and the photographer. One image undergoes extensive Photoshop manipulation, while the other emphasizes tangible layering using paper and assorted materials. The accompanying note provides additional insight into the model's intentions behind the imagery.

Identity is a multifaceted tapestry woven from countless threads, each contributing to the intricate fabric of who we are. Every aspect, whether it be our insecurities, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or the perceptions we hold of ourselves, can be viewed through the lens of positivity or negativity, depending on the observer. Yet, regardless of external judgments, it remains unequivocally a part of our essence.

- Victoria

Aaron Anderson
Jay Guerrero
Kenneth Guity Mejia
Stephen Innis
Kimi Martinez
Alan Mendoza

About the Photographer

Victoria is a junior who studies architecture at the High School of Art and Design. Amidst her exploration of various interests, photography has emerged as her primary and most cherished form of artistic expression. Her passion for photography finds its greatest resonance in the vibrant lives of her friends, whom she eagerly photographs in their natural habitats, thriving in their environments. Each snapshot becomes a testament to the unique essence of her subjects and the dynamic interplay between individuals and their surroundings. With an unwavering determination, Victoria dreams of seamlessly merging her passions for interior design and photography.

This project was created as part of the Future Imagemakers program in the NYU Department of Photography and Imaging at Tisch School of the Arts in Spring 2024. To see all the 2024 Future Imagemakers projects, click here.
