

13th October 2023

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and carers,

This week we have focused on being effective contributors and how we can make a difference to others. We have supported two awareness days showing that the personal attributes of generosity and kindness can change a situation for someone’s mental and physical health.

On Monday, we held a special assembly where children focused on ‘harvest for the homeless and those in poverty’. We gathered all our donations and built a collective contribution to the local charity, St Vincent’s de Paul. The charity puts concern into action and helps those in need within the city. Children in key stage 2 carried items into the assembly hall and added to the collection as they reflected in thought and along to song.

On Tuesday, we participated in the awareness day, ‘Hello Yellow’ adding yellow accessories to our uniform and focusing on children’s mental health. This was in support of the charity, Young Minds. Children focused on how the importance of mental health and wellbeing and how we can keep a healthy body and mind, taking a mindful minute. We celebrated #Hello Yellow in conjunction with Just One Tree. As an eco-school and a mentally healthy school, we recognise the importance of plants, trees and nature in supporting our mental health and promoting our emotional wellbeing. There was a wide variety of interpretations of accessorising our school uniform and children engaged with activities to Stand out and Show up.

Donations can still be made to these fantastic charities via Parent Pay up until the end of the half term.

On Wednesday, a group of children went to a bowling event and had a wonderful time. They all returned with medals and certificates. They invited me to go along to a future session as they loved it so much. I am not sure they will want to see my bowling skills but as I always promote – practice and always try your best!

We also had our second tea and talk of the week with a fantastic turn out and session with Mrs Dunne and miss Lynch. Parents found out about maths across the academy and our focus on multiplication and Times Table RockStars. Parents shared how they are keen to engage in more sessions and even experience a maths session from a child’s perspective.

On Thursday, we held our Open evening. This was a wonderful evening allowing us to share what makes Darlinghurst special and allow parents to view the grounds, classrooms and talk to staff about our curriculum offer. The prospective parents were impressed by our facilities and rich curriculum. They were also impressed by the confidence and happiness of our children; from the choir to the prefects, to our active citizens and to the cheer squad - who bought cheer to us all. There were smiles and a few happy tears too.

I would like to say thank you to all our staff, and external partners Aspens, and Uniform Direct and the Legra technical team for making the evening a success. Thank you to our head prefects, past and present, who engaged in public speaking to such a large audience, sharing how Darlinghurst has supported their journey. It was heartwarming.

Feedback from the evening has been extremely positive, with parents sharing that they have heard and seen great things about us, and I know that this is also due to the positive voice and relationships with you all.

I have planned tours for prospective parents over the coming months, so if you were unable to attend, or know someone making a school choice for their little one, come along and see the academy in action.

On Friday, we celebrated the week in our Celebration assembly and what a great celebration it was! We love to share success inside and outside of the academy.

Finally, good luck to our Year 6 children who will shortly be receiving their 11+ results. Mrs Hahn has enjoyed working with them over the last year and we wish them all the very best!

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the spotlight

Computing In the spotlight

Delegates from across Southend and Essex came along to Darlinghurst for the first in a series of training for computing. It is part of the National Computing Centre Course accreditation programme with 6 sessions focused on teaching and assessing computing. The delegates enjoyed the session, our facilities and a sneaky preview of our choir and cheer squad in rehearsal for open evening. They are keen for us to host again.

Tea and talks in the spotlight

Tea and Talk – Nursery

This week we welcomed some new families to our Nursery tea and talk. This informal meet and greet was a chance for parents to meet the staff who will be working with their children in Nursery. Miss Gue went through some of the formalities of Nursery and was able to enjoy a cup of tea and biscuits with the families before Mrs Elliott and Mrs Fennel joined us to introduce themselves. It was so lovely to meet some new families and reconnect with existing families of the Academy.

Thank you to everyone that come along, we look forward to seeing you next time.

Miss Wise and Miss Gue

Tea and Talk – Homework: Numbots, TTRS and Year 4 Multiplication Check

On Wednesday Mrs Dunne (maths lead) and Miss Lynch held a Tea and Talk on the importance of learning the times tables. We explained which times tables are taught in each year group and how children can be supported at home using Numbots and Times Table Rockstars. Parents also asked for some alternative ways of engaging their children in times tables and we shared some strategies and games we used in school.

If you missed the Tea and Talk and would like to know the expectations for your child, the PowerPoint is on our school website. If you would ever like a strategy explained or clarified, please talk to your child’s teacher and I am sure they would be happy to oblige. We have taken on parent’s feedback and will be providing further support on supporting your child at home in maths.

Thank you very much to all the parents that attended the session.

Mrs Dunne and Miss Lynch

Year 6 – Secondary School Admissions 2024/2025

Please be reminded that the deadline for submitting your child's secondary school application is the 31st October 2023. For Southend residents, applications can be submitted via your online portal

Alternatively, if you live outside of the Southend area, you must apply to the local authority where you pay your council tax. Should you have any queries, please contact the admissions team on admissions@southend.gov.uk

Flu Immunisation

The Immunisation team will be visiting the Academy on Tuesday 14th November to administer the annual flu spray. You must complete the online form to say if you give your consent or not for your child to have the spray administered. If a form is not submitted your child will not receive the immunisation.



Starfish – 98.6%


Shrimp – 100%

Albatross – 97.6%


Mayflower – 98.3%

Seashell – 97.8%

Proud to be me


Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Monday 16th October – A Day in Reception Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Wednesday 18th October – KS2 Reading and Accelerated Reader Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Wednesday 18th October – Year 5 trip to Hadleigh Castle

Friday 20th October – Year 6 cake sale

Friday 20th October – Half term - 3.10pm pick up

Monday 6th November – Back to school

Wednesday 8th November – Pre-loved sale – Main Hall 3.10pm

Tuesday 14th November – Reception phonics Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Tuesday 14th November – School nurses – Flu spray for Reception – Year 6

Wednesday 15th November – Online Safety Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Friday 24th November – Key Stage 2 French Tea & Talk: 8.50am

Friday 24th November – Individual and Sibling photographs

Contact Us

Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea

Essex SS9 3JS

T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207

E. generalenquiries@darlinghurst.co.uk