In this issue
- An Advent Message from Rev. Lisa
- Campus Update
- Join Our Pastoral Care Teams
- 2023 Christmas Bazaar Recap
- Save These Dates - Advent, Christmas, & More!
- Christmas Flower Fund
- Good News!
- Recipe of the Month
Advent: Waiting, Preparing, & Watching
I invite you into a Holy Advent. The word advent comes from the Greek word adventus, which means “to come.” In the season of Advent, we are waiting, preparing, and watching for the One who is to come: both God made man incarnate, in the baby Jesus who will change the world forever, and the ultimate return of Christ, when He comes to draw the whole world to God.
Advent is the beginning of a new year in the life of the church. The liturgical color changes from green to purple or blue. We have a little of each at St. John’s during Advent. Blue is considered a little less penitent than purple, which is appropriate for Advent versus Lent. We are called to wait, watch, and prepare our hearts to receive Jesus so that He may dwell within us. If we do this work, we will be less likely to wake up the day after Christmas and wonder where the season of watching and preparing went.
We have several offerings in the life of St. John’s to help us pay attention, wait, watch and prepare. Please study the timeline in this Chimes and discern how God is calling you to journey through this Advent.
Peace, Rev. Lisa
Advent Adult Formation
“What are you waiting for?” led by the Rev. Lisa Mason and the Rev. Dorothy. Greene, on December 3 & 10 after the 10am service in the Living Room.
We will explore the power of prayer as a way of waiting and preparing. We will discuss the blessings and challenges connected to waiting. How do we prepare our hearts, especially at this current time in the world? How do we obtain watchful eyes so that we discover Jesus in the world around us?
Advent Devotions & Prayer Resources
We have prepared family Advent activities from Illustrated Ministry as well as some ideas for adults. These resources are located in the back of the church and in the parish office.
Advent Meditations and Prayers from the Seminary of the Southwest, a series of contemplative devotions for the season, available in English & Spanish.
Brother, Give Us a Word from the Brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) in Cambridge, MA. The daily meditations are 2-3 sentences. Give it a try!
*NEW* A Quieter Advent Service - December 7 at 7pm
You may have also heard of this type of service as a “Blue Christmas” service. This is offered for people who have experienced personal grief and loss in their lives and may not be ready to jump straight into the joy and festivities of Christmas just yet. This service is December 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Wednesday 7am Holy Eucharist in Advent
As is our tradition during Advent and Lent, we have 7:00 a.m. services. These will be brief, to allow those who need to get to work to participate. If these are well attended throughout the season of Advent, we might continue them as part of our rhythm of worship life.
Communion on Sundays at the 10am service
Beginning Advent I, we will return to having two options to receive communion during this service. You may receive at the Altar (where it is customary, but not required, to kneel) or at a station on the “floor” as we have done for these last few years. You have the choice!! Both will be available! Please call if you have questions about this return to the way we used to do it.
Weekly Videos
Rev. Lisa will also offer brief videos each Friday of Advent sharing a few words about what each week of Advent offers to us.
Instructed Eucharist
We have printed booklets that go in depth about every step of the Holy Eucharist liturgy. Why we do what we do, what it means, and how to “walk through” it. The booklets will be in the back of the church. These are especially helpful to people new to the church as well as those who have been doing what we do for a very long time. If you have questions, please feel free to ask Rev. Lisa or Rev. Dorothy.
State of the St. John's Campus
- After many weeks of working with Con Ed and the village, we have obtained the necessary forms and permits needed to proceed with demolition of the rectory. Once that is completed, preparations for construction will commence.
- The undercroft is moving right along and soon walls, cabinetry and built-in storage, and more visible signs of progress will appear. We have taken so many proactive and preventive steps in regard to flooding and drainage. It has been a much longer road than first expected, but the opportunity to address these large items will be worth the wait!
- We have almost completed the outdoor painting of all wood trim, which will protect the wood from deterioration.
- The school fire escape staircase from the second floor will be replaced over the Christmas break. This will not only greatly improve its appearance, but also assure safety!
Thank you to our Junior Warden, Christina Battalia! She has given countless hours over the last four years as we have faced huge projects with lots of moving parts. I cannot express my gratitude enough for her persistence, knowledge, time commitment, and courage to dig deeper and deeper to reveal what needs to be addressed. Plus, she is a pleasure to work with; we manage to find joy (and even laughter) and hope in the midst of it all!
Pastoral Care
Our Pastoral Care Ministries Need your Help!
by Melany Gray
Many of you regularly find ways to be shepherds of God's flock (1 Peter: 2-4), providing assistance and comfort to fellow parishioners as you learn of their needs. We would like to make that process easier, better serving those in need, and better creating opportunities for each of you to serve as you feel called. If you would like to help fellow parishioners in any of the following areas, then use the Sign-Up Genius links to indicate your interest. Alternatively, contact Melany Gray or Angela Nesbitt to learn more.
Meal Ministry: Click here to sign up to be part of the team to be contacted when the need arises to prepare and deliver a meal for a parish individual or family.
Transportation Ministry: Click here to sign up to be part of the team to be contacted when the need arises for rides and companionship for medical appointments.
Dessert Ministry: Click here to sign up to bake brownies or cookies to be frozen and available in the St. John's freezer as needed for home visits.
Correspondence Ministry: The holidays are a lonely time for many who are largely confined to home. Click here to sign up to correspond before Christmas and, thereafter, monthly, with a parishioner who would appreciate the connection.
Stewardship News
Thank you to those of you who have submitted your Estimated Giving Card for 2024. If you have not yet done so, please prayerfully review the materials in the stewardship packet that was mailed to you, and plan to return your estimate of annual giving by December 17th. If you have any questions about stewardship or anything to do with giving, Rev. Lisa would be very happy to speak with you.
Thank you for your continued support of life at St. John's!
2023 ECW Christmas Bazaar RECAP
Many thanks to everyone who helped make this year's ECW Christmas Bazaar a huge success. Through dedication and positive volunteer spirit, we continue to keep this long standing tradition alive and vibrant at St. John's. In addition to raising money for local not-for-profits helping women and children, it was a wonderful week of fellowship and fun and a great way to get to know many of our newcomers better, including our fabulous Bazaar Chair, Maile Lesica. With our gratitude, Nancy and Fiona, ECW Co-presidents.
Additional photos from the Bazaar are posted on our Facebook page, found here. Enjoy!
save These Dates
Thursday, November 30 at 6:30pm - ECW Christmas Wreath Bow Making
Calling all bow makers! Please join us in the Parish Hall to make bows and put them on wreaths. We’ll have refreshments and fun.
Sunday, December 3 - Advent Begins
- 10:00 AM - Family Sunday. It's St. Nicholas Day - we expect a special visitor at this service! Please have children leave their shoes in the hallway outside the Thorne Room.
- 11:15 AM Advent Formation Class with Rev. Dorothy & Rev. Lisa in the Living Room: What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, December 5 at 7pm - Special ECW Advent Event
WOMEN of St. John’s - Please RSVP to your invitation to a Special ECW Advent Event at the Rental Rectory on Tuesday, December 5. Dinner and Advent Reflection. All the women of St. John's are invited to join us for this special event. Please check your email box for the invitation reminder that was sent last week.
If you did not receive an invitation, please let us know by emailing or calling the office (, 914-834-2981). Please RSVP by Friday, December 1st. Note: carpooling is encouraged.
Wednesdays in Advent (December 6, 13, & 20) - Holy Eucharist at 7:00 am
As is our tradition during Advent and Lent, we celebrate the Eucharist at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesdays. These will be brief, to allow those who need to get to work to participate. If these are well attended throughout the season of Advent, we might continue them as part of our rhythm of worship life.
Thursday, December 7, 7pm - Quieter Advent Service
The Quieter Advent Prayer Service is a service of prayer and traditional Advent hymns wherein we pray for those we love (and perhaps have lost) and where we experience the power of Advent but in a softer way. No demands for happy-happy at this service; this service lets us feel all our feelings and invites us to lay them in the loving arms of God. It’s perfect for those who find the hyper-commercialization of the secular Christmas season just too much to bear. Come yourself and invite others to experience this powerful service.
Saturday, December 17 - Celebration Sunday!
Our Christmas Pageant this year is December 17 during the 10 am service. All children 3 years old – 5th grade are welcome to participate and we need 6th-12th graders to help in various capacities. Please click here or on the button below to fill out the registration form and email it to Jmel Wilson or leave it in the parish office before December 3.
The two rehearsals are Sunday, December 3 and Sunday, December 10 from 11:15 am – 12:00 pm. Costumes will be assigned at the December 10 rehearsal.
We will also be celebrating Annual Giving by the parish in support of St. John's for 2024. If you have not yet returned your Estimated Giving Card, please plan to submit it by Sunday, December 17. If you prefer to submit your estimate online, please click here. Thank you for your continued support of St. John's!
Our coffee hour after the 10am service on December 17 will be extra special, and include a fun time around the piano for caroling together! Come have some fun fellowship with your parish family.
Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
3:00 PM Family Christmas Service. A service especially appropriate for young children and families, with Communion, Christmas Carols and Holy Communion
5:00 PM Holy Eucharist, Rite II. Communion Service with sermon and carols.
9:00 PM Festive Choral Eucharist, Rite II. Communion Service with the St. John’s choir, sermon and carols.
Christmas Day, Monday, December 25
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II. Communion Service with sermon and carols.
Each year as we gather to celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, our worship is enhanced by poinsettias, trees, and greens. Your generosity makes this possible.
Please join in the time-honored tradition of festooning our sanctuary by making a donation to the Christmas Flower Fund (suggested donation $50). Please order online or contact the church office by Friday, December 8, 2023.
A Very Happy 85th Birthday to Carolyn Whittemore!
We celebrate Carolyn on this special birthday and thank her for her creative thinking in suggesting that in lieu of gifts, her guests make a donation in support of St. John's. Thank you, Carolyn!
Navigators Support Lifting Up Westchester
The Navigators, St. John's High School Youth Group, recently decorated and filled 20 small stockings for delivery to Lifting Up Westchester. There was lots of laughter in the use of glue sticks and the stockings were filled with Hot Wheels, sticky note pads, Chapsticks , stickers and a bit of candy. Several weeks ago the Navigators also collected side dishes and then prepared 12 bags of groceries for the Lifting Up Westchester Thanksgiving food drive. Coming up next, helping with the Christmas pageant and helping to prep for Midnight Run in January.
Have good news to share? We'd love to share in your joy! Please email any good news to Thanks!
Thanks to Trish Patterson for this month's recipe. The staff at St. John's was treated to a sample batch and all can attest to how delicious and light these locally-sourced cupcakes are. Enjoy!
Market Manager Carrot Cupcakes
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- ¾ tsp salt
- 3 cups grated carrots (Sun Spout Farm)
- 1 ½ cups sugar
- ½ cup maple syrup (Newgate)
- 1 cup olive oil (Arlotta, Kontoulis)
- 4 large eggs (SOVA, Conklin, Stone & Thistle)
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
- Whisk together flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
- In a mixer with a paddle attachment, combine sugar and oil. When smooth, add the eggs one by one and continue to beat until smooth.
- Slowly add the dry ingredients.
- Add the carrots.
- Bake 20 minutes. Makes about 36 cupcakes. Ice (cream cheese icing) or keep plain – both are delicious!
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Have a recipe to share? Join the fun and send it to Yours just might be the next Recipe of the Month!
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Likewise, your photos and news from your ministries are always welcome. Please forward your submissions to Let your ministry's light shine through Chimes!