Could You Survive a Night in the Wild? Mrs Jones - Spring 2024 - Class 3

Croeso i wefan Dosbarth 3!

Welcome to Class 3's page!

We have lots of exciting themes and projects to discover this term through our topic linked to our changing world. You can find an overview of our term's plans below. Please scroll down for class news and updates.


We will be having daily lessons in Mathematics and Numeracy, and Languages, Literacy and Communication. Our afternoons will encompass all other Areas of Learning and Experience in line with the New Curriculum for Wales.


Expressive Arts: Young Voices, Samba, Landscape Art


Science and Technology: Habitats and Adaptation


Health and Well-being through Forest School - Children should come to school wearing clothing suitable for the weather and that they don't mind getting dirty. They will also need wellies or spare shoes with them. A warm, waterproof coat is essential!


cross curricular project - Humanities - A study of our changing world linked to global warming and natural disasters


Health and Wellbeing through Physical Education. Children can come to school wearing their PE kit.

To keep updated with our progress this term, please ensure you are signed up to receive our newsletter and that you have access to our class Seesaw page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via Seesaw or on my email address

Mrs Jones

Class News and Updates

Our LLC learning wall. This half term we have been learning to write non-chronological reports. Watch this space for some excellent examples of our work.

Using AI to make realistic pictures linked to Ynys Llanddwyn, home of Santes Dwynwen