Baylis Court School Newsletter 22 November 2024

Thank you to Lana in Year 7 who created this poster for Anti Bullying Week!

6th form Mentoring

This week, 6th form students have begun mentoring year 11s, helping them prepare for their GCSEs. They’ll meet once a week and have one-to-one chats about study skills, dealing with exam stress and subject specific questions. Thank you year 12 for using your experience of GCSEs to support others.

Inquisitive Fortnight 2024

Baylis Court School recently held our first Inquisitive Fortnight, offering students the opportunity in and out of lessons to develop their own inquisitiveness, an important character trait and one of our school values.

Some of the inquisitive events held included:

  • Daily 6th form presentations on a variety of topics including the Sikh Genocide, Oral Diseases and The Nagasaki and Hiroshima Atomic Bombs
  • Stage lighting workshops
  • Documentaries on Fast Fashion and Marcus Rashford promoting the importance of free school meals
  • A coding competition
  • Sports Clubs
  • A talk on A Level Psychology for younger students
  • Cypher Club

As well as this, many events took place in lessons such as a orienteering in Geography, a Lacrosse tournament in PE and a Mock Trial in Law.

All students were given the opportunity to take part in the school Inquisitive Quiz. The winners were Sehr, Rubina and Alejandra in yr8- well done. Your prize will be given to you soon.

As well as this 70 students have been awarded the Inquisitive Leader Award, and will be presented with their certificates in assemblies soon. These students were achieved the award as they read and reviewed a new book, had a conversation with a new person, attended a new extra-curricular club, carried out additional research on a school subject and tried a new food.

Well done to all of the students who demonstrated their inquisitiveness and thank you to staff for all of the extra events that you held.

Our next values fortnight will be focusing on Kindness, happening early 2025.

Miss Mathews

A level educational visit to the British Film Institute

This term we went to the British Film Institute to attend a seminar on Critical Theory.

“I enjoyed going over and applying critical theory to unseen texts. This going to support me in my exams when I have to apply critical theory to unseen texts.” Areeba Abbas
“The trip was very fun and interesting. I particularly found the documentary about the male gaze theory intriguing and I learnt things I didn't know before through watching it. Overall, a very useful experience!” Safa Mulla

A level industry talk with Gemma Adby

This term the Media Studies department organised an A level industry talk with Gemma Adby (previous Baylis student) discuss her role as a social media influencer and differently abled advocate.

“I enjoyed hearing how Gemma Adby faced and overcame social obstacles in her life and how she developed her career as a social media influencer. I particularly liked how she gave insider advice on how she produces and distributes unique content on Instagram, and was shocked to hear about her experience with Vogue magazine.” Sumaiya Khan

“I enjoyed Gemma Adby’s talk , as it was significant, as she revealed how social media is adapting into making inclusion and diversity a core principle and how it advocates for her to reach people like her who face limb impairment in a positive way and see her as a role model.” Anum Muzaffar

“I enjoyed having Gemma openly discuss with us about her disability as it has personally helped remind me to keep an open mind when it comes to people with disabilities. This is will enhance my learning towards our set text 'Super.Human' as it helps support various themes such as identifying differently able people and how they deal with everyday things” Marium Nabi

“I really enjoyed about Gemma Adby's talk was the fact how confident and self-reliable she was as a social media influencer and representing disability. She wanted to work with companies who choose her as model for her hard work and capabilities.” Fatima Awais

We are excited to share with you that some of our Y11's and 10's took part in the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme’s Online Enrichment Event: “Which Career? Meet people on working in different roles”. This enrichment event is designed to inform our students about how maths is used in different careers and the importance of continuing to study maths after GCSE. Students were inspired and found it useful and interesting.

Khateeja N Y10

"I learnt that there are many choices after GCSE, such as A-level Maths, A level further Maths and core Maths. I have now used Zoom call and found my interest in accountancy and finance. I now know that I should get economics for A-level as it helps with accountancy. Maths opens doors to future choices."

Juwaryria J Y10

"The video call was very helpful and relevant as Maths gives you many future opportunities, such as being an accountant, finance or doing Medicine which also require Maths. I hope to take Maths for A-levels as it will help me in my day-to-day life and my future career. Maths requires creativity, Being passionate. The future has some Maths in it, why not be curious about it. Maths opens many doors."

Appreciated how they talked about graduate schemes and Apprenticeships, option about Maths and further Maths and what to do post GCSE

Learnt about Engineering and the benefits to it like Harry gets well paid.

If you are interested in finding out more information, please visit

Diary Dates

  • Year 11 Geography Field Trip- Thursday 28 November
  • Year 11 Consultation Evening- Thursday 5 December
  • INSET Day (School closed)- Friday 6 December
  • End of Term- Friday 20 December

Operations Apprentice

Salary: £20,000 + shift allowance + annual bonus + benefits

Engineering Apprentice

Salary: £20,000 + shift allowance + annual bonus + benefits

Is your child too unwell for school?

Regular attendance at school is important for social reasons as well as educational ones and we are committed to working with pupils and parents to ensure good attendance to lessons every day.

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell.

This is a good resource to help you decide how best to help your child.

Winter wellbeing tips from MIND


Created with images by - "thank you word abstract in vintage wood type" • Dragana Gordic - "Young woman blowing her nose. allergic rhinitis. Has fever."