Message from our Principal
Catching up after the weather event
Welcome to Week 9. This week, we continue to catch up on some of our rescheduled events following postponements due to the recent weather event. Our Year 9 students embark on their South Passage adventure and our North Coast Regional swimmers will be in Kempsey for the North Coast Meet, hoping to qualify for State. Our SRC induction Ceremony is scheduled for Monday 31st March.
Last week our Year 7 and 9 students successfully completed their NAPLAN tests. A big thank you to Mrs Molyneux and Ms Eke for their organisation and implementation of the tests.
Homework Club
Students at Mullumbimby High School are supported to achieve their best academically not just in the classroom each day but also through a number of supportive programs. On Thursday afternoons from 3pm-4pm, students are able to access Homework Club in our school library. They are provided with a post school sustaining snack, some hydration and an opportunity to seek assistance from our teacher volunteers. All students are encouraged to take up this opportunity when they are able.
Gaining the Edge
Our senior students are able to engage with “Gaining the Edge” where they can work with our expert staff to gain feedback on practice essays or past HSC papers or assistance to improve their study techniques. Wednesday week B in the library is the best time to take advantage of this.
Attending school everyday
Attendance each day at school is vitally important. Regular school attendance for our young people helps to build relationships, improve learning and develop key skills for life. Missing one day a fortnight adds up to four weeks across a year and over a student’s school life, a whole year of schooling. In the first half of this term we have seen only 43% of students attending more than 90% of school days. This is significantly below other schools in our area. It would be great if we could improve on this number in the second part of the term.
Safety with e-bikes and scooters
We have started to see some unsafe behaviour by students riding e-bikes and scooters to and from school as well as out in the community. Students are permitted to ride e-bikes to school as long as they meet the Transport for NSW requirements. Petrol powered bicycles are not permitted on NSW roads and nor are e-scooters. In NSW, it is illegal to ride a privately owned e-scooter on roads or road-related areas, including footpaths, shared paths, cycle ways and cycle paths. Privately owned e-scooters can only be ridden on private property. Students should not be doubling others on their e-bikes on the way to or from school and must always wear a helmet. Please find more information later in our newsletter or through this link.
Step Up to high school evening for Year 6 families and students
Coming up this week, we have our Year 6 into 7 ‘Step Up’ Evening. 2026 Year 7 students and their families are invited to attend from 5:15pm on Tuesday 25 March for a school tour and to meet some of our staff and student leaders to find out more about our amazing school. The following day, on Wednesday 26 March, the Year 6 students will attend an afternoon of taster high school lessons here at MHS.
Survey for Year 7 parents - asking for your feedback
For parents of our current Year 7 students, we will be seeking your feedback in the form of a survey about your young person’s experience of transition to high school. Please keep an eye out for it in your inbox. Your experience and feedback helps us to continue improving the transition experience for our future students.
Teacher Parent Night
Monday 31 March will be our first Parent Teacher evening of the year. Please keep an eye out in your email inbox for how to book times with your young person’s teacher. We would really love to see you and work together to make sure our students are doing their best and being their best.
Have a great week 9!
Respect. Responsibility. Learning. -- Bree Harvey-Bice, RELIEVING PRINCIPAL
This week, what's on?
- Monday 24 March - P&C Meeting at 5:30pm in the school library
- Monday 24 March - South Passage Excursion leaves school
- Tuesday 25 March - Yr6 Transition afternoon with parents at 5:15pm
- Tuesday 25 March - NC Swimming in Kempsey
- Wednesday 26 March - Yr6 students come for a taster class 1pm to 3pm
- Thursday 27 March - Visual Arts Excursion to Lismore
- Thursday 27 March - South Passage students return to school (Time TBA)
- Thursday 27 March - Rugby League B -15yrs and Open
The Journey to High School starts tomorrow!
This journey for all Year 6 students and their families starts on Tuesday 25 March with an Information Night. Share this information with your friends.
- School tours between 5:15pm and 6:00pm
- Information and welcome from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
Students will also be invited to taster afternoons, starting on Wednesday 26 March at 1pm - 3pm.
Download the checklist of the Journey to High School and have it up on the fridge at home!
E-Bikes Advice for Families
Cool Kids Program
Does your child experience significant levels of anxiety, worry and/or fear?
Does your child’s anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in important areas of functioning?
Mullumbimby High School Wellbeing Team are offering students who experience significant anxiety, and their parents, the opportunity to participate in a 10-week, evidence-based anxiety treatment program. The course will be facilitated by School Counsellor, Violet Innes and Student Support Officer, Cindy Clarke, who are qualified Cool Kids Program Facilitators.
WHAT: Cool Kids is a structured 10 session program that teaches children (ages 7-17 years) and their parents how to better manage a young person’s anxiety. The Cool Kids Anxiety Program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), with a focus on teaching practical skills. The sessions will be run in a group setting.
Topics covered within the Cool Kids Anxiety Program include:
- Learning about feelings and anxiety
- Learning to think more realistically
- Parenting an anxious child
- Fighting fear by facing fear (stepladders)
- Learning other coping skills such as building social confidence or learning to solve problems
WHEN: Start - Term 2, Week 3 Tuesdays 4.30pm-5.30pm
END: Term 3, Week 2 (10 sessions in total)
WHO: The Cool Kids program is offered to children whose main struggle is with anxiety. Cool Kids covers a broad range of fears and worries including:
- Separation fears
- Specific fears
- Social fears
- Generalised anxiety
If you are interested in applying for this program, please use the box below to complete the online Expression of Interest (EOI).
Canteen Menu 2025
School Photographer
Our school photos day was Monday 24 February. Everyone present on the day had their photo taken. Ordering can be done anytime afterwards as long as you use the school code: X6020SC54M when you log into the School Photographer's website.
If for some reasons your child missed the photo day, the School Photographer is organising a catch up day! Tuesday 15 April at the Brunswick Heads CWA Hall. Call to book 6628 0511.
The P&C is looking forward to the AGM and General meeting tonight (Monday 24 March), which will be held in the School Library.
Please arrive at 5:30pm as the meeting will begin at 5:45pm sharp.
We welcome any interested parents and carers to attend and consider becoming a member ($2 membership fee). New roles will be available for nomination.
Any queries? Please reach out via the contact details below:
E: | Ph: Amy Colli 0429 804 890
School Uniform and Online Shop
The shop is open every Mondays from 8:30am to 9am. You can order and pay for uniforms online . You will be able to nominate at checkout if you are picking up your order or if it can be given to the student. Orders will be processed on the same days as the uniform shop is open (Monday). Payment can be made in store by cash, cheque, debit or credit card. Any uniform shop enquiries can be sent to
Absent, Late or Early Leave
School starts everyday at 8.50am for all students and ends at 3pm. If students arrive after the start time and miss CARE (roll call), please call the school on 6684 2600 to explain why they are late or provide them with a note to drop off when they sign in. Your students need to come to Students Services Office as soon as they arrive at school.
LEAVING EARLY | Only valid reasons approved by the Principal will be authorised. A note or a phone call should be made to Student Services before 9:30am and a leave pass will be processed.
Messages to students
Only URGENT messages will be passed on during class time. Please call before 2pm. We ask that all arrangements regarding after school activities be discussed with your student before school to avoid stress and distraction.
Long Leave
A reminder to our school community that the NSW DET requires that parents arrange holidays DURING school vacations. If your family holiday is during school time, you will need to inform the School Principal in advance and submit a permission to leave from the school. An application for leave should be provided at least two weeks prior to departure. Ask our office for an “Application for Leave” BEFORE the holiday or download one from our school website.
Breakfast Club
Every Monday morning from 8:20am to 8:40am at the Wellbeing Hub, Mullum High's Breakfast Club is back. Cereal, toast, banana smoothies and milkshakes. Everyone is welcome, everything is free. All you need to bring is your smile and all you need to do afterwards is wash up. Come and say hi.
Homework Club
Every Thursday afternoon from 3pm to 4pm in the School Library. Everyone is welcome and light snacks will be provided. This is a great opportunity to get some one on one help with school work, homework or assessment tasks. Bring a friend and a task to work on.