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15th March 2024

Save the date

Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Monday 18th March – Pre-loved uniform sale

Tuesday 19th March – Tea & Talk: ODL and Art 8.50am

Thursday 28th March – Celebrating Together – 1.15pm

Thursday 28th March - Last day of term 1.15pm collection

Monday 15th April – Return after Easter break

Wednesday 1st May – Class photos

Message from the principal

Dear parents/carers,

An end of another week! Where is the half term going? I have loved spending time with children in the Early Years this week. The Tiny Tiddlers and parents were as welcoming as ever with chats and bubble time. They loved their easter cakes!

During PE, the children showed great skill in basketball and netball. They engaged in some great games, and I had a little play too!

Yr 6 PE

Other children have come to share their news from Dodgeball and Dragonball competitions. Yes, I did write ‘DRAGONBALL’. It is a new multi-sport based on a sport in a book. Two things we love – reading and sport. The children love it. Maybe one day we can even play Quidditch!

We have enjoyed looking at books from the World of Stories. The display has generated lots of discussion about favourite authors and texts along with new books to try.

This week our children enjoyed another career session as part of our project with My future, My Southend. This week the focus was on STEM. The children love to hear about the different careers and participate in the golden envelop tasks.

Today was also Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day is fun and the children looked great in their noses or accessories. Thank you for supporting and raising awareness. Comic Relief shows us that we can raise money to help those who need it but with a smile.

We love Lego at Darlinghurst and this year there is also a LEGO Build the change challenge and factsheets. Why not get building.

LEGO Build the Change | Comic Relief

If you make a lego creation we would love to see it.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls


World Book Day

Last Friday saw us celebrating World Book Day. It was wonderful to see everyone taking part by wearing costumes or pyjamas and showing off their favourite books.

Jacqui from Jacqson Diego shared stories with all the children across the academy and commented on how well behaved and enthusiastic the children were. She was also able to confirm that the winning children from the Masked Reader competition will be able to have story time at the book shop.

Thank you to everyone who paid to be part of the Masked Reader competition, we will put that money raised towards renewing some of our Whole Class Reading texts.

So, who were the masked readers?

How many did you get right?

The phase winners will be announced in next week’s celebration assembly so please remember to send your completed sheets back to school.

As part of our Reading for Pleasure initiative, our academy has enrolled in a World of Stories library programme. Miss Lynch and Mrs Richards have been busy learning about children’s books, what types of books interest children and how to create a fantastic library environment. To enhance our library stock, some of the Reading Ambassadors took delivery of 400 new books last week. It was lovely to see their excited faces as they ripped off the tape to reveal the books. The children were happily rifling through with gasps and open mouths. Our library is mid-transformation, and these new books will be added to the shelves soon.

Southend Music on Sea

On Wednesday evening, the KS2 choir took part in the Southend Makes Music event at the Palace Theatre. The choir consisted of children from years 3 - 6, who all have a passion for music and love to perform to family and friends. Their performance on stage consisted of a variety of songs that all share important messages and link to our academy values. The songs they performed included –

'Let love shine through' which spreads the message of how we live in a diverse world and all wish to feel that sense of belonging. It empowers everyone to celebrate their uniqueness and differences and to know we are all special no matter who we are.

'A drop in the ocean' links with our Darlinghurst logo of the little boat, using the ocean to symbolise the wide world and how we are just like a drop of water, one tiny part of something so grand, yet we can make a big difference if we just have determination.

'Power in me' shares the important message of believing in yourself, knowing you have the power to achieve anything you put your mind to. By having the confidence within, you can lead yourself to excellence.

The choir worked extremely hard on learning the songs for their performance. They all thoroughly enjoyed the evening and having the opportunity to go on stage to sing. Well done KS2 choir, you did us all proud!



This week, two of our all-girl dodgeball teams were in action in a local event. For some of the girls this was their first experience of competitive sport and as always, our fantastic children represented our school amazingly. There were ten schools at this event and our two teams finished the event with an almost perfect record only losing one match each. The hardest game for both of our teams was when they had to play each other which was a very competitive match as you can imagine!

Well done girls, you were awesome and we are very proud of you all.

Tea & Talk

Please join Miss Arnold and Mrs Buckley on Tuesday 19th March at 8.50am to learn more about our Outdoor Learning and Art provision.

Pre-loved uniform sale

We are preparing for our pre-loved sale on Monday 18th March at 3.10pm. If you have uniform that you would like to donate to our pre-loved sale, we would gladly accept these at the main office. The sale will be held in the main hall. Please collect your child at normal pick up and make your way to the main hall via the office. Please do not enter via the playground doors. We would be grateful of any change on the day.

School Nursing Team

The school nursing team will be holding a drop in clinic at the Academy on Wednesday 27th March at 8.30am. Please come to double doors by the Anchor Room at the front of the school and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.



Starfish – 97%


Shrimp – 98.9%


Billet – 98.5%


Get in touch

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea



Contact Us

T. 01702 478379

