Cam Cynnydd 1
Cam Cynnydd 2
Wythnos Ysbrydoli / Inspiration Week
Yn ystod wythnos ysbrydoli, cafodd disgyblion y cyfle i edrych ar arteffactau hanesyddol y byddai plant wedi'u defnyddio yn yr ysgol flynyddoedd yn ôl. Buont yn edrych ar lyfrau amrywiol oedd yn dangos hen adeiladau ysgol. Rhodd gyfle i'r disgyblion gymharu adeilad newydd yr ysgol ag ysgolion mewn hanes. Roedd yr wythnos yn canaiatáu i'r plant ddod i adnabod eu hathro newydd ac ysgrifennu rheolau priodol ar gyfer y flwyddyn ysgol newydd.
During inspiration week, pupils had the opportunity to look at and use historical artefacts that children would have used in school many years ago. They looked at various books that showed old school buildings that gave the opportunity for the pupils to compare the new building to schools in history. The week allowed the children to get to know their new teacher and write appropriate rules for the new school year.
Cynghorau Newydd / New Councils
Fel rhan o'r tymor newydd, pleidleisiodd blynyddoedd 2 a 3 i ddisgyblion y dosbarth i'w cynrychioli yn y gwahanol gynghorau yn yr ysgol. Gwnaethant gyflwyniad bach ar pam y deylent fod yr um i rannu llais y plant a beth oedd ganddynt i'w gynnig i'r gwahanol gynghorau.
As part of the new term, years 2 and 3 voted for pupils in the class to represent them in the various councils in the school. They made a small presentation on why they should be the one to share the pupils voice and what they had to offer the various councils.
Iechyd a Lles / Health and Well-being
Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy
Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Language, Literacy and Communication
Dyniaethau / Humanities
Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology
Ym Mlwyddyn 1, rydym ni wedi bod yn edrych ar drydan. Dysgom ni pa wrthrychau sydd yn cynhyrchu trydan, peryglon trydan ac aethpwyd ati i greu cylched trydanol syml. / In Year 1, we have been studying electricity. We learnt which items needed electricity, the dangers of electricity and built a simple electrical circuit.
Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts
Arbrawf Gwyddoniaeth / Science Experiment
Mae'r plant wedi bod yn arbrofi effaith trydan ar wahanol ddeunyddiau. Maent wedi bod yn cynnal arbrofion i weld pa ddeunyddiau fydd yn caniatáu i'r trydan basio trwodd. Buont hefyd yn mwynhau arbrofi gyda thrydan statig.
The children have been experimenting the effects electricity has on various materials. They have been conducting experiments to see which materials will allow electricity to pass through. They also enjoyed experimenting with static electricity.
Cydweithio / Working together
Yn ystod y tymor hwn, mae disgyblion CC2 wedi cael cyfleoedd i ddefnyddio eu gwybodaeth a'u sgiliau i gyflawni amrywiol weithgareddau. Maent wedi adeiladu eu gallu i gydweithio ag eraill a gweithio fel tîm.
During this term, the pupils in PS2 have had opportunities to use their knowledge and skills to complete various activities. They have built their abilities to cooperate with others and work as a team.
Er mwyn helpu i godi arian ar gyfer Plant Mewn Angen eleni, roedd y plant wedi gwisgo dillad streipiog a smotiog. Diolch am helpu codi arian at achos teilwng!
To help raise money for Children in Need this year, the children wore stripey and spotty clothes. Thank you for helping raise money for a worthy cause!
Wythnos Gyrfaoedd / Careers Week
Wythnos llawn cyffro, mae plant Cam Cynnydd 2 wedi elwa trwy gwrdd ag amrywiaeth eang o bobl gyda swyddi a phroffesiynau gwahanol. Mae’r plant wedi dysgu beth sydd angen arnyn er mwyn llwyddo yn y byd gwaith a deall bod yna amrywiaeth eang o gyfleoedd gwahanol ar gael iddyn nhw.
A week full of excitement for the children of Progression Step 2, they have most definitely benefitted from meeting a variety of individuals from different jobs and professions. The children have learnt what it takes to succeed in the working world in a variety of jobs and there are plenty of options for them .
Taith Nadolig / Christmas Trip 🎅🏽
Mwynhaodd yr holl ddisgyblion eu hamser yng Nghanolfan Dreftadaeth Gwyr lle buont yn ymweld â Sion Corn, yn cymryd rhan mewn helfa corrachod, yn creu addurn coeden a bwyd ar gyfer Rwdolff, yn gweld ffilm theatraidd o Sion Corn yng Ngwlad Hud ac yn cymryd rhan mewn ras hwyaid. Cafwyd amser da gan bawb!
All pupils enjoyed their time at the Gower Heritage Centre where they visited Santa, took part in an elf hunt, created a tree ornament and food for Rudolph, saw a theatrical film of Santa in Wonderland and took part in a duck race. A good time was had by all!
Gwasanaeth Nadolig / Christmas Assembly
Perfformiad bendigedig gan holl ddisgyblion CC2. Da iawn i chi gyd! / A wonderful performance by all PS2 pupils. Well done to you all!
🎄 Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! 🎅🏽
Cam Cynnydd 3
Wythnos Ysbrydoli/ Inspiration week
Ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn cawsom ni wythnos llawn gweithgareddau ysbrydoledig. Mae’r plant wedi cael wythnos llawn gweithgareddau i ddechrau eu thema. Dechreuodd yr wythnos gydag ymweliad â Chastell Henllys lle cafodd y plant gyfle i ddysgu am fywyd yng Nghymru yn ystod y cyfnod Celtaidd a Rhufeinig.Yn ystod ein ‘wythnos ysbrydoliaeth’ bu’r plant hefyd yn mwynhau ymweliad gan ‘Rhyfel Cymru’ lle dysgwyd y grefft o frwydr a sut i ysgrifennu caligraffi Rhufeinig. Ymwelwydy â gwahanol dosbarthiadau lle cawsant flasu gwahanol fathau o fwydydd Rhufeinig, crochenwaith, creu tarian a dawnsio creadigol trwy fframiau rhewi.
At the beginning of the year we had a week full of inspiring activities. The children have had an action packed week to start their theme. The week started with a visit to Castell Henllys where the children got to learn about life in Wales during Celtic and Roman times.During our ‘inspiration week’ the children also enjoyed a visit from ‘Rhyfel Cymru’ where they learnt the art of battle and how to write Roman calligraphy. The children visited different classes where they tasted different types of Roman food, pottery, shield making and creative dance through freeze frames.
Gweithio gyda Nina Morgan / Working with Nina Morgan
Mae disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 wedi bod yn ffodus i weithio gyda Nina, artist lleol sydd ers graddio wedi dysgu gwneud printiau mewn ysgolion a sefydliadau ledled Cymru. Mae ei gwaith wedi cael ei arddangos mewn arddangosfeydd ledled Cymru. Bydd Nina yn dychwelyd y tymor nesaf i barhau i weithio gyda’n disgyblion a bydd eu darnau terfynol o waith yn cael eu harddangos gyda balchder yn yr ysgol am flynyddoedd i ddod.
Year 5 pupils have been fortunate to work with Nina, a local artist who since graduating has taught printmaking in schools and institutions across Wales. Her work has been exhibited within exhibitions throughout Wales. Nina will return next term to continue working with our pupils and their final pieces of work will be proudly displayed in the school for many years to come.
Go explore!
Mae Cam cynnydd 3 wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Go Explore i ddeall sut mae creaduriaid yn dibynnu ar ei gilydd o fewn cadwyni bwyd gwahanol. Rydym hefyd wedi dysgu sut effaith rydym ni yn gallu cael ar y cadwyni bwyd a chynefinoedd y creaduriaid yma. Cafodd y plant gyfle hefyd i drin a dosbarthu dail gwahanol a cheisio labeli o ba goed daeth y dail penodol.
Progression step 3 have worked with Go Explore to understand how different creatures rely on one another within different food webs. We have also learnt about the effect that humans have on these food webs and on their habitats. We also had the opportunity to discuss and sort different leaves and try and identify from which tree these leaves have originated from.
Wythnos Ieithoedd/ Languages week
Cafodd blwyddyn 5 blas ar ddysgu ymadroddion Sbaeneg i ddathlu Diwrnod Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd y wythnos hon. Nod y diwrnod yw codi ymwybyddiaeth o’r amrywiaeth eang o ieithoedd yn Ewrop. Mae’n hyrwyddo treftadaeth ddiwylliannol ac amrywiaeth ieithyddol.
Year 5 had a taster session to learn some Spanish phrases this week to celebrate the European Day of Languages. The day aims to raise awareness of the wide variety of languages in Europe. It promotes cultural heritage & linguistic diversity.
Sesiynau Pure Football / Pure Football Sessions
Am ddiwrnod llawn gweithgareddau hwylus. Cafodd blant Cam Cynnydd 3 hwyl a sbri yn ystod ein diwrnod dathlu Cwpan y Byd. Ymwelwyd â gwahanol ddosbarthiadau lle cawsant goginio pitsas, dysgu’r Haka, creu origami, dysgu Ffrangeg a datblygu eu dealltwriaeth o’r gystadleuaeth a’r gwledydd sy’n cymryd rhan yn y twrnament.
What a fun packed day. Progression Step 3 had lots of fun during our Rugby World Cup celebration day. The children visited different classes where they cooked pizzas, learnt the Haka, created origami, learnt French and learnt more about the countries that are taking part in the tournament.
Sioe Heliwr y pili pala a taith i Amgueddfa Abertawe / The butterfly hunter and trip to Swansea museum.
Aeth Cam Cynnydd 3 ar ymweliad i Theatr Dylan Thomas ac Amgueddfa Abertawe. Cafodd y disgyblion gyfle i wylio’r sioe ‘Butterfly Hunter’ er mwyn dysgu am fywyd Alfred Russel Wallace. Tra yn yr Amgueddfa, cafodd y disgyblion gyfle gwych i archwilio gwahanol fathau o ffosilau ac esgyrn. Yna y cyfle i fod yn feddylwyr beirniadol drwy benderfynu a oedd casglu’r holl wahanol fathau o rywogaethau at ddibenion gwyddonol yn gywir neu beidio.
Progression Step 3 went on a school visit to the Dylan Thomas Theatre and the Swansea museum. The pupils had the opportunity to watch the show ‘Butterfly Hunter’ to learn about the life of Alfred Russel Wallace. Whilst at the museum the children had the wonderful opportunity to explore different types of fossils and bones. They then had the opportunity to be critical thinkers by deciding whether it was right to have collected all these different types of species for scientific purposes.
Ymweliad Cardiff Devlis / A visit from Cardiff Devils
Wythnos Gyrfaoedd / Careers week
Wythnos llawn cyffro, mae plant Cam Cynnydd 3 wedi elwa trwy gwrdd ag amrywiaeth eang o bobl gyda swyddi a phroffesiynau gwahanol. Mae’r plant wedi dysgu beth sydd angen arnyn er mwyn llwyddo yn y byd gwaith a deall bod yna amrywiaeth eang o gyfleoedd gwahanol ar gael iddyn nhw.
A week full of excitement for the children of progression step 3, they have most definitely benefitted from meeting a variety of individuals from different jobs and professions. The children have learnt what it takes to succeed in the working world in a variety of jobs and there are plenty of options for them .
Gwersi Ffranneg / French Lessons
Coginio gyda Lisa Fearn / Cooking with Lisa Fearn
Cafodd y plant gyfle i goginio gyda Lisa Fearn yn ystod un o dasgau llais y disgybl. Gwnaeth y disgyblion gweithio’n galed drwy’r wythnos i greu sioe radio coginio. Cyfle gwych a’r fraint o goginio ochr yn ochr â Lisa Fearn.
The children had the opportunity to cook with Lisa Fearn during one of their pupil voice tasks. They have been working this week on creating their own cooking radio show. It was great for them to have the opportunity to cook alongside Lisa Fearn.
Cystadleuthau Pel Rwyd a phel droed / Netball and Football Tournamets
Pantomeim Cinderella/ Cinderella Pantomime
Cafodd plant Cam Cynnydd 3 y cyfle i weld y pantomeim yn theatr y Grand yn Abertawe. Y sioe eleni oedd Cinderella, roedd y plant wrth eu boddau yn gweld y sioe ar lwyfan.
The children of progression step 3 had the opportunity to go and watch the Pantomime Cinderella in the Grand theatre Swansea. The children enjoyed seeing such a well known film on stage.
Gwasanaeth Nadolig / Christmas Service
Mae plant Cam Cynnydd 3 wedi cymryd rhan mewn gwasanaeth Nadolig eleni a pherfformio o flaen cynulleidfa. Neges glir i bawb i fwynhau'r dathliadau dros y Nadolig.
Children of progression step 3 have participated in the school Christmas service and preformed in front of an audience. A clear message for everyone the enjoy the celebrations over the festive period.
Dyma ein Cyngor Enfys eleni. Croeso cynnes i chi gyd! / Here are this years Rainbow Council. A warm welcome to you all!