"Odysseus, Listen Closely" - A poem by Dayna Wong

“Odysseus, Listen Closely"

Listen closely to all I tell you now,

Do not let your ears submit to the Sirens’ sounds,

If you drown from their voice in the air,

No returning home,

No son to see grown,

No wife to hold,

Their songs shall drag you into despair,

Listen closely

Let me make it clear,

To shelter your shipmates from the Sirens’ song,

Soften some beeswax,

Stop your shipmates ears,

If you overhear the Sirens’ sounds,

Have them tie you to the ship,

And if you create sounds,

Yearning to be let go,

They must neglect your cries,

Proceeding to head home,

Listen closely, I must remind you,

Once your shipmates leave the Sirens behind you,

What appears are two paths,

Which one to take?

That question requires your answer alone,

I cannot guide you,

I am able to give you a description,

However you perceive all I say with suspicion,

Stop being stubborn and–

Listen closely, whatever you do,

Leave the beasts alone,

Maintain sight on home,

I see your future, all in a glance,

Harmed in any way,

All shall be destroyed,

You shall come home as a broken man.

Listen closely, I am one with no bluff,

The intent to stay alive,

To return to Ithaca,

Is all I desire for the man I once loved,

So please, my dear—

Odysseys, Listen Closely