Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Omotolani Olowosule and Iretioluwa Akerele A digital futures event - 4th December 2023

On the 4th December 2023, in this special edition of the Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series, Digital Futures welcomed Omotolani Olowosule and Iretioluwa Akerele of CyBlack to give talks on their respective cyber research.

The event invited attendees internal and external to The University of Manchester, with participants including those from an academic background to those involved in the cybersecurity industry.

Both speakers are co-founders of the organisation CyBlack, a black community for cybersecurity students in UK, which currently has over 500 students. Its aim is to help cybersecurity students across Europe by encouraging networking and collaboration as well as providing internship opportunities.

Chaired by Professor of Cybersecurity at The University of Manchester, Danny Dresner, Iretioluwa Akerele kicked the day off with her presentation on Information Security Controls Integration and Implementation.

Professor Danny Dresner welcoming attendees to the seminar.

Iretioluwa is an Information Security Manager with over 8 years experience in Information Security, Data Privacy, Regulatory Compliance, Implementation of Security Controls and Risk Governance. She recently submitted her PhD in August 2023. The main output of her research is to build an information security road map for practitioners to enhance their organisation's security posture. Among other achievements she is a UN Women UK Delegate for CSW67 and Young CISO Award winner 2022.

Iretioluwa Akerele kicking off her presentation.

Watch Iretioluwa's presentation here:

Iretioluwa was soon followed by Omotolani Olowosule who gave a presentation on Mindfulness in Cloud Security.

With over 5 years working experience in Information Technology Industry, Omotolani has a strong technical understanding and experience of various aspects Cybersecurity, including but not limited to: Multi Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP), Security Governance and Compliance Advisory Solutions, Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Information Security, Risk Management, Industry Standards, Secure Enterprise Infrastructure, Security Assessments, Gap Analysis and Maturity Assessments. She is one of the co-founders of CyBlack and Cloudrica, initiatives which promote inclusivity and diversity through training, mentoring, talent development, partnerships, research, and public speaking in Cybersecurity and Cloud Technologies (respectively).

Omotolani Olowosule giving her talk.

Watch Omotolani's presentation here:

Q&A sessions followed each talk which allowed attendees to ask any questions to both speakers. After two exceptional and insightful talks, Professor Dresner brought the seminar to a close which was followed by a networking session.

Attendees networking after the event.

If you missed this event, you can watch it back here:

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