Welcome to this week's newsletter
Dear families,
This week Manor School students took part in a Northamptonshire schools performance in a celebration of singing. It was delightful seeing our students acting as senior students at The Big Sing, with many of the primary children looking up to and emulating how we were performing. A great time was had by everyone. It is such an uplifting thing to sing collectively and for many of us who are older, not something we do very often. We could all, at times, learn from the freedom and innocence of the young people in our schools and homes.
It is also at this time of year that the signs of spring are upon us. On the school campus the daffodils and croci are blooming, the baby blue tits are chirping in the nest boxes, and the students are smiling more than ever. The feeling is contagious.
We can help ourselves even more with supporting our own mental wellness and of our family. It would be great if you could download and follow the Action for Happiness calendar for Mindful March with your family. If you have any reflections or excellent experiences with your children performing these actions, please do share them with us at enquiries@manor.school.
Have a sunny weekend.
Dr Newman and the Manor School family
Illuminate tour
Students in Year 7-11 were wowed by a special music performance on Wednesday 6 March from the electronic music acts LZ7 and Saintz. Focusing on mental health, anti-bullying and youth suicide, the two bands use music to reach and inspire young people to never give up and to live their lives on purpose.
As well as being able to get up to dance and sing along, students listened to what they had to say about living positively and asked a variety of questions about their musical careers & how their faith has supported them in times of difficulty.
The Illuminate tour is a nationwide schools tour that partners with local schools and churches, culminating in an evening performance at the end of the week. For details of their upcoming performance in Rushden this Saturday, please click here.
If students have been impacted by the performance and would like to seek mental health advice, please click here.
U13 boys football
Our U13 Boys have this week started their football league campaign with a resounding 7-2 victory against Wrenn, which included both a hat-trick and a long-range free kick. Goals were scored by Bobby L (x3), Billie L (x2), Charlie B (x1) and Jack M (x1).
Well done to everyone involved this week in representing the school.
National Careers Week
Students had a special Work.World.Wellness. lesson on Monday 4 March as part of National Careers Week, with KS5 students also attending a virtual careers fair.
If students are looking for further information about the world of work and possible career pathways, please visit the following websites:
Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month, an event which highlights the contribution of women to historical events and modern society. Students will therefore be learning about a variety of women during tutor time this month.
International Women's Day is also held on 8 March every year. Click here to discover why the event exists, as well as to find out about a selection of inspirational women.
World Book Day
World Book Day was held on Thursday 7 March. The official website has lots of resources for families such as reading logs, book recommendations and tips on how to make reading even more enjoyable.
The North Northamptonshire Council website has details of how to access free e-books and audiobooks, as well as opening hours and services of local libraries.
DofE Award
Duke of Edinburgh Award sessions will now be commencing weekly on a Monday after school in room 50. These are compulsory sessions for their expedition as students will be learning first aid, navigation skills and planning their routes. Any issues or queries please email Miss Pell (spell@manor.school).
Vaping warning
There have been a number of press reports about children being hospitalised after using vapes that contain cannabis or other drugs. Our local PCSO has also warned us that in some areas vapes are being modified so that young people are ingesting drugs unintentionally. Children under the age of 18 should not be vaping - nevertheless, it is important that we are all aware of this additional risk.
Invigilator vacancy
We are looking for a casual exam invigilator to join our examinations team. Please click here for details and to apply.