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Children’s Beach House submits 21st Century grant for afterschool programs in Milton

Children’s Beach House has submitted a funding application for a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant to support afterschool programming at Milton Elementary School and H.O. Brittingham School in Milton. For two years, Children’s Beach House has been offering program support to the Friends at Milton Elementary (FAME) afterschool program, which has also been funded by a 21st Century grant. Under the new grant proposal, Children’s Beach House would partner with Cape Henlopen School District and the two schools and would serve as lead agency and fiscal sponsor of FAME and EmpowerED Milton Futures, a new afterschool program at H.O. Brittingham. Each program would offer four days of afterschool programming for up to 140 students with a focus on academic support and social-emotional skills, all within the context of positive, nurturing relationships that are the hallmark of all programs at Children’s Beach House. The programs would also offer five weeks of summer programming four days per week at the two elementary schools.

“We are so excited to expand our relationship with the town of Milton and its schools in this way,” says CBH Executive Director Rich Garrett.

“Again and again, research reveals that quality, dependable afterschool and summer programming is an essential part of positive outcomes for children, families, and communities. The children of Milton are at the heart of who we are and how we show up as an organization here and across the state. We can’t wait to realize this new partnership!”

CBH’s 21st Century Community Learning Center grant application is available for public review at 1800 Bay Avenue in Lewes. Interested parties may request to read it by calling 302-645-9184.

Greater Good Events isn't just about catering...

It's about crafting memories, savoring moments, food with purpose, where every celebration supports a greater cause.

Your celebration with Greater Good Events is not only sure to help you make lasting memories, it will also help you make lasting change. As a social enterprise of Children’s Beach House, 100 percent of Greater Good Events’ profits benefit CBH’s programs that serve children, families, and communities across the state of Delaware.

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Children’s Beach House to offer second annual safety education event for community

The second annual Safety Education Enrichment for Kids (SEEK) event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 23, at Lewes Elementary School. This year’s event builds on the success of last year’s SWELL. Conceived and sponsored by Children’s Beach House, the event brings together dozens of community partners and hundreds of local families to learn about programs designed to keep kids and families safe, active, and healthy.

“Last year we had an amazing turn-out and there was a great diversity in programs represented during the event,” said CBH Family Engagement Coordinator Nicole Van Matre, who was one of the event’s lead organizers.

“Community members were able to see K-9s in action, tour a firetruck, watch Irish dancers, learn CPR, and learn about a lot of available programs in our community.”

This year’s SEEK event will feature health and safety community partners and programs like La Red Health Center, the YMCA, 4-H, and local law enforcement, who will offer information and resources about protection, prevention, and positive development. The event will also feature education and enrichment opportunities for children, youth, and families from organizations operating camps, classes, concerts, and more! “We are hoping for a wonderful turn-out and to provide resources and information about local programs to our community,” Van Matre says.

Along with opportunities and resources, guests should expect music, dance, fun, and entertainment from local groups and vendors, as well as on-site food options from SmashMouth Burgers, Kona Ice, and Grandpa Mac!

And be sure to bring a basket, as we’re expecting a very special guest who’s famous for his egg-cellent Easter egg hunts! You won’t want to miss it!

Set a reminder to help on the big day by using the button below!

What’s your (kid’s) love language?

Are you a Valentine’s Day fan or detractor? Do you look forward to gestures of care and love, plus a good excuse for dark chocolate? Or do you eye the day with skepticism, feeling exasperated by the pressure and stress around this manufactured “Hallmark holiday”?

While the adult world is split on the value of Valentine’s Day, a recent survey of the under-six population in the Beach House came back with near unanimous approval.

And what’s not to love? The thrill of getting (and sending) handwritten messages, the feelings of love and friendship everywhere you look, plus the promise of sweet treats to make mid-February a little lighter! Valentine’s Day in the preschool classrooms is a good reminder of how good it feels to receive (and give) a little extra attention.

It’s also a reminder that love isn’t always as simple as cards and cookies. Love is communication, and communication isn’t easy. In the 1990s, Gary Chapman popularized the concept of five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. When it comes to parents and children, sometimes we forget that we don’t always speak the same language. Adults might see parenthood’s endless acts of service as expressions of love and feel resentful when children don’t show their appreciation. But a child whose love language is quality time might see those acts of service as evidence that their parent prefers cooking and cleaning to sitting with them. If parents aren’t able to recognize and “translate” their love into expressions the child can receive, everyday interactions can breed disconnection.

No language is better or worse than another. It’s a matter of understanding how love is expressed and how it is received. When you understand your child’s love language, Valentine’s Day, and all the other days, can be very sweet indeed.

Read more on the five love languages and how they apply to children.

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