Minera VA School News Friday 12th January 2024

Dear Families,

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful festive break and enjoyed plenty of good times with family and friends.

This term is very short with only 5 weeks until half-term and then another 5 weeks and it is Easter so we have lots and lots to fit in!

Have a lovely weekend,

Spencer Williams - Headteacher/Pennaeth


I would like to welcome Miss Lauren Ansonia back to the staff team at Minera School. Miss Lauren will be supporting Year 1/2 in the place of Miss Pound. Unfortunately, Miss Pound left Minera School during the Christmas holidays.

Nursery Applications for September 2024

Applications are now available online via Wrexham County Borough Council for Nursery places for September 2024.

Please click on the link below to create an account and submit an application:


Closing date is 17th February 2024

School Start Times

A polite reminder that the school day starts at the following times:

Door open:

  • Nursery 8:55am
  • Reception to Year 6 – 8:50am

Lessons start at 9:00pm

Any children arriving after this time will be marked as late on the register. A record of repeated lateness is discussed and monitored by school and the Educational Social worker.

Adverse Weather

Next week, snow has been forecast. Hopefully we will escape any major disruption. However, if we have any snowfall and school is disrupted, information will be posted using the following channels:

Free Uniform Shop

Minera School is making efforts to tackle the cost of new school uniform and reduce the impact clothing waste has on the planet!

In school, we now have free uniform shop. Please come along and help yourself. This is a great way to replace grown out school uniform.

The shop is just outside of Mr Williams' office.

Diary Dates

  • 8th - Staff Training Day
  • 9th - School re-opens for everyone
  • 26th - Year 3 and 4 Family Worship
  • 9th - School closes for half term
  • 19th - School re-opens for everyone
  • 1st - St David's Day
  • 15th - Comic Relief Day
  • 20th - Residential Visit to Cardiff
  • 22nd - School Closes for Easter Holidays

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500

Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk

Website: www.mineraprimary.com

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