CCY Connect february 2024 EDITION


It's inspiring to see how God brings people together for a greater purpose. This article explores how our church community, guided by God's will, can continue to grow and make a meaningful impact in the lives of its members and the wider community.

I love how God orchestrates people in order to achieve His will. Clay is doing a sermon series in the Book of Acts, titled "Unstoppable." His sermons have been focused around the message: "The Unstoppable Church is a movement professed by God, built around a mission, powered by the Holy Spirit, and advanced by the witnesses of the living Jesus." And my husband's class is talking about Christ's church and how we can help our church family and our community. And before all this, God put this article on my heart.

Clay's Challenge: What am I willing to do to see the church advance as the Spirit leads us?

When I talk to people outside the church, I hear their struggles. They often express conditions: "I would go to church if…," "If only my church had…," or "I would have stayed at my church if…” We might see these as excuses, but their point is valid to them.

I see CCY as a strong church. We have great leaders, knowledgeable teachers, a thriving outreach to the community, and a passion for missions. Can we improve? Absolutely! Can we grow as a church and help our community more? Definitely! In the last couple of years, we have grown so much. We need to look for the "ifs" in our church.

Here are a few of my thoughts:

  • Cooking class - simple, easy ideas for young adults or busy families.
  • Tech 101 - a fun outreach where the youth help the older with technology.
  • For retirees, we could have fellowship activities like poker night for fun or sewing/beading get-togethers.

Let's continue our relationships outside the church. Let's be the unstoppable church. If there is something you would like to see more of, let's explore it. There might be others who feel the same way.

In Acts 2:46-47 it says: "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Church isn't just on Sunday but every day. Let's look for ways to build our relationship with one another.

In conclusion, the vision of an unstoppable church is not just a dream but a reachable goal. Through God's guidance, our strong leadership, and the active participation of each member, we can address the "ifs" that keep people from fully engaging with our community. We have the power to grow, both in our faith and as a vibrant community. As we continue to break bread, both literally and figuratively, let us remember that our church is more than a Sunday meeting place—it's a daily opportunity to live out our faith, support each other, and welcome new members into our fold. Let's embrace this journey, inspired by the early church in Acts, and strive to be the unstoppable church that God intends us to be.


In this article, I'd like to share an inspiring story from our CCY family that beautifully embodies our core values at Christ's Church of Yukon: "Love God and Love People.”

Galatians 6:10 encourages us, "Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith."
The Lister Family | Jordi, Ellie, Bobby, Willow

This scripture resonates deeply with the journey of the Lister family, members of our church family.

Bobby and Jordi Lister have been part of our church since their marriage in 2013. Their journey, filled with God's grace, has led them to make a heartwarming decision: to adopt a child. This choice, inspired by faith and compassion, is a beautiful testament to loving God and loving people.

In 2023, they stepped forward in faith to begin the adoption process, seeking a semi-open or open adoption. Their desire is not only to welcome a child into their lives but also to foster a nurturing relationship with the birth family, offering encouragement and support as an integral part of their faith journey.

Last Christmas, Bobby and Jordi found a special and meaningful way to share their adoption journey with their daughters, Elliot and Willow. They dedicated a baby blanket, praying over it as a family, and placed it under the tree, labeled for "Faith, Hope, and God’s Glory." This blanket symbolizes their future child and will be a part of their Christmas until that child's first Christmas with them.

Additionally, another way they hope to share this journey with them is through their adoption puzzle which they plan to use the pieces for financial sponsorship and a way to document this journey. The puzzle is printed with Hebrews 10:23-25 on it, this is a verse that has become a theme in the ways God has been guiding them in the last few years. It says:

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

It's a beautiful expression of their unwavering hope, faith, and commitment to God's will and love for others.

Their story is a powerful reminder of how challenges can lead to beautiful opportunities to demonstrate faith and love. As their church family, let's rally around them, offering our prayers and support as they continue on this remarkable journey.

Let's keep the Lister family in our prayers as they continue this blessed journey, following the Lord's lead. We will keep you updated on their progress and how we can embody the teachings of scripture in supporting their family.


Isn't February just a wonderful reminder of love? Everywhere you look, from the smallest corner store to our daily interactions, love is in the air. And really, what is not to love about love? We all love something or someone. Not a day goes by where we don’t do at least one thing we love. Let’s face it, love is a big deal. In good times and in bad, love is all around us. We may not see it or feel it every day but it’s there.

I love that I have been blessed to serve CCY on staff, in ministering to the children for the last 14 years. I love our church. The people here are kind and generous. The love of God is evident.

We're all familiar with the scripture, "For God so loved the world..." (John 3:16), aren't we? It’s amazing how, through His word, God continually shows us the multifaceted nature of love – as both a choice and a heartfelt action. It's a journey that began with God, His son, and the Holy Spirit.

Admittedly, we sometimes find ourselves loving things that may not be the best for us. In those moments, it's so important to turn to God for guidance. If you’re struggling in your life, make the choice to act on prayer and praise, even if you don’t feel like it. Ask God to give you the love u might lack in certain areas. He is faithful and just and because He loves us so, He will give us what we need, when we need it. He works everything for our good.

Let’s say a prayer together: God thank you for loving us. Help us to love others as you have loved us so that they may see you. May others see and hear us speak of the perfect love of Jesus whose sacrifice saves us from sin. I ask your blessings over this church family as we continue to serve and love one another and our community in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Keep embracing and sharing this beautiful message of love and faith!

Dear Sisters in Christ,

We are excited to announce the launch of our Secret Sister Program here at CCY! This unique and heartwarming program is designed to foster deeper connections, offer spiritual support, and create an environment of encouragement within our church's community of women.

What is the Secret Sister Program?

The Secret Sister Program is a year-long journey of faith, friendship, and encouragement. Participants will anonymously be paired with another sister in Christ from our congregation. Throughout the year, you'll have the opportunity to pray for, encourage, and uplift your Secret Sister, even without revealing your identity.

How Does It Work?

  • Sign-Up & Information Gathering: Interested ladies can sign up by completing a simple form. This form includes basic information about yourself, your interests, prayer requests, and any specific encouragement you might need.
  • Pairing: We will prayerfully pair you with another participant – your Secret Sister for the year.
  • Encouraging Your Secret Sister: Once paired, you'll receive your Secret Sister's information form (without revealing who she is). Throughout the year, you are encouraged to pray for her, send her notes of encouragement, and small gifts, and perhaps even anonymously participate in acts of kindness.
  • Maintaining Secrecy: The beauty of this program lies in the mystery! Your Secret Sister's identity will be a well-kept secret until the grand reveal.
  • Reveal Party: At the end of the year, we will host a special reveal party where Secret Sisters will finally meet and share their past year's experiences.

Why Join the Secret Sister Program?

  • Spiritual Growth: Engage in regular prayer for another person, strengthening your faith and relationship with God.
  • Foster Connections: Build unseen yet meaningful connections within our church family.
  • Encouragement & Support: Be a source of support and encouragement, reminding your Secret Sister that she is loved, valued, and prayed for.

Ready to Join?

  • Sign Up Here: Sign-up forms are under the staircase at CCY or by going to this link
  • Deadline for Sign-Up: Sunday, February 11th, 2024
  • Program Duration: February 2024 to December 2024
  • Reveal Party Date: December 2024 (Date to be determined).

For any queries or further information, feel free to reach out to Kathy Rumbo at 405-354-0245.

We warmly invite you to participate in this journey of faith, love, and encouragement. Let's uplift each other and build a stronger, more connected church family!

On Christmas morning my Grandma gave me the best gift I could ever receive, my very first Bible with a case, highlighters, and a bookmark. When I opened it my eyes lit up with excitement. I was overjoyed. I love bringing my Bible to church and I love the opportunities it gives me to learn and have a friendship with God. It is going to help me grow as a Christian. Thank you Grandma for inspiring me and thank you for the best gift ever.

Aubree Wilson | 5th Grader



Christ’s Closet will be open on Saturday, February 3rd from 11 to 2 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for those in need to come and find what they might need. We also encourage anyone who can, to spread the word to friends, family, or neighbors who might benefit from this. Additionally, if you're looking for a way to give back, we welcome you to join us as a volunteer during these hours.


Discussion Topic: "Helping your Children with their Inheritance."

Seniors, join us for the Senior Connections Potluck on Sunday, February 4th, immediately following our Sunday worship service. This month, Kathy Stanka will lead a discussion on "Guiding your children with their inheritance.” Please bring a dish to share and stay for a lunch filled with great food and conversation. We look forward to seeing you ther


This Souper Bowl Sunday, Feb 11th, let’s score a touchdown for our community! 🏈 We’re hosting a soup drive to fill up our blessing box and help those in need, and we need your support. Bring canned soups, stews, or any boxed or canned food to church on Souper Bowl Sunday. Every can helps! We will have a drop-off area in the Gathering Area. Together, let's show the power of our community and make a positive impact. Your contributions will warm many hearts and bellies this winter.


Join us for the ultimate showdown between the 49ers and the Chiefs! Get ready to experience every thrilling play and epic moment on the big screen.

  • 📅 Date: Sunday February 11th
  • ⏰ Time: 5:00 pm
  • 📍 Location: CCY South Building

Note: This year, we're switching things up! There won't be any food or drinks provided at the event. But no worries, the Café will be open for all your cravings. Bring your game spirit and let's cheer for our favorite team!


You are cordially invited to join us for a delightful evening at our youth fundraiser dinner, "Dine and Design: Dinner and Cookie Decorating Workshop", on February 17th. This special night promises not only a feast for your taste buds but also a chance to support our youth programs. Bring yourself, your family, your friends, or a special someone.

  • Date: February 17th
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Venue: CCY South Building.

Indulge in a sumptuous dinner with a choice of two exquisite main courses:

  • Succulent Baked Chicken – Perfectly seasoned and roasted to golden perfection.
  • Tender Pork Tenderloin – A savory delight, cooked to tender juiciness.

But the evening doesn't end at dinner! After the meal, join us for a fun and creative Cookie Decorating Class led by the talented Rose Miller. This interactive session is sure to bring out your inner artist, and the best part is that you get to take your deliciously decorated cookies home!

Your participation will not only offer you a memorable evening but also greatly contribute to the success of youth going to the CIY Conference in the Summer.


Hello, ladies of CCY! You're cordially invited to an evening of fun, laughter, and friendly competition at our Bunco Night! Date: February 23rd | Time: 6:30 PM | Location: CCY Celebrity Room. Come join us for an exciting game of Bunco, where we'll roll the dice, share some laughs, and enjoy each other's company in fellowship. Whether you're a Bunco pro or a first-timer, all are welcome for a night of joy and camaraderie. Bring Your Favorite Snack! In the spirit of sharing and caring, we invite you to bring along your favorite snack to share with the group. Sweet or savory, your delicious treats will add to the warmth of our gathering. Connect and Make Memories. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other ladies from our church, make new friends, and create lasting memories. Let's cheer each other on and enjoy a night filled with laughter and fun


Join us every last Wednesday of the month for our Mommy and Me event! We will be meeting in Kid's Castle at CCY on the last Wednesday of each month. During this time we will have a creative craft session to spark your little one's imagination, engaging storytime for a fun learning experience, yummy snacks to keep you and your little one energized, and a great time of fellowship with other moms. This is a perfect chance to create beautiful memories with your children and connect with other moms in a fun and relaxed setting. Don't miss out on the joy and laughter! Let's make each moment with our littles a special one.



  • RightNow Media - Free access to over 20,000 Biblically-based videos including topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances, and much more. GET ACCESS
  • Small Groups - Join a small group!
  • Prayer Wall - Prayer is not a side room of the church, it is the foundation. Let us know how we can pray for you at
  • Facebook Group - Join our Facebook group by clicking here.
  • Online Giving - Give online at
620 W. VANDAMENT AVE YUKON OK 73099 | INFO@CCYOK.COM | 405-354-0245