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Prep School Newsletter Friday 26 April 2024

With the much-anticipated performance of the Carnival of the Animals just around the corner, preparations have been in full swing for the performance on 1st May. We still have a few tickets left so do book them before Wednesday.

Congratulations to our fantastic Head Girl team for the Summer Term. Ella is our new Head Girl, and she is joined by her two Deputy Head Girls, Josie and Jessica. Year 6 leadership roles are as follows - well done, everyone, we look forward to your thoughts and ideas to help make your last term at KC Prep a memorable one:

  • Arts Captain - Hattie and Iris
  • STEM Captains - Issy and Anaaya
  • Humanities Captain - Ally and Eva
  • Librarians - Isobel and Emilia
  • Charity Prefects - Jendayi, Immi and Hattie W
  • Wellbeing Captain - Sophia
  • CELTS Captains - Arianna and Jendayi
  • DANES Captains - Shona and Sadhbh
  • SAXON Captains - Bea, Emilia and Issy

Prep School Notices

  • Whole School Photo -all children should arrive in school in their summer uniform. We appreciate that this is a transition year as we move from our old uniform to our new uniform. If children have the new school uniform, please could they wear it. If they do not have the new uniform items yet, please do not worry. If pupils have PE or Outdoor Learning on Monday, they should bring their kit to change into after the photographs have been taken. Formal Summer Uniform for pupils from Reception to Year 6 - Summer dress or shorts with a white blouse, navy shorts with a white shirt and the KC tie. Blue V-neck sweater (or pale blue cardigan or jumper) and white or navy socks. Nursery children should wear their Forest Explorers sweatshirt and polo shirt as usual with their choice of bottoms.

What happend in School this week?

Forest Explorers

We thoroughly enjoyed preparing homemade sausage rolls! From blending the sausage meat with flavourful ingredients to expertly wrapping them in pastry, every step was exciting. After a golden egg yolk glaze, they baked to perfection in just 30 minutes. The result? Pure culinary delight! We can't wait to whip up another batch soon!


This week, we began our Me and My Wonderful World topic. The children have enjoyed listening to and sequencing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We have drawn our castles and have used ink to give them some colour. Each of the children has planted a bean by reading and following the instructions, and we are hoping they are magic and a giant beanstalk will grow. Nothing has grown yet!

Year 1

Year 1 had an exciting week! They're gearing up for their part in the Carnival of the Animals and can't wait to perform with the rest of the school. In Art, they're exploring "Colour Chaos," diving into vibrant artworks like Mondrian's. This week, they're delving into secondary and tertiary colours, learning how to create artistic effects. French lessons have been engaging, with children mastering facial and body parts through songs and games. They even dressed a snowman, identifying accessories like "les yeux" and "les oreilles"!

Year 2

Year 2 have been busy practising their poems for the Carnival of the Animals performance next Wednesday 1 May. In art, they have created some wonderful pointillism sea creatures to help bring their performance to life.

Year 3

This week in maths, Year 3 have been learning how to find fractions of a set of objects. Using counters and dienes rods to help, they were successfully able to solve some challenging maths problems.

Year 4

4B have had a busy week going on beautiful bluebell walks with Mrs Youdale, writing wonderful descriptions of the Iron Man (which were packed full of similes) understanding decimals, creating jingles for a podcast, mapping Brazil and understanding ways in which electricity is generated. All of which has been done with great enthusiasm! Have a restful weekend, ready for another week of fun learning.

4B have been researching ways electricity is generated. They found out about renewable and non renewable energies and created little documentary films. Ever wondered how much of the UK electricity is provided by fossil fuels or renewables, then checkout the National Grid Website

Year 5

After using discussion and role play to understand the characters in our class text, Year 5 created freeze frames of a particular scene. 'Oranges in No-Man's Land' is set in 1970s Beirut, during the civil war. Ayesha, who is telling us the thrilling story of her experiences, describes a morning when she visits a checkpoint to collect refugee supplies. Although there is only kindness displayed by the guarding militiamen, Ayesha remains concerned and worried. She describes the militiamen, 'had built up two walls of sandbags on either side of the street...they all carried automatic weapons... I could never be really relaxed around,' them.

It was necessary to use inference in this lesson as many emotions were described to the reader through the physical movements of the characters.

Year 6

Another week has flown by during which time Year 6 have continued to be incredibly busy! In our English lessons we have been polishing our plans in preparation for the ‘Hot Write’ next week, while in maths we have been completing our work on decimals. We had a very challenging problem solving activity to conquer and we were wondering if everyone would like to have a go:

We are all practicing for ‘Carnival of the Animals’ in our music lessons, in our early work and for prep! Our rehearsals have gone well so far and next Wednesday promises to be a great performance. Alongside this, we are working with Mrs Lawson-Wood to get ready for the Year 6 production as well as studying the area controlled by the Shang Dynasty in humanities, going shopping in French and perfecting our bowling in cricket. Our cushions are making steady progress and we were painting the batiked square of cloth this week. Only one week to go until our residential trip to PGL and the excitement is mounting!

Year 6 painted their cushion covers this week. After carefully applying hot wax to their design specifications, batik paint was used to bring the cushion to life. There are some stunning designs and will all make a special keepsake from their time in Year 6.

The Wellbeing Hub


Have a lovely Weekend!
