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Swinton Queen Primary School Newsletter 8th March 2024


  1. A note from Mr Higginbottom
  2. Dates for your diary
  3. Attendance update
  4. A round up of events
A note from Mr Higginbottom

Hello! There has been some great pyjamas and costumes in school today! I've no idea how some children sleep in some of those, though! Thank you for supporting children with this event. A life-long love of reading really does make a difference to people's lives, so it is important that we all keep promoting this to our children. Children should have received their World Book Day vouchers today so that they can buy special World Book Day books or use it as part payment towards other books.

Next Friday is Comic Relief - if children would like to mark this occasion they're invited to wear red - as much or as little as they want (but not face paint, please). You can support Comic Relief on behalf of Swinton Queen Primary by donating via our JustGiving Page here. Thank you very much for your support.

Please could we remind you that we ask that children stay away from school for 48 hours after their last episode of sickness/diarrhoea if they have had a bug. If you're not sure whether it was a bug, please just give our admin team a call to discuss. It is important to maximise attendance, but not impact the health of others. Thank you.

Events this week
Children in FS1 were visited by PCSO Paul this week to talk to children about how the police help us.
Year 1 and 2 children had some special visitors to talk about how important the dentist is!
Today our belated World Book Day celebrations also coincided with International Women's Day! This picture seems like a perfect combination of the two.
Online Safety

This week our Internet Safety Guide from the National College is a reminder about group chats. Don't forget that you can talk to us if you're worried about your child's time online.

Attendance expectations
Uniform Expectations
Term Dates
Have a lovely weekend

Thank you for your continued support of our school and for supporting your child by ensuring they're at school on time and they read at least 4 times each week. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's time in school you can email, find me on ClassDojo or chat to me at the start or end of the school day.

At Swinton Queen Primary School, children are aspirational, courageous and inquisitive; respectful of all.
