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Sea Turtle Family Press IMportant things for Sanderlin families to know!

Previous Week Recap from Mrs. Cormier

We had a great week at Sanderlin this week. We kicked off some clubs and played our first MYP Volleyball games! I was also able to see some great IB Buddies time this afternoon and love seeing our students collaborate together. I am proud of how great our students are doing and how much I already see their brains growing. This next week, we are going to start our first PM1 FAST Testing. Please make sure that students are coming to school on time, well rested and ready to show us their best! Also, MYP students need to remember to bring their fully charged laptops to school along with their charger. We are excited to see how this first round of testing goes for our students so that we can set some good learning goals for the year. Also, don't forget that our first SAC meeting is on Sept. 10th from 6:00 - 7:00 and the PTSA Meeting is Sept. 11th at 6:00. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Important Reminders for this Week

Please make sure you have a FOCUS account. If you do not have a FOCUS account set up, please contact Mrs. Cumbie at

LOST ITEMS: Please claim if any of these items are yours!

PBIS Turtle Token Incentive Calendar!

Talk to your child about how he/she is earning turtle tokens and


Join using the button below - Mtg ID: 867 5964 9281 ----  PW: 709408

Taking Action Opportunities!

Show your Spirit!
