
Cowbridge Lower School newsletter 27.10.23

Our final newsletter of our first half term in our brand new school! 8 full weeks of fun, learning and making new friends! We had a great last week of this Autumn half term and we are ready to recharge our batteries for another busy half term ahead ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…

We started the week with a visit from our Police Community Support Officers who came in to talk to us about their role and how they keep us safe. They brought their big police van and we were able to go in and sit inside it... they even let us sit in the cell in the back and locked some of us in! We then tried on some of their uniform and found out what each one was for. Diolch for coming in to visit us! ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿš“

Our second visit of the week was a bit different as we welcomed another Police Officer to the school, as well as his two service dogs. One was a big dog called Jasper and the other was a little puppy who was training to be a police dog, he was so cute and he was very excited to visit our school. PC Sullivan explained how he is training the police dogs and what their roles were. He also showed us some special equipment that the dogs use in their training. Diolch yn fawr PC Sullivan! ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿš“๐Ÿ•

Some of us brought in some money to buy poppies in aid of the poppy appeal. Diolch yn fawr to our Sixth Form team for including us in the sales of these ๐Ÿ˜Š

We have also been learning about Harvest this week, lots of lovely stories and videos about what Harvest is in preparation for our first Harvest Festival. We made hedgehog bread rolls to put on our Harvest table alongside lots of very generous donations to the food bank. Thank you to all the parents for your support.

Nursery have been doing Autumn colour mixing to make new colours using an autumn palette. They have also been having lots of fun playing in the pumpkin patch and using our new pretend phones that Mr Skinner brought over for us. Diolch Mr Skinner!

Reception have read the story of 'the little red hen' and 'Handa's surprise', looking carefully at fruits and vegetables and sketching them. They used conkers and paint to make pictures created some amazing abstract art! They also used autumn objects to create repeating patterns as well as making a Ukranian recipe called 'Kiflyky' which are traditional biscuits which they shared with nursery.

To end the week we celebrated our first Harvest Festival in our new school. We sang some songs we have been learning in our singing assemblies, talked about giving thanks for all the food we eat and then celebrated in style in our first disco ๐Ÿ•บ๐ŸชฉThank you to the Sixth Form pupils who organised some party games for us!

The biggest thank you to our amazing children, very supportive parents and caring wider school community for helping us make our first half term such a great one! Enjoy your half term holiday and we will see you back in school on Tuesday 7th November ๐Ÿ˜Š