
Cowbridge Lower School Newsletter 20.10.23

It's been a very yummy week in Lower School this week! As it was World Food Day on Monday, Mrs Jenkins from our MFL department, very kindly organised to come in and share with the children a taste of foods from different countries. She also brought some of the 'big children' to help teach the Nursery and Reception children how to say some words in French and German. Danke Mrs Jenkins!

Nursery started their week with a dress up day to link with their learning about 'People who help us'. They talked about what the different professions did, how they can help them and the phone number to call in an emergency. They have also continued to learn about Autumn and made some Hedgehog pictures, ripping tissue paper to further strengthen their fingers 🦔

Reception have been reading the story of 'Handa's surprise'. They have been thinking about different fruits and using their mathematical skills to count the fruit, adding and taking them away from a basket. They ended their week making fruity kebabs, using different fruit to make repeating patterns.

Reception also improved their digital skills this week, learning how to use seesaw to save their digital work and chatterpix to make photos come alive! They also explored all the apps that Mr Hanford very kindly put on for us, they loved the Welsh 'Cyw' apps.

Both Nursery and Reception ended their week with a very exciting visit from Mr Hodges and his Ambulance! He came to speak about his role with Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, the children absolutely loved it and we are so grateful to him to giving up his time to come in. Diolch yn fawr!