
St. Peter Principal's Weekly Newsletter october 4, 2023

Take a night off from cooking and join us TONIGHT for our Cane's Spirit Night!

Friday, October 6th - Professional Development, 10:45am Early Dismissal (No bus service and no aftercare)

Friday, October 13th - End of the 1st Quarter, 11:25am Early Dismissal (No bus service and no aftercare)

Monday, October 16th - NO SCHOOL, Fall Holiday

Thank you to our Roadrunner Fun Run T-shirt Sponsors!

We recognized our Maintenance and Housekeeping Staff this week at assembly! They do a great job every day keeping our campus clean and beautiful!

Thank you to all of our families for the over 4,000 items collected for Operation We Care!

Our student volunteers came out Saturday to sort items for Operation We Care! Care packages for Louisiana soldiers will be sent out later this week!
Mrs. Morris's Pre-K boys pretended to build a campfire at recess!
Mrs. Bergeron's friends learned all about their senses last week!
If you plan to check out your child after the pep rally before our carline for the 11:25am dismissal, please complete this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-d4TIfz-qBx7MFzWSEG6XtXpS6xEyeZXpN0w4OUEsUsEa9Q/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Our 6th grade flag football team beat Kehoe France yesterday!
Click here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B45ADAA29A0F85-44767861-1st#/
Click here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B45ADAA29A0F85-44910767-4th7th#/
Click here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B45ADAA29A0F85-44910826-5th7th#/
Click here to place your jacket order:https://stpetercov.org/jacketorder
Our 7th grade volleyball team is having a great season! Congratulations on their recent win against Our Lady of Lourdes!
Order last year's yearbook here:https://29119.sites.ecatholic.com/spiritstore
Mornings in the Media Center are a hit with Mrs. Wilkinson!

St. Peter Catholic School Calendar:
