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The Explorer Express May 2024

Important Dates

May 6th Mindset Monday

May 6th 4th Grade Field Trip

May 9th 2nd Grade Field Trip

May 9th 5th Grade Field Trip

May 10th DARE Graduation 9 am

May 10th 1st Grade Field Trip

May 10th 3rd Grade Field Trip

May 13th 5th Grade Field Trip

May 17th Field Day

May 20th Waterpalooza - for those that qualify

May 22nd K-1st Grade Awards 9 am

May 22nd 4th-5th Grade Awards 10 am

May 22nd 2nd-3rd Grade Awards 12:15 pm

July 30th Open House 5-7 pm

From the Principal

As we enter the final 16 days of this school year, we are entering our busiest time of year. We kindly ask for your continued support in promoting positive behavior among our students. Our team consistently reviews and reinforces the behavior expectations set forth by The Discovery School on a daily basis. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in maintaining a positive learning environment for all students.

Thank you for your support in promoting our Walkathon fundraiser. This event allows us to enhance the financial support we receive from our district and state government. We are pleased to report another successful year, with the total funds raised being announced on Friday, May 3rd. All proceeds generated from this event are allocated to our school, with 5% being contributed to the school's general fund. A minimal amount of funds, less than $1200, is allocated towards prizes, refreshments, and event materials. The remaining funds are allocated towards enhancing technology and equipment within the school, with a significant portion dedicated to classroom funds for teachers to purchase necessary items and supplies for their classroom.

As we plan for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, I wanted to inform you that the dress code and behavior expectations at The Discovery School will remain consistent.

If you wish to provide input on your child's classroom placement, please feel free to do so by submitting your thoughts to me via letter or email at When sharing your preferences, please do not name a teacher...kindly describe the personality traits that you believe your child would respond to best. Additionally, I would like to remind you that students in grades 3-5 will have two teachers, as these grades follow a departmentalized structure.

Thank you for your support. I am proud of the learning and growth that has taken place on our campus. Have a wonderful summer.

Rachel Storment

Mindset Monday

Monday is not something you should dread! Monday should be used as a new beginning, to try new things and strive for improvement. Join us as we celebrate Mindset Monday. Students may choose to wear a t-shirt with a positive or motivational message with dress code bottoms. We will designate one Monday each month as Mindset Monday.

May 6th

Please continue to read 20 minutes every day!
