CRA Newsletter 24.05.2024 Half Term 5 - May 2024

SLT Update

As we reach half term, the year 11s are just over half way through their GCSE exams and continue to show our CRA values in their efforts in school and at home. After the holiday we will be having a big focus on expectations, starting with uniform. This includes students having a CRA school bag, black socks, ties with 7 stripes showing, school shoes, jewellery as per our uniform policy and natural make up only, including no false lashes or painted/acrylic nails. Please follow this link to our website for further details. We thank you in advance for your support at home in ensuring that your child is conforming to our expectations.

Wishing all our CRA families a lovely half term break.

Important dates to remember

  • 28th and 29th May 2024 - Half term sports camp for primary aged students.
  • 19th June 2024 - Year 11 Leavers Assembly
  • 2nd July 2024 - Transition day
  • 10th July 2024 - Year 5 open evening
  • 12th July 2024 - Break up for summer holidays

DRET Community

FREE TICKETS TO THE MAGIC FLUTE – Friday 31st May, 5.00 – 8.00 pm

You are warmly invited to see the Open Dress Rehearsal of the new production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute at Nevill Holt Theatre next week.

The Nevill Holt Theatre is at Nevill Holt, around 15 minutes outside Market Harborough. The postcode for sat nav is LE16 8EG. The recently built theatre is one of the most celebrated in the country and has won several awards; this production of the Magic Flute is spectacular and also features students from Kingsthorpe College, Malcolm Arnold Academy and Northampton school for girls playing the parts of the three 'Genii@ (spirits).

Last year, all our pupils in Year 6 performed a shortened version of the opera during the 2023 Primary Music Festival - so this is a wonderful opportunity for them to see a fully staged version with professional singers and orchestra. And for free!

Free tickets are available for pupils, parents, staff and families and can be obtained from When you have chosen your seats, apply the promotional code DRET and this removes the booking fee.

Year 5 Open Evening

Year 11 Focus

Well done to Year 11 for making it through the first two weeks of their GCSE exams. Behaviour and attitude continue to be excellent throughout the exams and during revision sessions. It is imperative that students attend all papers for all exams. If they miss one, they will fail that exam unless we have medical evidence to support an application for special consideration and even then it is not guaranteed that the exam boards will accept that.

Please take the half term holiday to have a much needed break whilst continuing to revise, the time away from school should be planned carefully to make sure that revision continues. Please see below the timetable of exams for the first week after half term.

End of Year Exams

Year 7-10 KPI3 - end of year exams

After the half-term break, students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will be undertaking their next KPI assessments. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator and the results your child achieves will be communicated home to you. This will help you to understand how your child has performed academically during this school year. These summative assessments will enable your child’s teachers to receive important information about what your child does and does not understand. This information is important to the teachers as it will enable them to plan how to support pupils in the remaining weeks of this school year, and proactively plan for the start of next year.

As students progress through secondary school and varying assessments, it is important that they are preparing for each of them through appropriate revision from home. Developing these skills is vital in making effective progress and will prove crucial if embedded by the time students begin their GCSE years. A guide to effectively revising will be shared with all parents soon in the build-up to these exams and it is important that you are supporting your child from home with their revision by using the guidance and strategies outlined.

End of year exams will take place on the following weeks:

  • Year 7-9 - week commencing 10th June
  • Year 10 - week commencing 3rd June

Why We Do What We Do

SEN Coffee Mornings

So we can meet our parents informally we run a SEN Coffee morning once a half term. Sometimes we focus on a key topic, sometimes we have outside speakers and sometimes it is just for a chat about how students are doing.

Once the date of the next meeting is confirmed , we will send out notification.

CRA Character

After the half term we will focusing on RESPECT and TOLERANCE, 2 of our British Values. We will be looking at these in whole school assembly and also during tutor time. With this focus, we will reinforce the rationale of why we do what we do at CRA to support students' in their understanding of our CRA standard operating procedures.

Word of the week​​​.​​​

Mort: death (Latin root word)

  • Immortal living forever; never dying or decaying
  • Morgue a room or building in which dead bodies are kept, for hygienic storage or for examination, until burial or cremation
  • Mortal (of a living human being, often in contrast to a divine being) subject to death.

Times Tables

At the end of all lessons students stand behind their chairs in silence to prepare for themselves for the next lesson. From September, on a weekly rota, Years 7 and 8 will be reciting their timetables to help embed them in their long term memory.

Week commencing 3rd June 2024 - 9

Accelerated Reading

Week commencing 3rd June 2024 - Period 4

Teen Support..

Thinking Ahead – My Future, My Choice

Each week we will show you examples of the various careers linked to the subject you are studying. This week’s career idea is ‘Jobs related to animal care'

Mr Rees - Careers' Support


Attendance – Term 5, Week 6

Year 8 have achieved 1st place with a top attendance score beating all the other year groups, well done Year 8, great effort. Year 9 are in 5th place as the lowest attending year group.

The girls have had a great run and finish this week in 1st place beating the boys by a tiny 0.7%.

Caeli have finished first again with the highest overall attendance this week, beating Terra by 3.7%, well-done Caeli! Special mention for Caeli 10 who have achieved 97.4%, excellent effort.

Friday has seen our highest percentage of absence this week. Missing just one day can have an impact on students learning experiences and outcomes.

Well done to all 81 students who have achieved 100% attendance this term, fantastic effort!

Well done to the following students who have shown great resilience with their attendance

Ruby Year 10
Harry Year 8

If your child is absent from school, please ensure you contact school daily either by email/MCAS or by telephoning the attendance line 01476 550333 ext 502. It is vital we are notified everyday of any absence for safeguarding reasons, unless previously authorised. A reason for illness will always be requested, this is to observe attendance patterns and outbreaks of illness amongst students.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself on 01476 550333 ext 515 or ext 502 to discuss ways to support your child's attendance.

CRA - Lets work together to make every day count!

Mrs Coleman - Attendance Manager

Holiday Warning Letter

House News

House Summer Games Basketball

Term 5 House Summer Games competitions came to an end this week with students across year 7 & 8 visiting Stamford Knights indoor training facility to compete in a number of head to head 3x3 basketball matches.

House teams selected three teams; year 7 boys, year 8 boys and year 7 & 8 girls who took part in a coaching session with Mrs Stubbs before representing their respective house teams in a round robin competition. Playing in just one third of a normal sized basketball court students participated in a 3x3 format with the objective to outscore your opponent in a 7 minute time period by defending and attacking the same hoop. There were a number of exciting and extremely competitive matches throughout the day, with students showcasing a wide range of skills.

Well done to Caeli 7 boys, Aqua 8 boys and Terra 7 & 8 girls who were all crowned champions of their respective categories. The overall house winners of this event was determined by the house with the highest accumulative total across each of the three categories. After counting up the scores it was Aqua who were crowned overall house champions, Terra finishing in 2nd place followed by Caeli in 3rd.

All of the medals and house points have been added to the Summer Games medal table which provides the current standings. Aqua head into the final term top of the Summer Games table which could prove extremely vital in the race of the 2024 CRA House Championship.

House Championship Leaderboard

The 2024 House Championship is approaching the final straight with the leaderboard really heating up. Terra are still holding on to top spot despite a strong rallying performances from both Aqua and Caeli who are both still well in the running to be crowned this years champions. Once again Sports Day could have a major say on who is crowned this years house champions with house teams hoping to create healthy points totals heading into the event on Monday 1st July.

More details for Sports Day, upcoming Summer Games and other house competitions will be released soon.

The Sporting Post.

Free Sports Sessions

Please find attached a link to sports sessions that are ran by Grantham Positive Futures for free around Grantham.

Please can all students be collected from the BACK of the school when being picked up from after school clubs and fixtures.

Sports Kit

Please can any borrowed sports kit be returned as soon as possible. We have trainers, hoodies, netball dresses and football kit (shirts, shorts and socks) that have not been returned. This means that students are unable to also borrow these items for fixtures and limits teams when wanting to wear a full, matching kit.

Sports Newsletter - Term 3 2024

DRET Sport Term 1 Newsletter 2023/2024

Term Dates

Please see the latest term dates for 2022-23.

Academic Term Dates 2024-25

A list of diary events can also be found on the CRA Website by clicking here