
Celebrating Autumn nURSERY, AUTUMN TERM, WEEK 8

It's a beautiful time of year. Autumn gives us lots to be thankful for, from the food we eat to the colours around us in nature. We are also thankful for the fun that Halloween can bring.

This week we had our very own pumpkin patch outside!

Choosing a pumpkin from the patch
Scooping out the seeds
Drawing our designs and using the safety knives to carve the pumpkins.

Inside we looked at some of the vegetables we harvest in Autumn. We chopped, stirred and cooked our very own vegetable soup.

Chopping celery and carrots.
Chatting while working on a shared goal.
Super concentration and strength needed to chop raw veg.
Scooping out seeds (a skill we learnt outside).
When the soup was ready, the children took responsibility for serving it in the cafe.
Happy customers.

The halloween theme gave us lots of fun opportunities to learn new skills.

Thinking about capacity with the orange lentils, continuing our exploration of growth with the skeleton designs, and some sensory fun with green slime.

Finally, I wanted to share our writing development. The majority of children are now drawing closed shapes to represent objects and ascribing meaning to their drawings. We are encouraging the children to draw symbols and the first letter of their names at the writing table. This is something you could help with at home.

A superb drawing of 'Mummy'.
A 'big brother' drawing. We love the details!
Experimenting with symbols and patterns.
Our sound work continues as we dipped our toes into hearing initial sounds.
Naming the pictures and listening for the initial sound.

Happy half term everyone. The first Monday back is a training day and school is closed. So we will see you back in nursery on Tuesday 7th November.