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Cultivating Franklin Franklin County Center

August 2024


Dominque Simon, Extension Agent - Family and Consumer Sciences - Health, Nutrition, & Food Safety recently received the the NEAFCS Early Career Award and a second place award: NCEAFCS Communications Television/Video Award.

Pictured with Dominque are NC State Extension Director Rich Bonanno, Misty Blue-Terry NC A&T Assistant Administrator for Youth, Families and Communities.

Wishing all the best to Daniel Harmon, Summer intern as he returns to college at Clemson University.

Franklin County Center Summer Intern Daniel Harmon with Extension agents (clockwise from top left), Meg Wyatt, William Landis, Extension director Charles Mitchell, Dominque Simon and Martha Mobley.


NC 4-H Congress

Nine Franklin County 4-H'ers attended NC 4-H Congress at NCSU Campus in July. Representatives were: Ayden Wyatt, Meredith Potter, Emma Haynes, Tia Iversen, Mia Clark, Sophia Bobbitt, William Kozak, Layla Stoudemire, Kendal and Holly Thornburg. One youth was inducted into 4-H Honor Club, two youth finished their district officer term, one youth began their district officer term, one youth finished their state officer term and one youth ran for state office.

Franklin County had six youth present on the state level for 4-H presentations during Congress events and the following youth won in their categories: Ayden Wyatt-Silver in Careers and Entrepreneur, Kennedy Wyatt-Silver in Arts and Communications, Holly Thornburg-Silver in Arts and Communications, Meredith Potter-in Food and Nutrition, and Valerie Poole-Gold in Small Companion Animals. These youth participated in workshops and elected their incoming state 4-H officers for the 2024-2025 year. Franklin County 4-H is extremely proud of all of these youth. Learn more

Pictured below (clockwise from top) left to right: Back row-Alumni Lance Williams, Emma Haynes, Layla Stoudemire, Kendal Thornburg, Meg Wyatt; Front row: Meredith Potter, Sophia Bobbitt, Holly Thornburg, Mia Clark, Tia Iversen, William Kozak and Ayden Wyatt; Girls Gala photo; middle row: Kendal making paper; Ayden Making Paper; Valerie Poole presentation; Bottom row:Gala photo-Group, girls and boys; Boys Gala photo; Candid shot of kids around NCSU symbol.

Franklin County 4-H’er inducted into NC 4-H Honor Club

High 4-H achievement honored with lifelong membership in Honor Club. On July 22nd, Franklin County resident and 4-H member Lance Williams was inducted into the North Carolina 4-H Honor Club during a ceremony at North Carolina 4-H Congress. Induction into 4-H Honor Club marks high achievement and participation in 4-H and guarantees members a connection to NC 4-H for a lifetime. Learn more

New Honor Club member Lance Williams was recognized at North Carolina 4-H Congress July 22, 2024.

2024 4-H Youth Voice

Franklin County 4-H'er Tia Iversen attended the 2024 4-H Youth Voice event at the annual NC County Commissioners Conference. She learned about budgeting, leadership, and how to make tough decisions in her community. She enjoyed learning how she can make a difference in her local government and by talking with her Franklin County commissioners. Learn more

Above, from left: Tia Iversen, County Manager Kim Denton, County Commissions Kelli London, Danny Pearce.

Electric Congress

Franklin County 4-H'er Meredith Potter attended the 77th annual NC 4-H Electric Congress. She was able to Tour the Duke Energy Bad Creek Pumped Storage. This is one of the largest hydroelectric generating facilities on Duke Energy's system. Learn More

Above, Meredith is standing at the Bad Creek Dam. Group photo, left to right are Franklin County 4-H Volunteer Alesia Moore, Meredith Potter, 4-H State Member Engagement Officer and Franklin County 4-H'er Emma Haynes and Duke Energy Representative.

Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp

11 Franklin County 4-H'ers attended Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Overnight Camp July 28th-August 2nd. Youth participated in many activities throughout the week and made new friendships that will last a lifetime. Some activities included: swimming, rock climbing, archery, hiking, environmental science, creek stomping, team building, high ropes (ziplining), canoeing, and arts and crafts just to name a few. Camp participants were Ayden and Kennedy Wyatt, Bryelle Simon, Sophia, Eli and Avaleigh Blair, Savannah Paschal, William Kozak, Gracie Wyld, Layla Stoudemire, Georgia Plascencia.

State 4-H Horse Show

Franklin County had two youth representing us at the NC 4-H State Horse Show in July. The youth were: Meredith Poole and Etta Rose Ellis. Meredith Poole competed in the Little Britches Showmanship at Halter earning 2nd Place, Little Britches Western Horsemanship earning 2nd Place, Little Britches Western Pleasure (Walk, Jog) earning 3rd Place, and Little Britches Trail. Her placing combined placed her 3rd place in Little Britches (combination ranking of all five Little Britches classes). A lot of other parents and club members showed up to support the youth showing. Learn more

Pictured above at left: Meredith Poole; Group Photo: left to right: Brooks Barna, Meg Barna, Meredith Poole, Etta Rose Ellis, Audrey Barna, Carrie Pickworth, Valerie Poole, Jaxon Ellis, Whit Ellis, Laurel Campau, Nolan Cross, Jessica Ellis, Fletcher Cross; at right: Etta Rose Ellis.

Franklin & Warren County 4-H Youth Dairy Show

Franklin and Warren County 4-H Youth Dairy program participants with Franklin County Extension Agent Matthew Place and Warren County staff member Logan Clarke.

4-H’ers from Franklin and Warren Counties competed in the Johnston County Dairy Show on Sunday, August 11th in Smithfield. They competed against youth from Johnston County as well as Alamance County. The show in Smithfield was the end of the project in which the 4-H’ers had two months to train a group of Holstein and Jersey calves to get them ready to compete in the show. This program was made possible by the staff of both the Franklin and Warren County Cooperative Extension offices, as well as great volunteers and sponsors. For more information about the 4-H Youth Development program, contact the office at 919-496-3344 or Meg Wyatt, 4-H Youth Development Agent.

2024 Franklin County 4-H Fun Livestock Show

12th Annual Franklin County 4-H Fun Livestock Show was conducted Monday, Aug 12. All the participants and staff did a great job and had fun! Thank you judges, volunteers and families!

The 12th Annual Franklin County FUN 4-H Livestock Show was held on Monday, August 12th with 15 county youth showing 21 of their own animals.. sheep, chickens, rabbits, and cattle. Wake Electric We Care presented the program with a $2,000 grant to support this event. All of the youth were so excited and learned much from each other and the two judges. Results were, Grand Champion Poultry Showman: Holly Thornburg; Reserve Champion Poultry Showman; Valerie Poole; Grand Champion Rabbit Showman: Emma Haynes; Reserve Champion Poultry Showman: Camden Beaugh; Grand Champion Sheep Showman: Valerie Poole; Reserve Champion Sheep Showman: Meredith Poole; Grand Champion Cattle Showman: Valerie Poole; Reserve Champion Cattle Showman: Meredith Poole.

For additional 4-H information, contact the office at 919-496-3344, or Meg Wyatt.


28th Annual Franklin County Horse Farm Tour

On Friday, August 2nd, the 28th Annual Franklin County Horse Farm tour was held showcasing three new or recently renovated horse farms. Educational topics were covered at each stop. Over 100 people participated in the educational event. Riding demonstrations, forages update, AI in horses, updates on various diseases, etc. were discussed by top specialists from NCSU including the School of Veterinary Medicine.

Franklin County Horse Farm Tour participants visited three farms in the county with educational speakers and demonstrations. The tour ended with presentations, vendor introductions and lunch in the County Conference room.

South Carolina Climate Smart trip

A very educational travel trip was planned and conducted by Ag Agent, Martha Mobley, to western South Carolina on August 19-20 with four producers. They visited three diverse, outstanding SC forage producers who are enrolled in the same type of "Climate Smart" practices on farms with fescue and are one year ahead of NC producers. Our group met with Clemson University Extension Staff on the trip and much information was exchanged between the NC & SC groups. The NC Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors gave the agent a small grant to help with costs for the farmers. Franklin County has the largest group of beef cattle producers in the state enrolled in the new "Climate Smart" project. The program began this summer. For information about livestock contact the office at 919-496-3344, or Extension agent Martha Mobley

Franklin County livestock producers associated with a “Climate Smart” forage program participants visiting three outstanding beef cattle and horse farms in western South Carolina.

Local Foods

Growing Cucumbers in the Home Garden

Cucumbers are a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes squash and melons. There are two types of cucumbers that can be grown. There are slicing cucumbers and pickling cucumbers. They can be grown in a variety of shapes and sizes, from 1 inch long to greenhouse varieties that can reach 20 inches or longer. Learn more

For additional gardening information, contact the Franklin County Center, 919-496-3344 or visit our website.

Cucumbers-Nutrition Facts & Benefits

Though commonly thought to be a vegetable, cucumber is a fruit. It’s high in beneficial nutrients, as well as certain plant compounds and antioxidants that may help treat and even prevent some conditions. Cucumbers are also low in calories and contain a good amount of water and soluble fiber, making them ideal for promoting hydration and aiding in weight loss.

The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in cucumber provide significant health benefits. For example, cucumber skin is full of beta-carotene, which is part of the reason for its rich green color. The carotene family of pigments are important provitamins. Your body can convert beta-carotenes into Vitamin A, which is a critical vitamin for keeping your eyes and skin healthy. Learn more

Making a Crisp Cucumber Avocado Salad with NC Cooperative Extension, Homegrown in the Kitchen.

For Family & Consumer Science information, contact the office, 919-496-3344 or FCS Extension Agent Dominque Simon.

Franklin County Farmers Market

Market Hours: Open Fridays, 9am to 1pm. For Farmers Market information, contact 919-496-3344, or Pat Ayscue, Farmers Market Manager. Learn more

Visit NC Farms App

The Visit NC Farms App can connect you to farms in communities across North Carolina. Download the app to explore local foods, farmers markets, U-Pick farms & more. Available for Apple and Android. #VisitNCFarms Learn more

Upcoming Programming

  • Fall Extension Gardener Classes - Sept. 4, 11, 18
  • Pesticide Applicator Training - Sept. 5, 6:30 pm Please call the Cooperative Extension Office at 919-496-3344 to register for attending these trainings in person. 2 Credits for the following categories: A, B, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, T, D, X
  • Frontline Employee Food Safety Training to be held at local NC Extension offices in Fall 2024

For information about our programs, contact the Franklin County Center office, 919-496-3344 or visit our website.
