porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 1ST march 2024


We have enjoyed our first week back to Nursery, especially seeing all our friends. In the outside environment we have been using the new climbing equipment confidently and sharing the resources with our friends in Reception class.

REMINDERS: Please remember to bring your favourite stories from home so we can celebrate a love of reading from home. Thank you.

Letters sent home this week


This week we have been sharing our holiday news. We spoke about what we have done, drew pictures and used our sounds to write labels.

We have been enjoying using our new puppets and toys in the reading area to act out ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’

In maths we have been doubling numbers and finding the total of two groups.

REMINDER: We would like the children to bring in their favourite books next week to share.

Letters sent home this week

Year 1

This week we have been re-reading the story of Beegu and ‘hot seating’ with the children pretending to be Beegu and her parents. The children have taken turns to ask questions of each other, taking on the roles of the characters. They have loved it!

We have been counting numbers and grouping amounts up to 50 and counting in 10s in maths.

In geography, we have been looking at which countries make up the United Kingdom. The children have been using locational language to describe where the countries are in relation to each other.

The children have also enjoyed making a note in their bean diary and noticing whether their beans have germinated or not!

REMINDER: Please remember to bring in your child’s P.E. kit for Thursday’s P.E. lesson.

Remember, to find out more log in to our online learning app SeeSaw.

Letters sent home this week

Year 2

In English, we had a blast with instructions! We learned about using important action words called imperative verbs. In maths we learned about doubling and halving. In PSHE, we had some interesting talks about money - how to earn it and clever ways to save what we earn. In history, we have been diving into the world of dinosaurs. We’ll explore different types and their timeline.

REMINDER: Please remember your child’s PE kit on Tuesdays and to enjoy nightly reading sessions with your child.

Letters sent home this week

Year 3

This week we have been exploring fractions in maths, concentrating on finding quarters of shapes and numbers. In English we are reading The Water Princess; we have been creating summaries including prepositions and conjunctions to extend our sentences. We have also been looking at direct speech using inverted commas and making sure our punctuation stays inside them. In geography we are exploring rivers and what they are made from.

REMINDER: It might be interesting to allow children to explore fractions when they are eating their dinner or breakfasts i.e. can they half a waffle or split a cucumber slice into quarters (with adult guidance of course!)

Letters sent home this week

Year 4

We have started story writing in English and have written ancient Mayan god descriptions with fantastic language. In maths, we have continued learning about perimeter and learning times tables. In design and technology, we have started a cooking unit. This week the focus was different chopping techniques so we used knives to cut carrots into 7 different shapes. We have started learning about data in computing and have talked about the different ways we can collect information eg health apps on phones and tablets that can tell us how many steps we have taken .

REMINDER: On Tuesday, we will be carrying out surveys as part of our computing lessons. As long as the weather is kind!

7 x 8 is another tricky times tables fact to learn.

5, 6, 7, 8 56 = 7 x 8

TT Rockstars can be played on phones. There is a free app or you can log in through the internet.

Letters sent home this week

Year 5

This week, year 5 have been getting creative in English and delving into the creative world of narrative writing. We read a story about time travel, full of mystery and intrigue – then planned and wrote the next chapter. In PSHE, we looked at aspirations – long term and short term goals, and how we can achieve these aims. In maths, we have been looking at converting fractions to decimals.

REMINDER: PE is Monday and Friday – this term we will be outside on the playground doing athletics and football. Please ensure your child has suitable kit for the variable weather.

Letters sent home this week

Year 6

This week, year 6 have explored the story ‘The Long Walk’ and considered how the author developed the characters and atmosphere. In our history lessons, we are continuing to study the ancient Greeks and learnt about Alexander the Great. Class Stingray went on a trip to the British Museum in London to look at the ancient Greek artefacts as part of our history topic – a great day was had by all!

REMINDER: Please remember to read daily and record in your home school diary.

PE is on Wednesday and Friday so please ensure PE kit is in school.

Letters sent home this week


This week year one picked up their studies of French by learning about things in the sky; year four have been learning about emotions; year six have been revising and extending how to speak about themselves.


Music Clubs

  • Tuesday 12.00: Band
  • Tuesday 12.45: Year 2 Music Club
  • Tuesday 3.30: Music Making for Year 1 and 2
  • Wednesday 12.45: Choir for Years 3-6
  • Thursday 3.30: Choir for Years 3 - 6

Instrumental Lessons

We do have a few vacancies, please contact Mrs Baines if your child would like to learn an instrument.

  • Tuesday am: Drums (Mr Fletcher)
  • Tuesday am: Guitar (Mr Brown)
  • Wednesday am: Keyboard (Mr Hockey)
  • Wednesday am: Guitar (Mr Elliot)

Future Events

  • 15th March Southend Makes Music – KS2 Choir
  • 19th March Infant Music Festival - 1pm (those involved have been notified by letter)
  • 13th June Junior Music Fesitval - KS2 Choir

Online Safety

Behind video-sharing platforms (like YouTube) and streaming TV shows and movies, gaming is the third most popular online activity for children in the UK. In fact, according to recent data from Ofcom, an overwhelming 89% of children aged 3 to 17 play video games. Of those, more than one in five (22%) talk to other players online who they don’t know outside the game.

The risk of contact from strangers is just one of the reasons that many parents are concerned about their child’s gaming: increased screen time, inappropriate content and in-game spending also figure among the most frequent fears. Agreeing on some rules around your child’s gaming activities can certainly help, and this guide has some useful tips for establishing these boundaries.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.15am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

School Uniform Donations

We always welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.15am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.



Well Done, goes to Swordfish Class for achieving the highest attendance this week. ‘Barbie Girl’ was played as each class left assembly on Monday. Congratulations also goes to both Year 6 classes for also reaching target, as well as Seahorse and Porpoise classes who had the highest attendance in their key stage groups.

This week we had 354 children who achieved 100% attendance, this is our highest weekly number yet. Well done to all of those children for keeping that up, the more children that are in every day and on time the better their learning, the more progress they will make.

Aim to attend school 100% of every week.

Punctuality Week

Look out for information regarding our up-and-coming Punctuality Week. With our attendance figures slowing improving it is time to focus on another important part of attending school which is being here on time.

Did you know that being frequently late for school adds up to lost learning? Being on time for school has a massive impact on learning, but regular minutes of lateness add up. Minutes late add up to hours lost, hours lost add up to days of school missed.

For example: Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 days lost in a school year. Arriving 15 minutes late every day adds up to 2 weeks of absence in a year. Arriving 30 minutes late every day adds up to 19 days absence a year.

We understand that all sorts of things can happen in the morning that might cause lateness once or twice, but being late more than twice is starting to be a bit of a cause for concern. Lateness in general across the school has been rising, and each month we have seen an increase in the number of children that are regularly late each day. We need your help to reduce instances of lateness ensuring that children are making the most of all the learning opportunities we have to offer.

Being here Is half the Battle.

Contact us

If you would like to talk to someone for about support or advice on attendance or punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator or Mrs D Morris Assistant Principal and Senior Leader for Attendance, pop in to the school office, call or drop us an email toattendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.ukwe here and we are always happy to help!

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child.

Dinner Menu

Week 1

Monday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti- Baked Jacket with Grated Cheese - Peas & Broccoli - Maryland Cookie.

Tuesday - Ham & Cheese Pizza with Baked Wedges - Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Crumble & Custard

Wednesday - Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Vegan Vegetable Biryani - Baked Jacket with Baked Beans - Seasonal Greens & Cauliflower - Cherry Cornflake Cake

Thursday - Roll with It - Sausage wrapped in puff pastry - The Vegan Roll with It - Vegan sausage wrapped in puff pastry - Gruffalo's Terrible Tusk (Potato Wedges) - Jack's Magic Beans (baked beans) - Gangster Granny's Green Peas - Willy Wonka Chocolate Cake surprise with Oompa Loompa Chocolate Sauce.

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & ketchup - Vegan Goujons with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jacket with Grated Cheese - Peas & Baked Beans - Banana Flapjack

Diary Dates


  • Wednesday 6th - World Book Day
  • Thursday 7th - Special Menu for World Book Day
  • Friday 15th - Red Nose Day
  • Monday 18th - Friday 22nd - Book Fair
  • Tuesday 19th - Infant Music Festival
  • Wednesday 20th - Parents Evening
  • Monday 25th - School Nurse Drop in sessions at 8.40am & 3.00pm
  • Thursday 28th - Octopus Trip to The British Museum
  • Friday 29th - GOOD FRIDAY - School closed


  • Monday 1st - EASTER MONDAY - School closed
  • Tuesday 2nd - Friday 12th - EASTER HOLIDAYS
  • Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th - Y3 & Y4 Performance


  • Monday 6th - BANK HOLIDAY - School Closed
  • Monday 13th - Thursday 16th - KS2 SATS week
  • Monday 20th - Making the Band Day Y5/6
  • Monday 27th - BANK HOLIDAY - School Closed
  • Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st - May Half Term


  • Monday 3rd - INSET DAY
  • Monday 10th - Friday 14th - Phonics Screening Test Week
  • Monday 24th - Wednesday 26th - Swimming Lessons at West Leigh Junior School


  • Friday 5th - Year 6 Transition Day
  • Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th - Art and D&T Festival
  • Tuesday 9th July - Open Evening
  • Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th - Danbury Residential trip
  • Friday 19th - Last Day of Term