Humanity and Harmony Connecting with Animals for a Better World

Even after years of evolution, one thing stands true: animals love better than humans do. We think of ourselves at the top of the food chain. However, the animal kingdom still surpasses us in many ways. These wonderful creatures, which many of us do not appreciate enough, can teach us so much. Not only do animals love us, but they can also have feelings and express their affection for one another. Although they may convey it in different ways, the aspect of love is pretty obvious when you take a look at them. The bond they create shows evidence that they can experience many of the same emotions humans do.

Final Project

Animal and A Pen

We managed to meet Mr.Fakhri Ouda who is known as an actor, broadcaster, and public relations expert. He eagerly accepted our request to take the interview. We explained our concerns about our project, and he instantly got the idea and asked for the mic. Mr.Fakhri didn’t even pause or hesitate to share his ideas and stories related to animals. He shared his personal experience and explained his mutual connection with animals. He related to the animal by pointing out his pen from his pocket. Explaining that animals are the same as a pen he had with him in old photos when he was young. He emphasized that just like a pen holds memories and significance, animals also hold a special place in his heart and have played a significant role in shaping his life. Ouda passionately spoke about the importance of treating animals with love, respect, and compassion, highlighting how they can teach us valuable lessons about empathy and kindness. He had a photo since 1974 when he went to England with his cat he had a deep bond and the cat loved him even more when he was involved with his family. He further explained that animals symbolize innocence and affection. Ends by saying that especially animals show friendship and sympathy to humans when we treat them right.

Life with the Birds

We had the pleasure of meeting Hasan Ashkanani, a Kuwaiti who has been the owner of a store at the bird market for over 40 years. He shared with us his extensive experience and life in the bird market. He recounted the moment when he brought a bird from Malaysia by himself, which he grew fond of and took with him everywhere. The customers also loved it. However, one day it fell ill in the store and died. He explained that there are medicines available these days that can prevent birds from getting ill. He still runs the shop firmly even in his old age. The market became his second home.

He expressed his desire for the place to be renovated, cleaner, and more organized so that more Kuwaitis and customers can come and buy his birds.

Photo Story

This photo story captures the essence of a day in a pet shop, highlighting the diverse and heartwarming moments that make this environment a hub for animal lovers and prospective pet owners alike. pet zone company is popular in Kuwait and known as the cleanest and best place to take care of animals specially pets , the have more than 11 years experience in the pet industry, the team of petzone they are Vero organized and kinds to animals and customers. they have 48 location around the world.

Akbar get rid of old pets food
Hassan wiping the floor
Akbar putting food for the rabbits
Akbar cleaning the birds cage
Krishna hand feeding the rabbits
krishna petting the rabbit
the rabbit drinking clean water with vitamins
akhbar love the rabbits specially the white rabbit

Inside the petzone

In this interview, we searched through the lively world of pet care through the eyes of a passionate pet shop worker. From the morning routines to the heartwarming customer interactions, the behind-the-scenes glimpse revealed the dedication and joy that come with working in a pet-centric environment.

The interviewee, Ahlam, a pet shop worker with years of experience, shared insights into the challenges and rewards of the job. From ensuring the well-being of diverse animal species to assisting customers in finding the perfect companion and items needed, the responsibilities of a pet shop worker go beyond simply stocking shelves. She had also experienced some unfortunate incidents when a customer brought three kittens with poor health conditions. Even with careful treatment and care, the kittens didn't make it. Ahlam emphasized the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations and the mental impact it can have on a pet shop worker. Despite these difficult moments, she found solace in knowing that she was able to provide comfort and support to both the animals and their owners during their time of need.

Discover the unique stories of different pets, their quirks, and the memorable moments that make each day special. Gain a deeper understanding of the essential role pet shop workers play in encouraging ethical pet ownership and creating bonds between animals and the people who will eventually own them.