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Project Welcome Book Spreading awareness with a welcome

Our goal:

Tourism and traveling are popular things these days and it is amazing! However, tourism has negative effects on the environment and locals. It's a common problem today in Costa Rica. The point of this project is to take a welcome book and put on-page tips and alternative ways to lessen their impact on the environment in Costa Rica as a tourist.

The Effects of Tourism in Costa Rica

There are good and bad effects of tourism in Costa Rica. Some positives are: Tourism provides jobs for locals, grows the economy, welcomes travelers allows them to see the Costa Rican culture, and helps development. However, there is a growing number of negative effects it is having on Costa Rica.

Negative effects of over-tourism: Hotels are taking over farms, animal habitats, and the rainforest, Deforestation to make room for new buildings, Littering, and Uneducated tourists polluting, They take resources away from locals by making land more expensive and taking over their farms with hotels and such.

Spreading awareness one welcome at a time.

Help me, help you, help our planet.

What is project welcome book?

The goal of this project is located above, however, what is it? I made a free pdf with the information that's further down on the website, it talks about how a tourist in Costa Rica can lessen their impact. This pdf can be printed and put into any welcome book, the welcome book to Airbnb and hotels. There is also a video that can be auto-sent to Airbnbers automatically, or put in lobbies, airports, or other places where the right people will see it. The goal is to spread awareness.

Multiple Airbnbs are using this currently, for example, Dos Hijas and Casa Serenity in Playa Grande. There are more people that are putting this in their welcome books as of now and you should too.

But the question is why should you use it?

Using this PDF is simple, easy to print or share, it's simple and doesn't cost you a dime. It will also spread awareness to visitors in Costa Rica, it will educate them on the do's and don'ts of practicing responsible tourism in Costa Rica. Educating people on how to change their effect will make a big change and help Costa Rica maintain their beautiful wildlife. There are only Pros to using this pdf.

How can you lessen your impact?

Don't Litter, and littering in the town or on the beach has a big effect on the wildlife in the area. It can go into the ocean and be eaten by something, maybe one of the endangered species of turtles that live here, or trash up our area. The goal is to lessen your impact or leave things better than when you got there. For example, if you see trash pick it up, please.

Try to walk and use bikes as much as possible to reduce your carbon footprint, Be mindful, and save energy and water. Don’t take things from the environment, unless you leave it better than you found it. Support local and sustainably based businesses when purchasing things, for example, a fruit stand rather than a grocery store. Be mindful of what you are doing and if it affects the animals in Costa Rica, like feeding them and such. Costarica does not have the infrastructure to be treated like a city, please be mindful of your waste.

You are encouraged to:

Pick up after yourself and others, Learn about the animals and the culture here, Walk rather than use a car, and Show respect to the locals, they were here before you. Encourage others to not litter, feed animals, harass animals, or take things from the environment. Be mindful of your noise and light pollution it can affect wildlife.


Consider ecotourism as an option: A kind of tourism called ecotourism concentrates on visiting unique and potentially threatened natural areas. It is meant to watch animals and aid in conservation efforts. The overall main goal is to preserve the environment.

The Pros to Eco-tourism: The main positive aspect of an experience like this is giving back to the environment, participating means doing your part to better our planet. This type of tourism has many other beneficial parts, consisting of the fact that it's BUGET FRIENDLY! Not every place you go will be but a big majority is, and not only that but it employs locals. It is good for all ages and a wonderful way to bond with loved ones. Doctors recommend spending time in nature and it can benefit your overall health to run away from the normal hustle and bustle life consists of.

In Costa Rica, there is a lot of eco-friendly tourism. It's just not as widespread as normal tourism, here are some examples of eco-friendly tourism in Costa Rica: Eco tours in Arenal , - An outstanding project that protects the turtles in Tortuguero Beach

Check out:

Places to donate to:

Donate to the Internacional Animal Rescue! They have been protecting the wildlife in Costa Rica for around 20 years! They provide solutions to the monkey population loss and other wildlife problems.