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TAG Line July 10, 2023

Vehicles from N.D. Army and Air National Guard participated in Mandan's annual Independence Day parade, Mandan, N.D., July 4, 2023.

State Partnership Program

Cpt. Jeremiah Colbert, North Dakota Air National Guard and the Bilateral Affairs Officer, US Embassy, Lome discusses with the Togo Armed Forces instructors at the NCO Academy the program of instruction taught by Staff Sgt. Jesse Zyskowski, instructor for the 164th Regional Training Institute, Devils Lake, ND.

There were 36 Togo Armed Forces instructors participating in the African Military Education Program (AMEP) engagement on learning a new way of instructing within the military context.

“The 164th Regional Training Institute has been an invaluable partner with schoolhouses in Ghana and now Togo,” states Lt. Col. Mark McEvers, State Partnership Program Director. “They have hundreds of hours behind the podium teaching Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard Soldiers for decades at Camp Grafton Training Center. The instructors bring with them instant credibility and a relationship within West Africa that cannot be understated for expanding the our partnerships,” states McEvers.

Staff Sgt. Jesse Zyskowski, instructor for the 164th Regional Training Institute, Devils Lake, ND conducts instruction with the Togo Armed Forces cadre at their non-commissioned officer academy from June 26-30, 2023.

“This cadre to cadre engagement between the North Dakota National Guard and the Togolese Armed Forces is a perfect example of the strength of the State Partnership Program,” states Lt. Col. Mark McEvers, Director of the State Partnership Program.

Staff Sgt. Zyskowski and other federally-certified instructors with the 164th Regional Training Institute are supporting the 2-year African Military Education Program (AMEP), a Department of State funded program to develop leadership skills with our African partners.

Master Sgt. Donald Seerup, along with his lead instructor staff at the 164th RTI, developed a personalized program of instruction for the Togo Armed Forces which is based on the U.S. model, Common Faculty Development – Instructor Course, or CFD-IC. CFD-IC is a competency-based course: the learning objectives are based on internationally recognized instructor competencies published by the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction. This includes topics which include: Fundamentals of Adult Teaching and Learning, Foundations of Adult Learning, and Foundations of Instruction (Experiential Learning), along with The Army Instructor as a Professional.

Mandan Independence Day Parade

About twenty members of the N.D. National Guard participated in Mandan's annual Independence Day parade, Mandan, N.D., July 4, 2023. This parade has been an annual tradition since 1881. (National Guard story and photos by Staff Sgt. Sam Kroll, N.D. National Guard Visual Information)

Vehicles from N.D. Army National Guard participated in Mandan's annual Independence Day parade, Mandan, N.D., July 4, 2023.

The Soldiers operated two pieces of equipment in the parade. Soldiers of the 131 Military Police Company provided a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), and a M1977 Common Bridge Transporter from the 957th Engineer Company (Multi-role Bridge).

Sgt. Sidney Edinger, 957th Engineer Company, waves to the crowd out of the window of a M1977 Common Bridge Transporter at Mandan Independence Day parade, Mandan, July 4, 2023.

Right to left, Tech Sgt. Bradly Berthold and Tech Sgt. Brandon Leier, N.D. Air National Guard Recruiting, stand in from the their N.D. Air Guard vehicle before the start of the Mandan Independence Day parade, Mandan, July 4, 2023.

Tech Sgt. Brandon Leier Mandan, N.D. Air National Guard Recruiting, hands out candy during the Mandan Independence Day parade, Mandan, July 4, 2023.
Tech Sgt. Bradly Berthold, N.D. Air National Guard Recruiting, gives a thumbs up to the camera during Mandan Independence Day parade, Mandan, July 4, 2023.

Right to left. Sgt. Sidney Edinger, 957th Engineer Company, Staff Sgt. Jason Kalvoda, 957th Engineer Company, Spc. Daniel Herdebu, 3662nd Maintance Company, Warrant Officer 1 Adam Walvik, 142nd Engineer Battalion, stand for a group photo before the Mandan Independence Day parade, Mandan, July 4, 2023.

A N.D. Guard M1977 Common Bridge Transporter at Mandan Independence Day parade, Mandan, July 4, 2023.
Vehicles from N.D. Army and Air National Guard participated in Mandan's annual Independence Day parade, Mandan, N.D., July 4, 2023.

The Order of Military Medical Merit

Maj. Gen. Al Dohrmann, N.D. National Guard adjutant general, awarded Col. Todd Schaffer, state surgeon, N.D. Army National Guard (NDARNG), "The Order of Military Medical Merit" during the Council of Colonels at Camp Grafton Training Center, June 29, 2023. (National Guard story by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

Schaffer was presented this award for his relentless advocacy for medical readiness and Soldier health. One of his peers nominated Schaffer for this honor.

Maj. Gen. Al Dohrmann, N.D. National Guard adjutant general, presents Col. Todd Schaffer, NDARNG state surgeon, the Order of Military Medical Merit at Camp Grafton Training Center, June 29,2023.

This prestigious award is sponsored by a private organization founded by the commanding general of U.S. Army Health Services Command in April 1982 to recognize excellence and promote fellowship and esprit de corps among U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel.

Redhawks Military Appreciation Night

Members of the N.D. Air National Guard were among the crowd participating in a celebration of U.S. Military service during Military Appreciation Night at the Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks baseball game held at Newman Outdoor Field, Fargo N.D., June 20, 2023. (National Guard photos and story by David H. Lipp, ESGR Public Affairs)

Maj. Gen. Al Dohrmann, N.D. National Guard adjutant general, along with ESGR volunteers, hand out food to military members, retirees and their families during Military Appreciation Night at the Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks baseball game held at Newman Outdoor Field, Fargo N.D., June 20, 2023.

Monthly Friday 5K

Army and Air N.D. Guard members along with some family members participated in a 5k run/walk at Sertoma Park in Bismarck, June 16, 2023. (National Guard story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

This monthly event is open to all N.D. Guard members and families. Participants may run, walk, bike, or roller skate. The next 5k is scheduled for July 21.

Maj. Boom Retires

Lt. Col. Matt Voeller, 68th Troop Command, presided over a retirement ceremony for Maj. Ryan Boom, Joint Force Headquarters, at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck, July 6, 2023. (National Guard story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Charles Highland, N.D. National Guard Public Affairs Office)

Lt. Col. Matt Voeller, 68th Troop Command, presents the North Dakota Legion of Merit to Maj. Ryan Boom, Joint Force Headquarters, during her retirement ceremony at the Raymond J. Bohn armory, Bismarck, July 6, 2023.

Boom retires after faithfully serving his country and the National Guard for over 22 years.

ESGR Boss Lifts


Nine Dickinson employers of N.D. National Guard members experienced what it's like to be a Guardsman first-hand during an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Boss Lift to Camp Grafton Training Center. (CGTC), June 20, 2023. (National Guard photos and story by Stepheny Reger, ESGR)

Employers hold up their statement of support at Western Edge Aviation in Dickinson, N.D., June 20, 2023

ESGR's mission is to promote, recognize and develop employer support for Guard and Reserve service through employer outreach opportunities. As part of Boss Lift, Dickinson employers had a chance to walk a day in the boots of their Civilian-Soldiers employees, touring various training simulators at Camp Grafton. They toured the facilities and various ranges and the highlight was flying from Dickinson to Camp Grafton via a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.

The Flight Crew of a N.D. Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter take a group photo with Dickinson employers at Western Edge Aviation in Dickinson, N.D., June 20, 2023

Grand Forks

Ten Grand Forks employers of N.D. National Guard members experienced what it's like to be a Guardsman first-hand during an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Boss Lift to Camp Grafton Training Center. (CGTC), June 20, 2023. (National Guard photos and story by Stepheny Reger, ESGR)

Soldiers provided weapons instruction to Grand Forks employers at Camp Grafton Training Center, June 8, 2023.

Training simulators offered employers an in-depth look into how service members develop tactical and technical skills in combat operations from a controlled indoor environment.

ESGR is a resource for N.D. employers who have questions about hiring or working with a current Reserve Component member. Employers were invited to sign a personalized Statement of Support certificate to take back to their place of work to display in support of North Dakota’s Guard and Reserve. For more information visit

Grand Forks employers take a group photo in front of a N.D. Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter at Avflight in Grand Forks, N.D., June 8, 2023.

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Created By
Charles Highland