Whitkirk News! 28TH JUNE 2024

A message from Miss Quarmby

What an amazing week! A quick flashback first to last Friday when our children went to London for their school trip. They visited Houses of Parliament and could not have represented our school better if they tried. We are so proud that this is now part of our Whitkirk offer, as we hope that it is an experience that our children will always remember and look back on with fond memories. On Thursday, we then held our Sports Days and the sun shone for us! This year, we decided to go back to a more retro sports day, and we felt that this was a real success. We've had lots of positive feedback regarding the event and we hope you enjoyed it too! The space hoppers and three-legged race will keep us amused for a long while! An enormous thank you to Mr Stout and Mr Shooter who organised and led the day. Next week, we have our Year 6 production, Mr Stout is taking some children to Leeds Rhinos, and our Year 4 children are going on their trip to Saltburn.

You should have received the email yesterday regarding the increase in price of school meals. Please remember that children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 will continue to receive Universal Free School Meals. You do not need to pay for these meals, but please continue to order your child's meal choice via Arbor. If your child is moving to Year 3 in September 2024 and currently receives a Universal Free School Meal, you will need to either order meals on Arbor as a paid option or provide a packed lunch. Additionally, some families may be eligible for Free School Meals beyond Year 3. If you think you may qualify, please contact the Leeds Benefit Office directly at 0113 222 4404. We understand that these are challenging times, and we would not increase meal prices unless absolutely necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

We hope to see you at our Summer Fair tomorrow (11:00 - 14:00) for lots of fun in the sun (hopefully!).

Uniform Exchange:

We know how quickly children grow and every year, lots of school uniform ends up in landfill. Do your bit to help our environment (and your pocket!) by donating and/or taking from our bank of pre-loved school uniform. It's free uniform for anybody who wants it and anybody is welcome to donate, take, or swap. Every little bit helps! Use the link to the Facebook page to find out more: Whitkirk Primary School Uniform Swap, Donate & Recycle | Facebook 

Upcoming dates/ events you may be interested IN:

  • 9th July - Year 6 SATS results day
  • 10th and 11th July - Transition days


This week, finishing in first place with 98.97% are RLE. In second place, are 3KD with 97.59% and in third place are 2RD, with 94.52%.

The whole school attendance this week is 93.1%. Can we do better next week? The only way to do that is if we all come to school as often as we can.

The whole school attendance so far this year is 95.57%

Let's see what's been happening in our classes this week


This term in Reception, our Big Idea is 'Where can we travel?' This week, the children went on an adventure to the beach! The children protected their skin with sun lotion, wore hats and summer clothes and had an amazing afternoon at Whitkirk beach! The children had a fabulous time paddling in the pools, exploring the beach sand and how water can move in different ways! The children said that it was, 'The best day ever!'

Key Stage 1

Year 1 have had an extraordinary week! In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past. We are so proud of how the children have used new vocabulary, such as the minute and hour hands. We loved our Sports Day celebrations, where Year 1 could showcase their many talents! We were so proud of their sportsmanship and maturity.

Wow! What a super week it has been in Year 2! In English, we have been writing AMAZING setting descriptions of Leeds West Indian Carnival. Miss Dougan and Miss Dougall were blown away by Year 2's writing! In Maths, we have been learning about movement and position and in Science we learnt about good hygiene. On Thursday, the Year 2 children were superb role models at Sports Day and we could not be prouder of each and every one of them!

Lower Key Stage 2

This week, Year 3 have been impressing us with their amazing times table recall. We have been completing different times table challenges to put our knowledge to the test. The enthusiasm from our pupils for increasing their speed has made us smile from ear to ear! Along with this, we are really proud of our Year 3s during Sports Day. Your resilience, determination and sportsmanship shone from beginning to end!

Year 4 have shown that they are outstanding writers with their informative reports about dolphins. They are filled with facts and are so fascinating to read! The children have continued to impress with their presentation and we couldn't be prouder of them.

Upper Key Stage 2

We would not be prouder of what Year 5 have achieved! This time last week, we were touring the Palace of Westminter, walking the same steps previous Kings and Queens had done to open parliament and even had the privilege of walking around the parliament gallery! We loved our lively debate about whether homework should be banned or not and have a great understanding of how our democracy works. Year 5's sports leadership skills were put to the test this week, assisting Mr Stout with the KS1 sports day; and what an incredible job they did (they even received a round of applause from the crowd!). To top it all off, everyone gave 100% during our own KS2 Sports Days. What a fantastic week! Let's see what next week brings.

This week has flown by and we can't believe there's only three weeks left of Whitkirk Primary School. With the Leavers' Concert next week, we've been busy practicing and adding in the music sections. All we can say is that you're going to IMPRESSED! In between rehearsals and Sports Day practice, we've squeezed in several maths lessons around the Euros and started our final science unit on electricity. We learnt what electric is, that electricity can pass through us, how to be safe around electricity and constructed electrical circuits using the correct symbols.


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.