Barnes Wallis Academy Newsletter 9th February 2024- small school - big heart - strong community

Message from the Executive Principal, Alastair O'Connor

It has been a very busy half term and once again we have so much to celebrate with you. I hope you take the opportunity to read this terms newsletter celebrating the many achievements from across this half term.

Wishing all our families a wonderful and much deserved half term break and will see you on Monday the 19th February when students and staff return.

Friday 9th February

At the end of a very wet half term, with the occasional sprinkle of snow, it was lovely to sprinkle some kindness into the air. Staff were taken back by the number of thank you cards that they received from their students and small acts of kindness such as holding doors open for each other during our Random Act of Kindness Day.

Thank you cards distributed across the Academy

We also took the opportunity to celebrate and reward over a 120 students for not only achieving 100% attendance but also for their excellent behaviours, gaining no negative behaviour points for this term.

Year 11's continue to access Maths, English or Science interventions in the morning form 8.30-9.05 am. After school they have attended (Option A) courses on a Monday, with Tuesday offering Maths and Wednesday English and (Option B) subjects on a Friday. We are delighted with their attendance to these and encourage them to attend the new offer next term.

Next term Year 11's after school sessions will rotate with (Option C) courses on a Monday, with Tuesday offering Science and Wednesday Maths with (Option D) subjects on a Friday.


Year 10 and 11 students have had presentations from many external visitors this term, including sixth form providers, apprenticeships, FE colleges, employers and career services. We are delighted with this provision and we thank Mr Thomas for supporting students in making informed choices about their next steps. Students destinations remain outstanding at Barnes Wallis Academy.

This term has also seen additional focus on personal social, health and economic (PSHE) as we recognise that there is the importance of teaching students the wider skills of personal development. We carefully design the programme to recognise significant events from Holocaust Remembrance Day to Mental Wellbeing Day. We often raise awareness of these days in assemblies, bespoke presentations and in our tutor programme which gives access to current affairs, literacy, numeracy and the art of debating. Our PSHE curriculum focusses on Relationship Sex Eduaction, Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development , Fundamental British Values, faiths and values. Students access these topics through weekly PSHE lessons, collapsed days, our ‘thought of the week’ and our Barnes Wallis Way ethos. Our Barnes Wallis Way principles ensure students do not lose sight of traditional core values, consideration of environment and ownership of their learning with a sense of ambition and readiness to learn. This ethos epitomises the type of student we wish to see flourish during their five-year education with us.

One of our key programmes at Barnes Wallis is our link with the RAF base via the JET group. A small group of Year 8 and Year 10 students are regular visitors engaging in a range of team building activities and careers work. This term we had another great day spent at RAF Cranwell developing employability skills - with an interview session in the morning and the afternoon working with the loading team and Ascent (using the flight simulators!)

Academy Players

Sport continues to be a key features this term with students from Barnes Wallis Academy attending the Basketball development day at Charnwood College, led by their Charnwood College Basketball team. Students trained and learned from the academy players, before going on to watch a live professional game at Leicester Morningside arena.

This term has seen a huge sporting offer from the DRET Sports Team #thankyou

This term has seen a sporting focus on the winter sports of Rugby and Netball with some great performances from our students.

Under 13 Rugby team began their preparations for the Spring Cup this term with a hard-fought match against Skegness Grammar. More fixtures to come next term..

U13 Rugby Team

Under 15 Rugby team had two close victories this term against Skegness Grammar and KEVI. The conversions from Jack W was the difference between the two teams when BWA played KEVI and the try scoring ability of Sid O helped BWA sneak the win over Skegness Grammar.

Netball teams continue to go strong and compete well against the other DRET schools, these friendlies leave the netball teams ready and raring to go for the league fixtures next term.
Barnes Wallis Netball Team

Two of our students attended the DRET performance conference this term, they took part in multiple workshops and was inspired by inspirational talkers from the world of athletics.

Performance day at University of Nottingham

Our 'ALL STARS' students in Rugby and Netball have been busy this term with performance days at Saints Rugby Club and Skegness Grammar school. A huge well done to our both of our Netball teams who were both victorious in their matches against QEGS Horncastle

Rugby performance day
#Small school #Big heart #Strong community

Enrichment Wednesday's

Every Wednesday key stage 3 students take part in a wide range of enrichment activities as part of our unique offer at Barnes Wallis. Some of our highlights from this term continue to be our work within our wider community visiting our local care homes. New favourites this term have been our Airfix modelling group and crochet club continues to be a firm favourite

Airfix group
Crochet Club

Congratulations to our STEM ambassadors and school team who took home the recent IET Faraday Challenge Cup. Fantastic achievement beating many local schools and being overall winners. #STEM #Ambition #Aspiration #Courage #Respect

UK Intermediate Maths Challenge

The STEM success continues at Barnes Wallis Academy. This term brought us the annual adventure into the UK Maths Challenge. This time it was the Intermediate Challenge, with over 70 students from Barnes Wallis from Years 9, 10 & 11 taking part. We wish you all the best as we await the results. Well done all 👏👏👏.

We would like to thank our Local Governing Body for all their hard work and contributing to discussions on the Academy's strategic priorities and targets. We are actively looking for members of our community to join us in this important and rewarding work. If you are interested please email

We are continuing to drive for improved attendance both Nationally, across Lincolnshire and within Barnes Wallis Academy. We are aware that our attendance in still below pre-pandemic levels and know that those students that attend achieve better in final exams as well as forming stronger friendship groups. We are very proud to have an attendance team and we are here to help. We hope you will support us in our target of 95% attendance and that you will agree that 'Every Lesson Counts!'

E- Safety- On line safety- Game Safety


“Inappropriate” means different things to different people. What’s acceptable for one age group, for example, may be unsuitable for a younger audience. Online, young people can chance upon inappropriate content in various way – from pop-up ads to TikTok videos, live streams etc.

The increasingly young age at which children become active in the digital world heightens the risk of them innocently running into something that they find disturbing or terrifying.

Trusted adults around children need to be able to help children be aware of what to do if they’re exposed to age-inappropriate content.

The NSPCC provides a wide variety of information in relation to online safety. To access the information please see the below.

Save the Date

Dates for the Diary

  • 21/02/24- Yr 11 Parents Evening
  • 28/02/24- DRET X-Country cup
  • 06/03/24- Yr 9 Parents Evening
  • 08/03/24- World Book Day
  • 20/03/24- Yr 9 Preference Evening
  • 21/03/24- Hockey Development Day
  • 27/03/24- Girls Football Cup
  • 01/04/24- Easter Break

Safeguarding over the Feb Half Term

The academy is now closed for Half Term but there is always someone who can help you.

If you are concerned that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm, you should contact your local authority safeguarding partnership directly.

In an emergency, call 999. If you have any welfare concerns, you can contact us at 'DRET Listening' via the Academies website.

For any other queries, please contact us via