Vinelines 18 October 2024

Responsible Year 8s

The Prep School House race came alive this week with the election of House Captains. Please ask your children who they voted for and why?! Many congratulations to those who were chosen. We will continue to support you to make a difference in your new roles.

Our hope is that as many of our children as possible can be given responsibilities, having the chance to demonstrate leadership qualities and become role models to younger children. We encourage the older children to enjoy and benefit from the symbiotic relationship with younger Prep children who look up to them with respect, admiration and aspiration. The way the Year 8s employ kindness and empathy has a material effect on this relationship, reminding them of their own experiences as one of the younger ones and guiding them as they develop a firm blueprint of how to behave within a community. This innate responsibility and maturity is without doubt what our senior schools shout about when Vinehall pupils join their communities.


Introducing this Year's House Captains

Ally Linney - Deputy Head (Pastoral)

The long wait for our hopeful Year 8s finally ended in Monday's Assembly. We are very proud of all our Year 8s who courageously put themselves forward for House Captain this year. It was a tight race and some of the totals had to be counted twice!

We wish to congratulate this year's House Captains:

Ashton House will be led by Frances S and Tymofii L

Paxton House will be led by Constanza M R-R and Woytek P

Rushton House will be led by Louis D and MP T

Saxton House will be led by Fleur L and Artiom V

We look forward to supporting the Year 8s in their new leadership roles. They did a fine job is this week's surprise House meetings as charity event planning is now underway.

Pre Prep

Nicky Whittaker - Head of Pre-Prep

This Friday saw Pre-Prep literally bursting with activity. The morning started with our parents visiting the Book Fair ahead of one of our favourite family activities at this time of our school year – our Autumn Walk. Our parents, grandparents, children and even some dogs spent a wonderful hour walking through our beautiful grounds. We could not have wished for a more spectacular Autumn morning – truly evoking ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’.

As the Vinehall parents left, a large group of prospective parents and children arrived to enjoy our annual Pumpkin Trail. Lots of excited children running through the grounds in search of pumpkins culminating in a story in our very own pumpkin patch in our vegetable garden.

Meanwhile the Pre-Prep school hall was full of excitement all morning as our classes took it in turns to visit the Book Fair. Watching them discover a new treasured book and the joy on their faces is priceless and the children benefit from the new books in their classrooms too.

A morning to reflect on what a wonderful Vinehall family we have and an amazing finale to the end of this very busy half term. Wishing all our children and families a relaxing and fun-filled half term holiday!

Nursery - Little Vines First Forest School Session

Sarah Wolford - Head of Nursery & Kindergarten

Promoting outdoor learning provides rich opportunities where children can thrive and learn. Many studies prove that outdoor learning has numerous beneficial outcomes for children, such as improving physical health, increasing creativity and enhancing cognitive learning.

Last week the children had the most amazing morning with Mr H leading their first Forest School session. The children had the opportunity to be independent, take supervised risks, as well as exploring and being involved in a variety of educational and fun activities.

Kindergarten ‘Pumpkin Soup’

Catherine Garlick - Kindergarten Teacher

Our focus this week has been pumpkins. We started by reading the book ‘Pumpkin Soup’ and we used the zones of regulation to develop our emotional vocabulary and think about how the characters were feeling at different points in the story. Then we made pumpkin soup and enjoyed this with hot buttered toast for our morning snack. Outside, we hunted for pumpkins in the Pre-Prep garden and discovered how they grow. We then had great fun playing in our pumpkin patch shop and using our early writing and mathematical skills.


Claire Sparks - Deputy Head of Pre-Prep

This week the refrain “Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”, has been ringing out from Reception as we have been enjoying the traditional tale as our text for the week. We baked our own gingerbread people, keeping a very close eye on them to make sure they weren’t going to leap out of the oven and run away! We had lots of fun making them, and even more fun eating them!

Year 1

Jacklyn Garwood - Year 1 Teacher

The Year 1 children came to school dressed as people from ‘The Olden Days’ on Tuesday. They listened carefully to each other as they shared who they were and why they were dressed this way. It was lovely to hear the children working like Billy Bee asking and answering questions with one another. We worked together to form a ‘Human timeline’, ordering ourselves from the oldest people to the most present! Another fabulous week of learning from Year 1 - well done!

Year 2

Louise Hawtin - Year 2 Teacher

Year 2 have worked so hard to make fire engines this week. They have painted their boxes, sawed the wood to make the axles the right length and have added ladders, hoses, lights and sirens. Everyone was proud of their finished engines, which will be on display after half-term.

We were also treated to Zephan N playing the Cello for us in assembly on Wednesday. He played with confidence and the children enjoyed singing along.

Year 3 - Just So Jaunt

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Year 3 visited Bateman's, the home of Rudyard Kipling, this week. They were lively and enthusiastic on their first outing in the Prep School and asked a lot of great questions inside the House, which impressed the National Trust volunteers. One of the visitors we met in the gardens, while playing Pooh Sticks, even commented to Karen Walker, saying how well-behaved they were! Thanks to Louise Waters for driving one of the minibuses and for her extensive knowledge on all things natural.

Year 3

After building Stonehenge, Hunter-Gatherers find sabre tooth tiger in the De Beer garden!

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Having worked collaboratively to build their own mini 'henge' in Humanities, Year 3 went out hunting and gathering. The next task will be the challenge to describe the different roles within a Mesolithic hunter–gatherer tribe.

Year 3 - Spelling and Handwriting

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Year 3 have been working hard on their handwriting this week. Mrs E is very pleased with their ever increasing focus.

Year 5 - Humanities

Louise Barrett - Head of Juniors

Year 5 have been learning how earthquakes are measured and made seismographs in Humanities. It was harder than it looked.

Modern Languages

Acorn Clayton - Head of Modern Languages

¡Feliz Día de la Hispanidad!

At Vinehall, we are proud of our Global Outlook. The 12th October is a day to celebrate the Spanish language across the world. With Annabel Newcomb's help, Year 7 and Year 8 children learning Spanish and EAL worked together to cook a Spanish recipe. Teams had to read the recipe in Spanish, weigh and measure the ingredients, make and bake delicious magdalenas.

Of course, everyone enjoyed tasting them sprinkled with canela (cinnamon).

¡Qué aproveche!


Matt McKinnon - Director of Sport

What a week and a great way to finish this half of term, with fixtures against St Andrew's, Bede's, Saint Ronan's and the touring Aldwickbury side and an Under 10 hockey tournament at home. It has been wonderful to see everyone's continued progress and, although some of this week's results did not go our way, everyone can be proud of their efforts during what has been at times a very wet and muddy half term.

There is one week left of the boys' football season, so please could they remember to bring in their mouthguards after the break. The senior girls will continue with hockey for a few weeks, before switching to netball. The junior girls will do the opposite, with a few more weeks of netball and then switching to hockey. Please could all the Year 3 and 4 girls remember to have their hockey sticks, shin pads and a mouthguard in school at all times.


Mary Alderson - Head's PA and Director of Drama

On Tuesday eight Year 6 pupils with a passion for drama were very lucky to enjoy a special event at Eastbourne College. After some fun warm-up activities and drama games, they worked with a vocal coach on a section of the script for a spooky mystery radio play, 'The Monkey's Paw'. The children then had a session with a Foley Artist, a sound designer who creates realistic audible effects for movies, TV shows and other media, learning many of the tricks of a very complex trade. Before a delicious lunch, pupils from three primary schools were split into two groups for DT or a French Escape Room.

Children volunteered to be either actors or on sound effects and, after another quick run-through, parents were invited to attend for tea and a special public recording of the radio play. We will be receiving a link to listen to their efforts.

I was hugely proud of the children, who represented Vinehall so well, being enthusiastic, talented, appreciative and very well behaved.

Forest School

Year 3

Carina Everist - Year 3 Teacher

Year 3 had an amazing morning out in our wonderful Forest School with Amy and Laura. They built dens, used fire steels and palm drills, made batter for pancakes before eating them around the fire. Amy and Laura were impressed with their collaborative skills.

Year 8

Book Fair

The Drawing Room was full of excited children on Thursday morning as each class took turns to visit the Book Fair. It was lovely to see their sheer enthusiasm and joy as they discovered new books. A big thank you to Rosie Hill, our local bookseller, for bringing such a huge range of books to appeal to every age group and interest.


Petra Campbell – Gapper

Last weekend was really enjoyable. We spent a typical Saturday at school, relaxing and participating in our usual DT, Art and Carpentry activities. In the evening, some boarders went to the supermarket to pick up treats, while the others stayed back and had some free time in the library.

On Sunday, we prepared a picnic lunch and set off for Battle to witness the re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings. The boarders explored the fair in groups, soaking up some fascinating British history. Afterwards, we enjoyed cake and tea at Sister Kate's. Finally, we returned to the boarding house for dinner and a relaxed evening.


Whole School: Pumpkin Carving Competition

Don't forget to bring your carved pumpkins into school after Half Term on Monday 4th November to be judged in our Pumpkin Carving Competition!

Halloween Dress Up Day - Monday 4th November


Odd Socks Day - Friday 8 November

Year 8 Movie and Pizza Night - 8th November

On the evening of 8th November, we look forward to welcoming Year 8 to a fun Movie and Pizza Night. The event will begin straight after school and will include a Movie Screening in the Theatre, followed by Pizza Supper and a sleepover in our boarding house.

Follow the link below to book a place.