
We are Strong Nursery, autumn term, week 11

Look how strong we are! We have completed lots of physical challenges outside, pretending to be superheroes on secret missions.

Great for our co-ordination, balance, and strength.

Inside our physical skills have been developing well too. Our fine motor control and getting our pen grip correct is a vitally important first step towards becoming writers.

Moving from left to right across a page
Using a tripod grip.
Some of use like to practise our 'special' letter from our names.
Moving from left to right and from top to bottom down a page.

In maths we are experimenting with colour and pattern. Mrs Branson showed us how to do a repeating pattern (yellow-red-yellow-red). There were lots of fantastic ideas for patterns from the children too.

The children have been enjoying a shape and pattern game (the train picture above). You can find the train game at: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns. (google Topmarks, Early Years games).

We continue to visit the library and celebrate a diverse range of stories. Here we are below browsing.

We would love to hear from you at home about your favourite stories, in any language! If your child has a story they love to have read to them we will happily share it with the whole class and praise their love of reading. If any parents would like to have a go at reading a story to the class, please just ask and we can arrange this. Thanks!