Cowbridge Lower School Newsletter 15.09.24

Nursery have been looking at rainbows this week. They have made a new rainbow for their display with lots of bright colours and glitter! They have also had a go at making their own rainbows with paint and chalk. They also joined Reception and Year 1 for their first Seren yr Wythnos assembly... our hall is looking so much fuller!

Nursery had fun in P.E. with their favourite item... the parachute! Lots of rainbow colours and fun running underneath!

Reception have been thinking about birthdays this week, in particular, Roald Dahl's. They had a party to celebrate his birthday and made yummy crocodile pictures to eat. Blasus iawn!

They have practised their counting and number recognition skills by giving the crocodile the right amount of teeth and playing stop the croc! 🐊 They also measured their friends (including Mrs Leftley!) using crocodiles!

Year 1 jumped into their new topic of superheroes by dressing up for a superhero day! They had to complete 9 missions throughout the day to be a fully fledged member of the team. Thankfully they all rose to the challenge and completed all the missions! πŸ¦ΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ