Glenboi Primary Newsletter January 2024

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the new school term. It has been great to see the children back in school and excited to learn after the Christmas break. This term, our children are focusing on the Expressive Arts and specifically music and drama. As part of this topic our children will be participating in the Eisteddfod, working with a songwriter and creating a performance for the end of term. We are very excited to discover just how creative our children can be! Parents meetings will be on the week of the 26th February and we will also be hosting two coffee mornings (dates below) where the children will show off their musical talents. In addition to this, our older classes will also be participating in team building and resilience training which will help them to achieve even more and support their transition to secondary school. You may have also noticed some work going on in the playground. We are working with Keep Wales Tidy to develop our garden areas to start producing more fresh produce for Big Bocs Bwyd. If there are any enthusiastic gardeners out there who would be interested in volunteering some time to help us, please get in touch! Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Powell and Mr Milinczuk

This term, children in Year 5 and 6 will be raising money to reduce the cost of their end of year residential visit. They will be holding a Valentines raffle (all donations welcome, please send to Mr Rosser) amongst other exciting activities, watch this space!

Here are just some of the things that we have been up to so far this year, see our Facebook page for more pictures: