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Bolden's students presented "Moana Jr". for the spring play on May 14th, 2023. Dr. Ulmer directed and produced this outstanding performance. Ms. Fran Roberts directed the students in a sign interpretation of "Fight Song". Ms. Niki Marshal and Ms. Pam Glover provided many of the stage design and art. Special Thanks to Ashley Ford, Ms. Brooks, PTO, Schranz, Ms. Glover, Marshall, Ms. Johnson, Ms. McBride, and Ms. Thompson. There were also many unnamed parents that sacrificed their time and energy made this performance possible! A big thank you to you all!

Dr. Ulmer starts the show!
Moana and Grama Tala in their village.
The real story of Moana's ancestors: they were seafarers.
Moana braves the waves and begins her journey to find Maui to save her village.
Maui is found! He's not as great as he thinks he is.
Pau the pig and Hei Hei the rooster entertain the crowds! Moana and Maui arrive at Lalotai.
Ms. Roberts' Sign Language Club performed "Fight Song" By Rachel Platten
Moana and Maui trick Tamatoa to get back Maui's hook
"I'm so shiny!"
The farmer and her chicken make some laughs.
Moana and Maui find the courage to defeat Te Ka.
Te Ka transforms after Moana returns the heart of Ta Fiti.
Ta Fiti is revived. She forgives Maui and restores his hook.
Moana's village is saved!
The Grand Finale!

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible! It's been a joy for everyone!