
1st December 2023

In the Spotlight

Post box walk


Our Boccia/New Age Curling teams were in action this week in the SPSSA annual competition. The children were a real credit to the school playing some amazing and sometimes very tactical games demonstrating great skill along the way. Finishing 5th overall out of 20 schools, just narrowly missing out on the semi-finals. Well done to all involved.

Protecting Our Planet Day

This week we took part in POP23. Our Eco Club and Committee put the finishing touches to our display on plastic pollution in our oceans to demonstrate the harm we are doing but also the solutions. Children enjoyed watching live sessions and learning about different careers in science and technology such as climate scientists, creating plastics from seaweed and analysing data. They were so inspired that they wanted to make some posters which they shared with their class.

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

On Thursday 7th December, we will be celebrating Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children. Your child should come to school wearing their school uniform, and if they wish, a Christmas jumper. You can make your £2 donation via your child’s ParentPay account and all funds raised will go towards Save the Children.

On this day. staff and children will also come together for Christmas dinner. Please note there will be no other food options and you are welcome to provide your child with a packed lunch.


Thank you for the recent donations of Christmas jumpers in preparation of Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 7th December. Should still have any jumpers looking for a new home, we will gladly accept donations at the main office.

If you have any wellies or waterproof clothing that your child has grown out of, the Rockpool would be grateful of any donations. Please drop to the main office.

KS1 & KS2 consultations

Please check your SchoolPing for details of Parent Consultations being held on Tuesday 16th January and Wednesday 17th January. To book your appointment, please use the MCAS app (My Child at School). The booking system will open on Monday 11th December 2023 at 19:00pm and close on Monday 8th January 2024 at 19:00pm. If you have any technical difficulties when accessing MCAS please contact Mr Pridham at for support.

Should you be unable to attend parent consultations but feel that communication with the class teacher is needed, please contact Mrs Lowe at who will be able to support you.


A new timetable for our extra-curricular clubs for the Spring term will be released shortly, with an exciting new club for children in year 4, 5 and 6!

To secure your child a place on one of our clubs, please ensure that you book this via your child’s My Child at School app. Should you need any help accessing your MCAS app please email

The final week of clubs will be week commencing Monday 11th December. However, please note, that on Monday 11th December, there will be no art club, Year 5 & 6 multi sports or Year 5 & 6 girls and boys football.

A polite reminder

To ensure the safety of all children and parents at the side gate, we ask that pedestrians do not stand in the car park area at the start and end of school. This car park provides agreed disabled access to our families and staff parking. Please ensure your children remain on the footpath at all times. Mrs H-B will be on hand to help at morning drop off. We appreciate your co-operation.

National Online Safety

Online Safety: Music streaming

Music streaming apps allow people to listen to music on their devices. It gives users access to millions of songs and artists from around the world. Popular music streaming apps and sites include Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, Amazon Prime and Deezer. Music streaming allows children to listen to songs from around the world in a much easier and cheaper way. This enables them to showcase their talent which would have been very hard to do many years back.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as explicit content, adult-themed podcasts and chatting to strangers.

Poppy Appeal

Thank you for your kind donations for this year’s Poppy Appeal, together we raised £193.42.



Shrimp – 97.8%

Albatross – 97.5%


Strand – 100%

Swordfish – 97.8%

Proud To Be Me

Save the date

Thursdays: Tiny Tiddlers: 9am

Thursday 7th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

Monday 11th December – Winterfest 3:30pm – 5pm

Monday 11th December – Parent Consultation booking open – 7pm

Wednesday 13th December – ‘The Night Before Christmas’ Nursery production 10am – 11am

Wednesday 13th December – Year 3 & 4 Christmas Light Concert – 2:30pm – 3pm

Thursday 14th December – ‘Born In a Barn’ – 2:30pm – 3pm

Friday 15th December - Year 5 & 6 Christmas Light Concert – 2:30pm – 3pm

Monday 18th December – ‘A King is born’ Year 1 & 2 production – 2:15pm – 3pm

Tuesday 19th December – PTA Christmas Fayre 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Wednesday 20th December – last day of term – 1.30pm finish

Thursday 4th January – Academy open after Christmas break

Monday 8th January – Parent Consultation booking closes – 7pm

Tuesday 16th January – Parent Consultations – 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Wednesday 17th January – Parent Consultations – 3.30pm – 5.30pm

Get in Touch

Darlinghurst School

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea



Contact Us

T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
