Prep School Newsletter Friday 11 October 2024

Our pupils were delighted to meet families visiting their lessons during this week's Open Day. Our visitors were really impressed with the children's politeness, confidence and enthusiasm for learning. All pupils and staff must be congratulated for their outstanding efforts in making our guests feel so warmly welcomed.

We would also like to extend our thanks to the KCPPA for hosting the first Popcorn Night of the year– a wonderful way to round off a busy week, enjoyed by all with favourite films and treats.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the upcoming Celebration Assembly, our first Cakes and Concertos event this term, and the ever-popular Sponsored Walk. A gentle reminder to please complete and return the forms for the walk.

Sponsored Walk

Important Information and Event Details

The plans for the Kent College Sponsored Walk are well underway and we are looking forward to seeing as many families as possible join us to walk 10km in aid of some fantastic charities. We are proud to support three wonderful charities this year, chosen by our Prep and Senior students:

  • Hospice in the Weald: Offering essential care for adults and children with terminal or life-limiting illnesses in Kent and East Sussex.
  • Little Princess Trust: Providing free real-hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their hair due to illness, and funding childhood cancer research.
  • International Education Fund: Supporting educational causes worldwide.

Start times for the Sponsored Walk will be as follows:

  • Registration will take place in classes as usual at 8.30am. Refreshments will be available for parents from 8.30am at the Nursery side gate.
  • 9.15 am - Years 1 and 2
  • 9.25 am - Years 3 and 4
  • 9.35 am - Years 5 and 6
  • 9:30 am - The Bear Hunt starts at 9.30 am (and lasts approximately 45 minutes)

After completing the walk, those children with permission may go home with their designated adult. Otherwise, they will continue their day at KC Prep as usual. Nursery children who don't normally attend on a Friday, but who are joining us for a Bear Hunt, will go home with their designated adult following the walk.

What Happened in School this week

Forest Explorers

Forest Explorers have had a lovely week! We’ve been learning about different types of vegetables. The children really enjoyed listening to the story “The Enormous Turnip”, and we had lots of fun cutting out pictures of vegetables and saying their names.

We also got creative with vegetable printing, making colourful patterns using carrots, potatoes, and other vegetables. It’s been a fun week, and we’re excited about more learning and exploring next week!


In Reception this week the children have continued learning about the senses. We recapped what the senses are and how we use them all the time to learn about the world around us. This week we focused on sight. We talked about how we can see things that are close to us and far away. We had fun playing a sight and memory game. The children were very good at looking to see which item was missing! In Phonics we have learnt two tricky words this week. These are the words we look at and remember and we cannot use our sound knowledge to work out.

Year 1

In Science this week Year 1 enjoyed exploring their senses! We played spot the difference, guess the sound and tasted, smelled and touched a variety of mystery objects. We learned how our senses help us make sense of the world around us and that they help keep us safe.

Year 2

This week in Year 2, the children explored the rich tradition of Aboriginal art, learning about its history, symbols, and cultural significance. They studied the vibrant colours and intricate dot patterns commonly used by Aboriginal artists to tell stories and represent the natural world. Inspired by this, they then created their own artwork, using similar techniques such as dot painting and earthy colour schemes.

Year 3

Year 3 have been busy creating Indian-inspired patterns by carving their designs onto foam blocks. They then used contrasting colours to print these intricate patterns onto paper. The students showed great creativity and attention to detail, and the final works of art are a vibrant display of their hard work. The colourful prints now brighten up the art room, and everyone is proud of the beautiful results!

Year 4

This week has been another very busy one! In English the children spent time preparing to write a piece linked to our book, ‘The Iron Man’. They thought about fiction hook openings, great descriptions, paragraphs, cliff hanger endings and so much more. In maths they concluded their work on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and then had their Thursday problem solving session. They had to solve the ‘Magic V’– you can see from the photos that they displayed resilience and determination to gain their successful solutions! Alongside this, they have learned about the water cycle, practised their French and their swimming, played hockey, found out how messages travel through the internet and recalled facts about Henry VIII – phew! What a week!

Year 5

Leaf identification saw Year 5 being incredibly observant last Friday. Armed with iPads to photograph their findings, the class explored the school grounds for numerous trees, including Ash, Beech and Rowan.

Once they'd trained their eyes to look for detail, it was clear they saw so much more. An almost illuminous hairy caterpillar was spotted sauntering up a wide trunk, numbered discs were sighted on many trees and cloud formations were commented on. Conversation and questioning filled the session which continued in our computing lesson where the children presented their findings, using 'pic collage'.

Year 6

This week Year 6 have been learning about prime numbers and prime factors. They enjoyed the challenge of finding which number less than 50 had the most prime factors. Some had a go at using their knowledge of prime factors to solve this problem: find three consecutive integers that have a product of 720. Year 6 have been working collaboratively online, using a shared PowerPoint and the comments feature to make presentations about renewable energies. During Open Morning, they dived into this theme deeper by experimenting with the turbine blades of wind generators to see what design produced the most electricity on a voltmeter. Also in Science, they finished off the Evolution topic by crossbreeding dogs to create new breeds, such as Welsh Husky (Welsh Corgi x Siberian Husky) or Poomation (Poodle x Dalmation). The week was finished off with a lovely buddy assembly, where Year 6 spent some time playing with their Year 2 buddies.

Sport News

This week, children in Early Years and Key stage 1 thoroughly enjoyed showcasing their talents on the sports field, scoring tries and goals with great enthusiasm, and making the most of the sunshine despite the chilly autumn weather. They showed great teamwork and sportsmanship and it was wonderful to see their determination and energy shine through.

Have a lovely weekend.