holy spirit school newsletter Term 4, Week 5, 13th November 2024

Principal's Message

The Influence of Parents

‘Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.’ (Anonymous)

Imitation is a wonderful representation of flattery. I still remember smiling and sometimes pulling faces at my daughters when they were born. Engaging with your children from the moment they are born is one way of developing bonds, demonstrating your love and developing a lifelong relationship. As years pass, these actions will always remain important. Others become just as important.

We all grapple with being parents. I was reading a research article by the Australian Scholarship Group (ASG) about the importance of parents influencing their child’s opinion on education. Research is clear, parents who take an active and positive influence on the education of their child, can and will assist their child in being successful at school. Equally a child’s success otherwise at school is the best measure of their future well-being. Education is one of the most critical investments that parents, families and communities can make. Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’

ASG reveals that parent’s aspirations for their children are the most important driver for their children’s success. The report suggests whether children are just starting their primary school years, or they are in their final year of secondary school, it is important parents maintain their value systems and regularly communicate their support of, and expectations for, their children.

Regardless of the type of school a child attends, parents should demonstrate their support of their children, and remind them as they grow and learn how important education is to them. Parents who have a shared passion and aspirations for their children’s post-secondary options and future ambitions, will positively influence a child’s own belief in their ability to succeed.

We are all aware that there will be many influences on a child and the direction their life takes. Some of these are outside our control but the positive is that there are many we can influence. They include:

  • What you do matters (Children watch and learn from your behaviours)
  • Be involved in your child’s life
  • You cannot be too loving (Remember spoiling a child is not love)
  • Foster your child’s independence and resilience
  • Be consistent
  • Avoid harsh discipline
  • Inspire intrinsic motivation
  • Establish and set rules, explain your rules and decisions
  • Treat all people with respect

Consider your interactions with Holy Spirit. Do you promote the positive in front of your child? When things don’t go well at school, how do we respond? We are co-creators of the future society, what will the imitators (our children) be reflecting?

Matt Kean



First Reconciliation

Congratulations to our Year 2 students who recently made their very First Reconciliation. A Catholic's First Reconciliation is a significant milestone in their spiritual journey. It marks the beginning of their understanding of sin and forgiveness, and it provides them with an opportunity to experience God's mercy and grace. It was a wonderful occasion for our students and their families.

Saturday School Mass

Thank you to the students who took part in Mass last weekend. Evelyn V, Elka C, Evelyn D, Isobel W, Adaline V, Billy I, Mia P, Cooper M, Chelsea H, Max T and Jack I.

The next school Mass is December 7th.

2024 - St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

The time has come to think about the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. As in previous years, Holy Spirit School have been invited to participate. If anyone would like to donate new unwrapped toys up to 12 years of age, or “in date’ non perishable food items, please leave these in the front office. Boxes are available in the front office that items can be placed in.

  • Gifts should remain unwrapped with appropriate age and gender details attached or written on the packaging.
  • Should food items be donated it is important that they are well inside the ‘best by’ and particularly the ‘use by’ dates (a legal requirement).

Some ideas for food items include Christmas pudding, tea, coffee, milo, fruit cake, jam, pancake mix, cereal, dried fruit, biscuits, pasta, pasta sauce and vegemite.

The boxes will be collected at school by St Vincent de Paul on Monday 9th December to be distributed by St Vincent de Paul.

Thanks for your support.

Kind regards,

Jo Davies

Religious Education Coordinator


  • Leadership Speeches: Wednesday 4th December - 9:15am
  • Year 6 Graduation: Monday 16th December - 5:00pm

Key Dates


  • Kindergarten 2025 Snapshots: Thurs 14th Nov, Thurs 21st Nov, Thurs 28th Nov 9:30-11am
  • Super Bingo: Wednesday 20th November (doors open 6pm, eyes down at 7pm)
  • Year 6 Canberra Excursion: Wednesday 20th Nov - Friday 22nd November
  • 2024 School fees to be paid in full and accounts settled: 1st December
  • Leadership Speeches: Wednesday 4th December, 9:15am
  • Kindergarten Orientation Day/Parent Information Session: Thursday 5th December, 9:30-11am
  • Year 1-6 Orientation/Transition Day: Monday 9th December, 9:15-11am
  • Year 6 Graduation: Monday 16th December, 5pm
  • Last day of Term 4: Wednesday 18th December

2025 Dates

  • Staff return: Friday 31st January
  • Student Free Day: Monday 3rd February
  • MAI (Years 1-6): Tuesday 4th February & Wednesday 5th February
  • Best Start Interviews for Kinder students: Tuesday 4th February-Monday 10th February
  • Years 1-6 start school: Thursday 6th February
  • Kinders commence school: Tuesday 11th February
Today is World Kindness Day. It is a day that we are reminded about the importance about being kind to each other. “You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!” ― Anne Frank

Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day staff and students payed homage to all those who have lost their lives or suffered serving in the armed forces. It was a heartfelt event acknowledging the sacrifices made by so many that have allowed us to enjoy the privileges we have in Australia today. Everyone took part in a minute silence as a sign of respect and gratitude.

"Force and Motion" Science Show

Last Friday a team from The University of Newcastle SMART program ‘ Force and Motion’ Science Show delivered a super engaging and exciting show for the students. 'Force and Motion' explored common contact and non-contact forces, including gravity, air resistance and magnetism. The presenters also investigated 'spin' forces and rocket science. It was an amazing, interactive and very exciting experience for all our students!


We would like to inform our HSS community that we have a defibrillator in the School Office and in the School Hall for use when required for our students, staff, and visitors. A defibrillator is a portable device that applies an electric charge or current to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat.

Bunnings BBQ

We have been given the opportunity to hold a BBQ outside Bunnings Albury on Sunday 1st December between 8:00am and 4:00pm. We are seeking members of our school community to assist with the BBQ throughout the day. If you are able to assist, could you please click here.

Congratulations to both our boys teams who finished runners up in their respective division of the NSW Basketball Cup in Wagga last Tuesday. Massive thanks to our coaches Mr Mahoney, Mr Hogan, Mr Aldridge , Mr Dom and Mr Shelley.
Congratulations to our Girl’s team who competed in the NSW BBall Cup in Wagga last Thursday. They made it all the way to finals. Many thanks to scorers and coaches Mrs Kirkwood, Mrs Mahoni and Mr Whyte.

Bingo Roster

Bingo Volunteers Needed for 2025

Click here to view google form.

Canteen Roster

**** Please contact Janelle (Canteen Manager) on 0414270918 if you are able to help for the required dates/times highlighted below. ****

Merit Awards

Congratulations to Skyla (5 Red) who competed in the Front and Centre Dance Nationals last weekend and won various events. You should be thrilled with your accomplishments - well done!

TheirCare Holiday Program

TheirCare Holiday program is now taking bookings for the school holidays. School Holiday Operating Hours:

  • 19th December - 24th December 2024
  • 6th January - 31st January 2025

Parent Talk

Parent Talk (Term 4) is now open for registration. This talk will be held on Tuesday 26th November from 7.30pm - 8.15pm, via Zoom. Natalie Smith - BaTeach (Primary), BaEd (Special Education), Cert TESOL and COGE (Certificate of Gifted Education) will present on: Curriculum Adjustments: How Parents can advocate for the Children's needs within schools

Please click here for further information and to register. Register ASAP so you don’t miss out. Registrations close Friday 22nd November.

Gateway Health

Please click here to view Term 4 Parenting Programs and Sessions from Gateway Health.

Colouring Competition

Please click here for details.

Festival of Fun

Please click here for information.
