Minera VA School Newsletter Cylchlythyr Friday 7th JUNE 2024/ DYDD GWENER 7FED MEHEFIN 2024

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a fantastic half-term holiday and managed to recharge your batteries. It is only six school weeks until the summer holidays. We have lots of exciting events planned before the end of July. This newsletter contains some important updates and reminders.

Have a great weekend,

Spencer Williams - Headteacher

Celebration Friday

Seren yr Wythnos

Happy Birthday/Penblwydd Hapus

We have lots of children celebrating their birthdays during June:

News and Events/Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Keeping Safe - Don't Touch Tell

On Monday, John Piper visited school with some very important messages about alcohol and drugs awareness. He left children with two simple messages: DON'T TOUCH TELL and DON'T DRINK THINK!

Chewing Gum

I would like to remind you of our school's policy regarding chewing gum. For the sake of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, we kindly request that children refrain from chewing gum in school.

Sports Day - Wednesday 3rd July

*Please note change of date due to General Election*

General Election Day - Thursday 4th July

As you are probably aware a General Election will take place on Thursday 4th July. The school will be used a Polling Station.

We are planning an off-site sponsored walk for children around Minera Quarry and Lead Mines to avoid any further school closures for elections. Further details to follow.

Training Day - Friday 5th July

School will be closed on Friday 5th July for a Staff Training Day.

Non Uniform Days - Summer 2024

* Please check Seesaw as days may change.

The Friends of Minera

Our next committee meeting will be on Thursday 13th June at 3.15 in the Year 3/4 classroom. We would love to have some new members join us, especially as Rachel and Claire are leaving us this summer. Please come along on Wednesday for a cuppa to meet our small committee and find out what we do. (the children can play in the practical area)

Please remember to use easyfundraising for your online purchases/bookings/click and collect orders. If you are still going to book a holiday don't forget there are some very generous easyfundraising donations from holiday companies - Tui, Haven, Virgin holidays, etc.

If you've not yet signed up for easyfundraising please do so.

There is a banner up at school with a QR code which you can scan with your mobile...... it's as easy as that!

Also, remember we still need your used batteries and bags of unwanted clothing.

Thank you for your support.

Term Dates 2024 to 2025

Diary Dates

  • 12th - First Experiences Music Session for Year 3/4
  • 13th - Friends of Minera Meeting
  • 17th - New Nursery Induction Meeting
  • 27th - Moving Up Day
  • 2nd - Parent Forum
  • 2nd - Year 5/6 Visit to Llangollen Eisteddfod
  • 3rd - Sports Day (am - Foundation Phase and pm - KS2)
  • 4th - General Election - School Sponsored Walk
  • 5th - Training Day - School Closed
  • 12th - Summer Fair
  • 18th - Leavers' Service and Disco
  • 19th - School Closes for Summer Holidays

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500
Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
Website: www.mineraprimary.com
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook