Building Connections nursery, spring term, week 11

First of all, I hope everyone is enjoying their new story together at home. Reading together provides an opportunity for you to connect with your child. Fostering a deep connection means that they are more willing to follow your lead, and you will have a peaceful home! This is a subject that has come up recently with a lot of parents. If you have a spare five minutes I recommended reading some of the articles on this website: (Google 'A-ha parenting').

Thank you to everyone who was able to come along to our Hooks into Books event. The children loved the story and the activities.

Our Hooks into Books event.

The children seeing adults enjoying books encourages them to pick up a book during their time to play and learn at school. I was very excited to see a discussion happening between the boys in our reading area about which picture book was 'the best'. Developing a love of reading will help the children to build language skills, learn about the world, and develop empathy and emotional awareness. 

Choosing and looking at books together.

I haven't got much more to share this week, other than a few photographs of our trip to 'The Big Yard' which is held in very high regard by the children. It's a chance to try moving our bodies in new ways. The children are very impressive with their physical ability and self belief when trying new challenges.

Happy playing together in the sunshine and building strong connections with friends.