Pilgrim Academy News January 2025

Welcome to the first whole school newsletter of 2025, and my first as Principal of Pilgrim Academy. Each month we will bring you a newsletter with key dates, news and events that have been happening across the academy and what we are looking forward to. The newsletter is a celebration of your children's achievements. If you have any suggestions for things to include, please do let us know!

Dates for your diary:

  • Wednesday 5th / Thursday 6th February - library visits
  • Tuesday 11th February - Boccia Panathlon County Finals
  • Tuesday 11th February - Cricket Tournament
  • Tuesday 11th February - Year 5 / 6 Get Glowing
  • Wednesday 12th February - Year 2 Get Glowing
  • Wednesday 12th February - Young Voices
  • Friday 14th February - school closes for half term
  • Monday 24th February - school reopens


In English, we are exploring the texts ‘Astro Girl' and 'Zim, Zam Zoom!’. The children are focusing on a range of writing genres across the term, including: character descriptions, labels and speech bubbles.

In Maths, we are learning to recognise numbers to 20; matching the amount of objects to the correct digits. We will also be touching on simple addition and subtraction and finally comparing amounts of objects through measurement.

Through Understanding of the World, we are observing our world, talking about space travel, past and present and talking about things that happen and why.

Through Expressive Arts the children are covering a wide range of skills to help develop fine and gross motor skills, through a use of tools suitable for their age. They are using music to develop cultural awareness and build confidence.

Physical development will be covered in a range of aspects over the term, including: developing good coordination, completing dough disco to improve hand dexterity when writing and also completing daily class mindfulness sessions.

Personal, social and emotional development is intertwined throughout all aspects of our learning, where the children are encouraged to listen to others, take turns, to show sensitivity and respect for others. We always encourage them to try new things, to help improve their confidence and talk about feelings/behaviours in order to adapt to changes that may come their way.

Important information for EYFS

Library days:

  • Tadpoles: Tuesdays and Fridays
  • Frogs: Friday

Year 1 and 2

In English, we have been reading ‘One Day on Our Blue Planet… In the Savannah’. Using this text the children have been writing their own poetry and non-fiction writing.

In maths, we have worked hard on multiplication and division, as well as money. In Science, our topic this half term is all about plants and seasonal changes.

In history, we are learning about ‘Florence Nightingale’ - her life and the Crimean War and in geography, our topic links to science as we are learning about ’Weather and Extreme Weather’.

Our art topic is ‘The Beauty of Flowers’ and we are looking at the work of artists such as Marc Quinn, Claude Monet and William Morris.

Important information for Year 1 and Year 2


  • Cygnets - Tuesday
  • Dragonflies - Wednesday
  • Swans - Monday

Library days:

  • Cygnets - Monday
  • Dragonflies - Friday
  • Swans - Tuesday

Book club:

Dragonflies and Cygnets will continue to have a book club session every Friday 3:10—3:30pm.

Bikes and Scooters

Please remember to collect your bikes / scooters at the end of the school day to ensure that they are safe!

Year 3 and 4

In English, Year 3 are reading stories form 'The Lion and the Unicorn and other Hairy Tales'. These texts are being used to help the children create their own persuasive texts and myths and legends narratives. Year 4 are reading 'The Great Kapok Tree', creating a dilemma narrative and writing a balanced argument.

In maths, Year 3 are working on formal methods of multiplying and dividing larger numbers and moving onto fractions, and Year 4 are learning about fractions before moving onto decimals.

In science, our topic is all about plants and seasonal changes and identifying what plants need to survive

In History, we are learning about settlements, farming, beliefs and burials in Ancient Egypt.

In geography, we are studying mountains, erosion and deposition including rivers and the water cycle.

Our art focuses on Art Deco, with a spotlight on Tamara De Lempicka. We are looking at their techniques before creating our own Art Deco art.

In music, Year 3 are learning to sing in unison, learning how to sing the correct pitch and intonation whilst continuing to learn the recorder. Year 4 are continuing their adventure with Mr Pearce, learning to play the cornet.

In French, Year 3 are learning the names of animals while Year 4 are learning the names of classroom objects.

We will be adapting a recipe, creating new biscuits for a specific consumer group in DT.

Finally, in Physical Education, children are continuing to improve their gymnastics skills and creating their own moves in their dance unit.

Important information for Year 3 and Year 4


  • Otters - Wednesday
  • Turtles - Wednesday

Library days:

  • Otters - Wednesday
  • Turtles - Tuesday

Year 5 and 6

In English, we have started reading ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. We will be focusing on writing a narrative piece based on a chapter and also presenting a balanced argument.

In maths, Blue Whales and Orcas are learning about decimals, percentages and fractions, ratios, algebra and measure. Seastars are consolidating their knowledge of multiplication and division and fractions before moving on to decimals and percentages.

In Science, we are learning about plants and seasonal change, building upon knowledge taught in previous years and in geography, we are learning about biomes and climates across the globe.

In history, Y5 are beginning to learn about the industrial revolution during the Victorian times and Y6 are developing their knowledge by exploring specific case studies.

In art, our focus is 'Expressionism' and linking how art develops over time and reflects the culture at their times of creation. Some artists we are discussing include Matisse, Derain, Van Gogh and Gaugin.

In French, we are learning about items of clothing and using our knowledge to describe what someone is wearing in French.

In DT, Y5 and Y6 are designing a navigation programme and presenting their pitch to a client.

In music, Seastars will have visits in preparation for their Noyes Fludd Performance. All children will be learning about East and West African music and making their own compositions.

In PE, pupils are continuing to develop dance and gymnastics routines and use equipment safely. Blue Whales are going swimming.

Important information in Year 5 and Year 6


  • Blue Whales - Tuesday
  • Orcas - Monday
  • Sea Stars - Thursday

Library days:

  • Blue Whales - Monday
  • Orcas - Thursday
  • Sea Starts - Wednesday

Carrot Rewards

We are continuing to use Carrot Rewards to reward the children for excellent behaviour, key skills and achievements. These are focused on our core values: Courage, Kindness and Respect — as well as aspects such as effort and attendance.

Please log in to see your child's achievements. The PTA will now hold a Carrot Reward Shop once per half term to allow the children to spend their Carrots on an item of their choice.

Created By
Janine King


Created with images by NaMong Productions - "education and supplies for banner background on blackboard top view with copy space. Back to school concept." • meeboonstudio - "Flipping of 2024 to 2025 on wooden cubes for preparation of new year change" • Cultura Creative - "Brothers (2-3,6-7) riding bicycle and push scooter"