Cowbridge Lower School Newsletter 15.12.23

Another first for Lower School this week, our first Christmas concert! We welcomed Tyfu staff and children on Monday to our dress rehearsal and then our families into the school on Tuesday for our concert called 'Our First Nativity', the children were amazing and an absolute credit to our school ⭐ Da iawn pawb!

Both Nursery and Reception had the opportunity to go out into our woods to make 'jingle bells' using sticks, pipe cleaners and little bells. They then sang the song whilst shaking their homemade bells! 🔔🎄🎅

Nursery have been playing lots of games this week and being creative when making their Christmas crafts 🎄🎅

They had a very festive P.E. lesson where they tried to 'beat the grinch' as well as playing games called 'pass the presents' as well as their favourite yoga with Cosmic Kids.... namaste....🧘‍♀️🧘

Reception had a visit from Father Christmas over the weekend, he had come to collect the letters that they had written to him! He left glittery footprints and some dressing up clothes! 🎅

A big week for Reception as they had TWO visitors from 'Big School'. Dr. Brown came over to read them a story at the end of the day, she chose The Gruffalo which all the children enjoyed listening to. They also started their Modern Foreign Language journey by starting to learn German with Frau Powlson. They learnt about Christmas in Germany and children having presents in their shoes! Danke Frau Pawlson!

After performing so well in their concert, it was only fair that Reception could go and watch the 'big children' in Seussical. This was a big treat on a Friday afternoon and the children loved watching it! A big diolch from us!