It was a great first week back! Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and there will be no school. We look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday, January 16.
We are entering the winter weather season. Please scroll down and read our virtual learning information. Classroom teachers will provide more information on weather cancellation days. We will be sending all iPads home this weekend.
A friendly reminder that school devices are intended to be used for school related content only. Safety is always our number one priority, electronic use included. Firewalls are in place and I receive student search history summaries to ensure safety, but your support at home is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support with your student's iPad use.
Shoe Recycling Challenge
The “No Cold Feet” shoe recycling challenge is the week of January 22-26. You may begin sending in shoes at anytime!
Helping Your Learner At Home: Are you looking for ways to help your learner at home? Click here for the GC Literacy Corner. The website was created by Mechelle Smith, Special Education teacher at MIS. It is filled with many great tips and short videos. This website will be updated frequently with new videos from our staff and additional resource pages will be added.
Visitors/Volunteers: Please make sure you have a valid background check on file. You can access the link here. You will not be permitted to volunteer without one on file. We appreciate your compliance with this and helping us keep our students and staff safe.
Inclement Weather:
We are in the season of unpredictable weather. There may be days school is canceled due to inclement weather or cold temperatures.
Planned eLearning Day (April 8): These are asynchronous learning days where students independently complete lessons provided by their child’s teacher.
Virtual Learning Day (Inclement Weather Days): These are synchronous learning days where your child’s teacher will offer a live teaching lesson. Your child should plan to log into a Google meet at the designated time, using the designated code. Your child should adhere to their teacher’s expectations, including:
- Once logged in, mute yourself until it is your turn to talk
- Be in an appropriate space free of distractions
- Be in appropriate clothing for school
- Complete and submit assignments provided by the teacher
We know that sometimes these days can present challenges for families and that your child may be in a situation without internet access and may not be able to log in and attend live sessions. Teachers will record their sessions and make them available to families. All work should be completed by the student to count as a day of attendance. Your classroom teacher will be in contact with you in the event of an inclement weather day resulting in virtual learning. Thank you for all you do to support your child. Below is the schedule the GC elementary schools will follow on inclement weather virtual learning days. Student learning begins at 8:30 AM.
Medication Drop-Off ~
- Students are not allowed to self-carry medication. All medication must be administered through the clinic. Please contact Mrs. Potter, School Health Assistant, if you have any questions.
- Medication must be accompanied by the appropriate form, and the form must be complete and accurate for the medication to be accepted. Medication forms can be found in the link below.
PTO meetings will be held virtually via Google Meet. A link for the monthly meeting will be sent sent via email beforehand. The dates are listed below. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
PTO Board Meetings. Meetings will begin at 6:30 PM via Google Meet.
- January 24th
- April 17th
PTO Board Members:
- Gretchen Dorsey – President
- Rachel Tipton – Secretary
- Tiffany Garritano – Treasurer
Important Dates:
- January 15 - MLK Day (no school)
- January 16 - Report Cards Available to Families
- February 9 - Sweetheart Dance 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
- March 14 - 2nd Grade Music Program 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
- April 5 - K/1 VIP Breakfast 6:45 AM - 7:15 AM & Report Cards Available @ 1:00 PM
- April 8 - E - Learning Day
- May 2 - 1st Grade Music Program 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
- May 3 - 2/3 VIP Breakfast 6:45 AM - 7:15 AM
- June 7 - Report Cards Available to Families
School Lunch & Breakfast Fees ~ The school meals program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, school corporations across the country have been operating with the use of a federal waiver that allowed them to feed every child for free through the end of this school year. The use of this waiver will not be available this school year and corporations will return to the traditional eligibility requirements for free, reduced and paid meals. This means that for School Year 2023-2024, our school corporation will be charging students for breakfasts and lunches. Free & Reduced Application for Families
EZ School Pay ~ Lunch Accounts - Greenfield-Central is once again using to put lunch money in your child’s lunch account (there is a small fee and you will need your child’s student number found on Powerschool). Lunch money may also be submitted by check when you come to registration. Please be sure to keep your child’s lunch account in good standing. Additionally, our cafeteria computer system does not have the capabilities to put a “block” on student lunch accounts for purchasing extra lunch items. You will want to make sure your child is on the same page as you when it comes to spending lunch account money.
YMCA ~ We do offer YMCA after school care. Please visit the link below to register your student and read more information regarding the program.