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Catwg Primary School January 12 2024 - Newsletter

Dear All / Annwyl Bawb,

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all our pupils, families and Governors! Despite the poor weather over the Christmas break, we sincerely hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable break.

It has been a busy return to school this week, with lots of fun learning opportunities and a trip to the Panto on Thursday... oh, yes we did!

INSET Day Changes

Due to unforeseen changes to the school calendar, we need to alter two of the INSET Days for 2023/24.

The changes are as follows:

  • Friday, 22nd March changes to Monday, 8th April
  • Friday, 24th May changes to Friday, 19th July

Apologies if these changes have created any issues with holiday plans etc. If you need to discuss any concerns, please contact the school office.

The INSET Day planned for Monday, 19th February remains unchanged.

Good attendance is vital for a good education!


Monday, 19th February 2024,

Monday, 8th April 2024 (Date Changed);

Friday 19th July 2024 (Date Changed).

Diolch yn fawr iawn / Thank you,

Mr Gareth Phillips, Headteacher

Our 'Concept' this term is Nature (Whole School)

Pupil Challenge - can you create a poster to celebrate our concept? The best ones will be shared on our Twitter page!

Twitter - Check out our Twitter page @CatwgPrimary ... it is an amazing page (if we do say so ourselves!!) where you will find loads of pictures and examples of the brilliant work that goes on in school!

Attendance - currently we are at 92.1% Let's work hard to make sure we attend every day! If you are unable to attend school due to illness, make sure the school office are informed at the earliest opportunity.

Safeguarding - If your child is worried or upset about anything - home-based or school-based, they are welcome and advised to speak to a trusted adult within school.

Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) - Mr G Phillips

Deputy DSP - Mr S Parvin

Deputy DSP - Mrs K Stephens

Dates for the diary...

15th January - Y6 Football - Swansea City South West Wales Finals

12th > 16th Feb - Half Term

19th February - INSET Day (4 of 6)

4th March - Colorfoto - Reception, Year 3 & Year 6 Class photos

6th March - Year 6 Llangatwg Transition

6th March - Class 8 - Ospreys Disability 6 Nations

8th April - INSET Day (5 of 6)

6th May - Early May Bank Holiday

19th July - INSET Day (6 of 6)