KEVI Newsletter 12th January 2024

Senior Leadership Team Update

It has been a lovely week at KEVI. We have enjoyed showing off our school community to two visitors from the Trust who were so impressed with the character of the young people they met. We are so pleased with the commitment of Year 11, with over 30 students having signed up to attend our first Saturday School of the year. We know how important these extra sessions such as Period 6, holidays and Saturdays are in securing the best possible grades. Well done to everyone who has made the commitment and thank you to the staff who are giving up time on a weekend to support our students.

This week in assemblies and around school we have been focusing on the importance of uniform. School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student body. These factors contribute to students' wellbeing and give a clear indication of being part of the KEVI community.

Star of the Week

Each week our house leaders nominate their Star of the Week to recognise those students who are living our values.

Our Stars of the Week are:

Y7: Olly W - for consistently showing Ambition in his lessons.

Y9: Braydon G - for showing Aspiration in his learning with his exceptional work ethic in English.

Y10: Amber P - for showing Courage for her involvement in house events.

Y10: Katie H - for showing tremendous Aspiration for not missing a single homework all year.

Mr M Wilkinson - Head of School

Year 11


Saturday School

Saturday School will be taking place at KEVI from this Saturday 13th January 2024. It will provide a great opportunity for students who wish to attend to help support them to achieve their potential.

Sessions will run from 09:00am-11:00am every Saturday. Students will be required to attend the whole two hour session and will not be required to wear uniform. Refreshments and a snack will be provided for students during the two hour sessions.

If you would like your child to attend KEVI Saturday School, please register by using the following link.

Values: Courage & Resilience

This week we celebrated some true KEVI heroes who have displayed our values of Courage and Resilience. Before Christmas we held our Christmas Showcase which featured students performing music and drama on the stage. It was a wonderful event which was only able to happen because so many students showed those values. Learning to perform or play an instrument takes such resilience to overcome frustration and setbacks. Any public performance requires one to show courage to overcome feelings of nervousness and anxiety. It was a delight to be able to spend time with our KEVI heroes and enjoy an afternoon tea.

House News

Last week we began house table tennis with staff playing against each other. Mr Read had a strong team with himself and Mrs Mitchell not losing a game. However, Mr Pieterse was giving everyone a close game as he fought for Apollo. The rest of the years will now play against the other houses to find a winner of this years house table tennis.

Next week we have bottle cars where a team of students will create cars from bottles. The car that moves the furthest will be the winner. Extra points will be awarded for the house which has the best designs.

Miss C Eyre - Games Master

Gino's Update

Menu - Spring Term

Price List – January 2024


  • Bacon roll £1.05
  • Sausage bap (Wed only) £1.05
  • Large bacon roll £1.45
  • Fruit – piece or small pot 45p
  • Toasted teacake 55p
  • Yogurt 50p


  • Bacon roll £1.05
  • Sausage bap £1.05
  • Large bacon roll £1.45
  • Pizza slice £1.05
  • Toasted sandwich £1.45
  • Cheese & ham bagel £1.45
  • Toasted crumpet 55p
  • Toasted teacake 55p

Break & Lunch

  • Salad box £1.95
  • Baguettes (small) £1.30
  • Baguettes (large) £1.85
  • Sandwiches £1.45
  • Large roll £1.45
  • Small roll £1.05
  • Tortilla wrap £1.75
  • Crusty bread roll 35p
  • Fruit – piece or small pot 45p
  • Yogurt 50p
  • Condiment sachet 10p


  • Main meal with 2 sides £2.20
  • Vegetarian main meal with 2 sides £2.20
  • Meal deal (meal, cake/dessert or small drink) £2.53
  • Pasta pot £1.80
  • Stir fry pots £1.80
  • Curry, rice & naan bread pot £2.20
  • Panini £1.50
  • Pizza £1.05
  • Jacket potato with filling £1.90
  • Cake/Cookie 65p
  • Hot pudding 70p

Drinks (Breakfast, Break & Lunch)

  • Fruit juice carton 70p
  • Flavoured milk carton 70p
  • Semi skimmed milk carton 70p
  • Radnors fizz bottles 75p
  • Large bottles water 90p
  • Large bottles flavoured water 95p

Daily Spend limits in Gino’s are set at £5.00 per day. Please contact us if you would like this to be changed for your child.

Angela Clark - Catering Manageress

Teen Support

Anxiety is a normal part of life and can affect anyone. Sometimes, if anxiety becomes overwhelming and doesn’t go away, it can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. However, with treatment and support from family and friends, anxiety can be managed.

Anxiety affects the body and mind. You may often feel tense, jittery or agitated, and worry about a situation you’re in or what might come next.

A bit of anxiety from time to time is normal, especially for teenagers. It can help with motivation at school, sport or work. But if anxious feelings don’t go away, they can interfere with concentrating at school, socialising with friends and enjoying life.

If anxious feelings don’t go away and seem out of proportion to the situation, you may have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are not just a matter of feeling too anxious. It’s when fears and worries cause distress and interfere with you doing the things you want, or should, be doing.

Symptoms and signs of anxiety or anxiety disorders in teenagers can include:

• feeling constantly agitated, tense, or restless

• being sensitive to criticism or extremely self-conscious

• always worrying about things that aren’t likely to happen

• avoiding difficult or new situations that make them anxious

• being withdrawn

• having trouble concentrating and starting or finishing schoolwork

• having trouble sleeping

• changed eating habits

They may also have physical symptoms such as:

• a racing heart

• feeling dizzy

• sweating

• shaking

• shortness of breath

• feeling ‘butterflies’ in their stomach

• headaches

• having aches (especially in their neck, shoulders and back)

To help yourself in dealing with anxiety please try the following

• get regular physical activity

• eat well

• reduce their caffeine intake

• avoid smoking and alcohol, which can make anxiety worse

• get enough sleep

• deal with any issues causing anxiety

• reduce their stress levels through mindfulness, meditation or relaxation

• do breathing exercises

You can try the 4-7-8 breathing technique. You should:

• breathe in for 4 seconds

• hold their breath for 7 seconds

• exhale for 8 seconds

If you have any concerns, please contact us on

If you have an immediate concern about a child then please call 101 for the police or 01522 782111 for childrens social care.

Word of the Week:

Articulate: from articulatus (Latin verb – to divide into parts)

articulus (Latin noun – joint)

Articulate: (verb) clearly speaking about separate parts of an idea

Please articulate your ideas precisely.

Article: (noun) a single part or item.

The historic articles were individually labelled and put on display.

Articulated: (adjective) jointed.

The articulated lorry had a separate cab for the driver

Ms K Davis - Head of English Department


KEVI Bright Sparx

‘The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.’

Each week, our students at KEVI, complete maths questions for their homework on Sparx. Some students answer additional questions, further increasing their mathematical knowledge. The maths team would like to celebrate these students and recognise their dedicated work.

This week’s Bright Sparx are -

Year 7: Lacie B

Year 8: Freya N

Year 9: Archie S

Year 10: Oscar C

Year 11: Isla H

Well done to all students who complete additional questions on Sparx. Maybe you will be our Bright Sparx next week.

Maths Puzzle

Can you complete this week’s maths puzzle with your child? (Answer in next week’s newsletter)

Which number should replace the question mark, knowing that two-digit numbers are always shown?

Answer to last week’s maths puzzle:

39 seconds.

This is the formula:

15 + (1 + 5) = 21

21 + (2 + 1) = 24

24 + (2 + 4) = 30

30 + (3 + 0) = 33

33 + (3 + 3) = 39

Accelerated Reader

It’s been a brilliant week in the KEVI Library with a record number of books being lent out and returned. It’s great to see our stock being browsed, borrowed and read with such enthusiasm! Often returned books don’t make it back to the shelves before they are borrowed again as students recommend them to a friend keen to share the experience.

Many students have been eager to talk about the books they have read. The Heartstopper series continues to be extremely popular. Students have been happy to chat about the plots and best parts of books they have read as they return them, keen to tell us all about them.

As ever, please talk to your child about their reading and encourage them to take opportunities to frequently read at home.

Ms K Davis - Head of English Department

Table Talk

Please have a look at the poster and discuss with your children the difference between free speech and hate speech. Children often use inappropriate language in conversation with each other or indeed some comments they make on line or in group. If they are aware of what is and is not acceptable and lawful, this may help them make better choices.

Mr A Carrington - Assistant Principal

Sports Enrichment

A great evening for the KEVI Year 7 boys and girls teams at the Futsal competition held at SGS, competing against five other local schools. Some impressive play by the boys resulting in a win and a draw, earned them 4th place in the competition. The girls (some relatively new to football) played well, showing lots of effort and resilience against some well established teams and experienced players.

The brand new lunchtime Zumba Club with Ms. Burton started this week, it was a great hit with students from all years, a great way to have fun and be active. Held every Wednesday lunchtime in Performing Arts.

Ms L Burton - Sports Enrichment Officer

Dates for the Diary

17th January - Year 11 Information Evening

6th February - Year 7 and Year 12 Parents' Evening

27th February - Year 9 Options Evening