De La Salle College Newsletter “A Catholic School for Boys in the Lasallian Tradition”

in this issue


College Principal - “SPORT- For the Love of the Game"

Associate Principal - "What We Say"

Special Character - Ministry & Mission

Deputy of Curriculum

Deputy of Pastoral

Academic Year 7/8

The 7 Deadly Sins

Young Enterprise Entrepreneurs

Market Day

Senior Opens Debating Competition

2A Rugby


Enrol Now

Contact Us

*cover photo of U13 Templars rugby team

“Sport- for the love of the game”

Mr Myles Hogarty

College Principal


Our winter sports teams have begun their competitions and are in full swing for another successful season. Rugby, League, and Basketball teams have had their first few games and the College fields and MPC are full every night of the week with teams putting in the hard work.

I often speak to our young men at our College Assembly about taking the opportunities that are on offer at De La Salle because there is no easier or better time than their school days to be involved in sport and enjoying the playing of sports with their friends.

A recent Report by the Ministry for Sport showed a huge drop in the numbers of young men and women who stop being involved in sports after the age of 14. This drop off has implications for a young person’s overall health now and consequently, their future.

Sadly I also see young men give up playing sport after finishing school for no other reason than the opportunity to stay involved falls back on them.

Sport is a big part of our school and a big part of a young man’s life.

Young men of the College must always prioritise College sport participation before club.

Sport should not be an either or option – that is either sport or classroom learning.

It should be more a sport + schoolwork issue, where boys who are connected and engaged in sport are also connected and committed to their learning. Young men who manage their time and themselves well, can achieve highly in both their academic and sporting areas. This is one of the many lessons for life that sport teaches our young men.

So I thought it timely to discuss some guidelines we must adopt about playing sport at De La Salle.

  1. Winning at sport is important and I believe a natural motivator in young men – but not at a win at all costs level. The enjoyment of the sport itself and satisfaction of playing alongside your friends must also be the reason our young men play.
  2. The referee is always right – even when he or she is wrong. You may have a different view but frankly your opinion doesn’t count. I have never known a referee to change their mind based on the comments from players on the field or from the sideline. Referees are volunteers and they must be given our complete support.
  3. Practice at sport is essential. The old saying of “practice makes perfect”, is not quite correct, I prefer “Correct practice makes permanent good.” so be careful what you practice”! It is important that boys commit to practice as much as the actual game, this is where much of the learning takes place.
  4. Fitness in any sport is a pre-requisite. Young men must not think that getting fit is the responsibility of the Coach. Getting yourself fit is your own responsibility as a young man, forget the gym work and heavy weights, do more laps running around the block after school or around the College fields.
  5. Sport is a vicarious experience. In the words of the famous tennis player Arthur Ashe,”Sports build good habits, confidence, and discipline. These traits make players into community leaders and teaches them how to strive for a goal, handle mistakes, and cherish growth opportunities.”
  6. Sport exposes character. The ability to play in a team, to turn up in all types of weather – to experience defeat and victory. At De La Salle we are constantly reminded, “Win with Humility, Lose with Dignity.”
  7. Sport on Saturdays or mid-week is not a babysitting activity. Sport at De La Salle College is about involvement of parents and families – coaching, managing, scoring, supporting on the side-line etc. All part of the fine print of registration!
  8. Sadly modern sport has become a commodity, becoming a breeding ground for entitlement and arrogance among some young men. As a College we need to ensure our De La Salle young men are committed, involved and competitive. Arrogance is not our style!
  9. Players and supporters must only use positive encouraging language on the field and sidelines and applaud good play by both sides.
  10. At the end of our games, we pat our opponents on the back, shake hands and say “Well done.”
  11. I am looking forward to all Winter Sports offered at our College, the tension of the final moments of the games and seeing the enjoyment that so many boys experience in playing sport with their friends.
  12. If Parents have any issues with their son’s sport, I encourage you to make immediate contact with the College Sports Co-ordinator or your son’s coach.

Some reminders:

  1. All teams must wear only the College Sports Uniform shorts and socks, playing tops will be given to the players.

God Bless

associate principal

Mr Dermot English

What We Say

On the front of our Strategic Plan are our four values- faith, service, community and excellence. What you may not realise is that they each have a sentence attached to them, which was written by the Board of Trustees in collaboration with staff and Senior Leadership Team when the plan was drafted. I want to mention two of them.

Under Faith it says ‘We have a love of God and a love of others through a personal encounter with Christ’.

Under Service it says ‘We serve with compassion, empathy and care’.

These are public statements of intent made by the school community. We can each ask ourselves how we are doing with this. Am I serving others and relating to them with compassion, empathy and care? Am I helping others to have a personal encounter with Christ, and to love others?

This is what we say, so what is it that we do?

special character

Assistant Principal Mission- Mrs Teuila Vaotuua

Misasa Samoa mo le Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa

It was very special to host neighbouring Secondary schools to celebrate Samoan Language week with a Samoan Mass on 29 May. Representatives from McAuley, Marcellin, St Edmund Hillary, Manurewa High, Papatoetoe High and Aorere College braved the wild weather to attend Mass in our MPC.

Well done to Mr Endemann and fellow Samoan teachers from local schools who were involved in parts of the Mass - special mention to Mr Tauanu’u Tapu and Mrs Tapu our long serving faiaoga in Gagana Samoa within our community. Thank you to our De La Salle Brothers community, our Board of Trustees, Senior leaders, teachers, students and families who attended, Malo lava le tapuai!

Fa’afetai fa’apitoa to Mr Endemann’s year 13 Samoan Class for being involved in the liturgy preparations and providing lovely Samoan refreshments after Mass for everyone.

To the Special Character team Niko, Chad and Mr Ngan Woo thank you for your ongoing work behind the scenes. Thank you to Mr Folau and the special services of Mr Tamausu Vaotuua, for your generosity and support in leading the Mass band and congregation in new territory with an all Samoan Mass.

The theme for Samoan language week was Tautua i le alofa, manuia le lumana'i – Serve in love for a blessed future'. We aptly remembered Jesus words

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve

Mark 10:35-45

Thank you to Fr Michael Endemann for being our celebrant and his wise words about maintaining the “va” and sacred spaces in our relationships with one another. As well as encouraging our youth to be proud of their language and culture. All in all we were very happy with this inaugural event, and look forward to it becoming an annual event for our community.

Sacramental Programme

Our Sacramental Programme is starting in Term 3 on week one. Classes will start on the first day of term 3 Monday 22 July at 3.30 – 4.30pm at the Chapel. Parents are required to attend this first class as it will be an information and registration meeting.

Please register your son’s name to receive either/or

  • Sacraments of Reconciliation
  • First Holy Communion
  • Confirmation

You can register your son via this online form

Share the Mission Programme

We were blessed to have Lydia Avia-Aumua visit from the Provincial Office in Sydney to speak with students about the Lasallian Volunteer Programme. We currently have Benedict Lauofo (class of 2023) serving on the programme in Balgo Western Australia. Like Niko, Benedict is working with the Aboriginal community to share the Mission and support learning. We ask for your continued prayers for Benedict, that he will continue to be blessed with the Spiritual fortitude to serve and share the Mission of St Jean Baptiste De La Salle.

Hear from one of our very own Lasallian Volunteers Benedict Lauofo as he shares his experiences, challenges and moments of joy in the Lasallian Volunteer program here

If your son is year 13 and considering a gap year, please consider this great opportunity for service and growth! More details on the flyer.

Live Jesus in our Hearts forever


Deputy Principal Curriculum- Mr Phil Doyle

Literacy and Numeracy Assessment for NCEA

Congratulations to the 91 Year 10 and Year 11 students who completed the Literacy [Reading and Writing] and Numeracy Common Assessment Activities in the last week. In 2024 there are two assessment windows for the NCEA co-requisite. Students who did not attempt in May will have an opportunity in September to attempt the tests again. Year 10 teachers are collecting data on who which Year 10 students should sit the next assessment. All Year 11 students who are yet to attempt will have a go in Exam Week as success in Literacy [Reading and Writing] and Numeracy are required before they can achieve NCEA L1, L2 or L3.

Each Common Assessment Activity (CAA) is a digital first assessment, meaning that, assessments will be delivered in an online format using a laptop. Year 11 students mostly had a suitable laptop to use. However, there were many Year 10 students in particular who needed to borrow a school device. The move to digital assessment by NZQA is another reason why our young men need access to a reliable laptop. Check out our BYOD requirements on the school website.

Students were asked to write a thankyou letter for writing, to show they understood the messages in advertising in reading , and to decide which out of taking shorter showers or turning off the washing machine would save more water for Numeracy. Have a go at these questions with your son. How did you get on?

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You can check out past exams at

Head of the Maths Faculty - Mr Aisea Vailahi and Year 10 Dean - Mr Ulu Hakeagatoa pictured with Year 10 students completing the Numeracy Assessment.

Scholar in the Spotlight

Excellent work by Hector Silipa 9EDN in English

Here is Hector’s essay on-

Tik Tok should be banned. What do you think?

Over the past few years, TikTok has surged to the top-tier list when it comes to social media. The platform captured millions of users worldwide, with its unique short film videos, creative challenges, and a diverse of content. However, the U.S government think otherwise. The potential banning of TikTok in the U.S has ignited a controversial debate amongst all Americans. TikTok have been allegedly accused of rumours such as data privacy, cybersecurity risks, foreign governments, etc. The headlines in newspapers ‘Banning TikTok’ has caught the attention of tech experts, government officials, content creators, and ordinary users. This formal writing aims on my perspective to why TikTok shouldn’t be banned on American soil or anywhere else for that matter.

If TikTok is banned, it overlooks the platform’s positive attributes to society. TikTok has become a vital outlet for millions of ordinary users globally. The platform streams viral dance challenges, comedic sketches, educational tutorials, controversial debates, etc. TikTok has also empowered individuals to share their stories, connect with others, and express their perspectives on different topics. Small businesses also use TikTok as a marketing strategy where they target several users to gain their attention. A ban on TikTok will remove an ordinary users’ source of entertainment and freedom. It would also disrupt the growth in small businesses who rely on the platform for outreach and promotion.

As many of you would know, there is a current unfair war between Israel and Palestine. On the 29th of January 2024, a Palestinian of the name, Hind Rajab, died after being in a middle of an Israeli ambush. Rajab’s family were fleeing when an Israeli tank prevented their way and fired at their vehicle. After Rajab’s relatives died, she was alone with PRCS (Palestinian Red Crescent Society) on the phone. Her last words were “Please, will you come,” before brutally being killed. Then, on May 6th, 2024, “Hind’s Hall” is a protest song by the American rapper Macklemore, released as a single. In the lyrics, Macklemore says the following words “You can ban TikTok, take us out the algorithm. But it’s too late, we’ve seen the truth, we bear witness.” These lyrics represent that we as a community know the truth. Banning TikTok will not make any difference to worldwide situations.

Furthermore, politicians argue that TikTok’s Chinese ownership poses a threat to national security, citing concerns about stealing data and surveillance. While TikTok deny these concerns, I believe it is essential to gather concrete evident before claiming an allegation. A blanket ban is not an answer; rather, policymakers should pursue a consultation, making voices never heard and their opinion on a permanent ban. They should also keep TikTok banned on government official phones instead of banning a whole population of ordinary users.

In conclusion, the potential banning of TikTok represents a disgrace to society in my perspective. Concerns about data privacy and national security should be further investigated before appointing a blanket ban. Policy makes should adapt a measured approach that balances the needs for cybersecurity and take note of digital freedom. If the platform is banned, I think there wouldn’t be an effect against society as users already know the truth about situations worldwide. Also, it just removes the freedom of content creators and disrupt the growth in many small businesses. However, for now the question remains, how will Byte Dance smuggle their way through and claim a checkmate?

Hector with his English teacher Mr Charles
Congratulations Miss Jessie Phillips

Congratulations to Miss Jessie Phillips for completing her Post Graduate Degree in Creative Arts Therapies with Distinction from Whitecliffe College. Amazing grades and overall results all achieved while working full time. A fantastic role model to our young men.

Miss Phillips pictured here with outstanding art student John Lavea 12LIN.


Deputy Principal- Mr Elton Charles

Ensuring Your Son’s Safety After School

A Guide for Parents

In recent times, there have been growing concerns about incidents occurring after school hours, emphasising the importance of knowing where your sons are, who they are with, and their plans for the evening. As parents, we naturally want to protect our children while also respecting their need for independence. Here are some practical steps you can take to stay informed and ensure your son's safety after school.

Establish Clear Communication

Maintaining open lines of communication with your son is crucial. Set a routine where your son checks in with you after school, whether through a phone call, text, or a quick message. Make it a habit to discuss their daily plans in the morning, including where they will be, who they will be with, and what time they will be home. Encourage honesty and openness, reassuring them that your primary concern is their safety and well-being.

Set Boundaries and Expectations

Establishing clear boundaries and expectations can help your son understand the importance of staying accountable. Agree on a curfew that works for your family and is appropriate for your son’s age and maturity level. Ensure they know what is expected of them in terms of checking in and seeking permission if plans change. Providing a sense of structure helps them make responsible decisions and keeps you informed of their whereabouts.

Know Their Friends and Hangout Spots

Get to know your son’s friends and the places they frequently visit. Invite his friends over to your home and take the time to meet their parents. Building a network of trusted adults can help create a supportive community where everyone looks out for each other’s children. Familiarise yourself with popular local hangout spots and consider visiting these locations to understand the environment and ensure they are safe.

Use Technology Wisely

In today’s digital age, there are many tools available to help you stay connected with your son. Consider using family tracking apps that allow you to see your son’s location in real-time. While it’s important to respect their privacy, these tools can provide peace of mind, especially during times of heightened concern. Discuss the use of such apps with your son, explaining that it’s a measure for their safety, not a means to invade their privacy.

Foster Independence with Responsibility

While it’s essential to know your son’s whereabouts, it’s equally important to foster their independence. Encourage them to take responsibility for their own safety by making smart choices about where they go and who they spend time with. Teach them to recognise and avoid potentially dangerous situations and ensure they know how to reach you or another trusted adult if they need help.

By implementing these strategies, you can help ensure your son’s safety while supporting his growth and independence. It’s a delicate balance, but with clear communication, set expectations, and the use of available resources, you can navigate these challenges and keep your teen safe.

Motivation: How Parents Can Help

Building intrinsic motivation in teenage sons involves fostering an environment that encourages self-driven interest, curiosity, and satisfaction. Here are several strategies parents can employ to nurture intrinsic motivation in their teenage sons:

1. Encourage Autonomy

• Choice and Ownership: Allow teenagers to make choices about their activities, studies, and hobbies. When they have a say in what they do, they are more likely to be intrinsically motivated.

• Supportive Environment: Offer guidance and support without being controlling. Encourage independence and self-regulation.

2. Foster a Growth Mindset

• Praise Effort, Not Just Results: Emphasise the importance of effort, strategies, and progress rather than just outcomes. This helps teens understand that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

• Model Resilience: Show them how to handle setbacks and challenges positively. Discuss your own experiences with overcoming obstacles and learning from mistakes.

3. Connect Activities to Personal Interests

• Explore Passions: Help them discover what they are passionate about by exposing them to a variety of activities and subjects. Pay attention to their interests and encourage exploration.

• Relevance: Show how certain tasks or subjects are relevant to their interests and future goals. Making connections between their interests and their activities can enhance motivation.

4. Create a Positive and Encouraging Environment

• Positive Feedback: Provide constructive and positive feedback. Celebrate small achievements and milestones to keep their spirits high.

• Reduce Pressure: Avoid putting excessive pressure on them to achieve. This can lead to stress and extrinsic motivation rather than intrinsic motivation.

5. Set Meaningful Goals

• Personal Goals: Help them set personal, meaningful goals that are challenging yet achievable. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps.

• Self-Reflection: Encourage them to reflect on their goals, progress, and what they enjoy about the process. This reflection can help them stay connected to their intrinsic motivations.

6. Encourage Curiosity and Learning

• Ask Questions: Stimulate their curiosity by asking open-ended questions that provoke thought and exploration.

ICT Academy

Term 2 School Holidays Computer Courses

Senior students have opportunities to do Computer Courses during school holidays at the Techtorium Institute of Technology in Newmarket.

Term 2 School Holidays Courses are listed below. All Course costs will be funded by the College.

See Mr J Singh for enrolment details.

Academic Year 7/8

Assistant Principal- Mr Herbert Tanuvasa

Our Open day was held Thursday night for families to have a look around the school and see if De la Salle College is the best fit for their son. I would say unequivocally it is! Year 7 students in 2025 would be arriving to a brand-new building and have the privilege of being on the top floor. Environment is a big factor when it comes to learning and we certainly look forward to our new teaching and learning space.

Speaking of teaching and learning; one of our new teachers (Ms Va’ai) has encouraged her husband to join the staff (albeit in a different department). Beyond teaching and learning both have immediately taken up extra-curricular roles as wrestling coaches. As a result, our school is entering for the first time in many years a wrestling competition this Sunday and four of our Year 8 boys (Caine/Tatum/Wayne/William) are part of the group who are competing. Being an individual event, wrestling is scarier than rugby (as you are solely responsible for your performance) so it is great to see these young men displaying courage at a young age!

This brings me to sharing about an important award that exists in Year 7/8 assemblies, the “Man of Courage” award. As you know our Lasallian aspirations are to be Men of Faith, Men of Service, Men of Community, and Men of Excellence. So, you are probably wondering how did Man of Courage become part of the award ceremony for Year 7/8 and specifically, how did it become the most important award that the Year 7/8 end of term assemblies are named “Men of Courage” assemblies? Years ago, Mr Anderton. as the Year 7/8 Dean, took the “Men of Faith/Service/Community/Excellence” awards and created the overview assembly for them under “Men of Courage”. When all is said and done, courage is always the final bridge to cross when facing adversity. Courage is the difference between having a growth mindset and a deficit mindset. Courage is what Jesus chose in the Garden of Gethsemane when he uttered to the Father, “…not my will, but yours be done.” Courage is what our four young wrestlers will need this weekend when they wake up on game day.

In Christ

the 7 deadly sins

by students in RE subject class 10S

In Christian teachings, the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins represents behaviors or attributes that are considered immortal or sinful. These sins are often depicted as leading to further immoral behaviors and spiritual downfall if not addressed. Let's take a closer look at each of the seven sins:

  1. Pride: Pride is excessive belief in one's abilities or accomplishments. It can lead to arrogance and a lack of humility, causing individuals to overlook their faults and disregard the contributions of others.
  2. Envy: Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situations. It involves resentment toward those who have what one desires, leading to negative emotions and potential harm to oneself or others.
  3. Wrath: Wrath, also known as anger or rage, is an intense emotional response usually resulting from feeling wronged. Uncontrolled anger can lead to violence, harm to others, and damage to relationships.
  4. Sloth: Sloth is characterized by laziness, apathy, and a lack of motivation. It involves neglecting one's responsibilities and falling to make the most of one's abilities and opportunities.
  5. Greed: Greed is the insatiable desire for material wealth or possessions. It can lead to selfishness, exploitation of others, and a disregard for ethical or moral considerations in the pursuit of wealth.
  6. Gluttony: Gluttony is excessive consumption of food, drink, or other substances to the point of waste or harm. It can lead to health problems, selfishness, and a lack of self-control.
  7. Lust: Lust is an intense desire for physical or sexual pleasure. It involves objectifying others and prioritizing one's own gratification over respect and consideration for others' feelings and well-being.
Samuel- 10AIN
Etheus - 10AIN
Eli- 10HWK

young enterprise entrepreneurs

Exciting Young Enterprise Scheme Pitches by Year 12 and Year 13 Students

Last Wednesday, our Year 12 and Year 13 students showcased their entrepreneurial spirit by participating in the Young Enterprise Scheme pitches. These young innovators presented their product ideas through five-minute pitches to a panel of judges, receiving valuable feedback on their concepts. Despite some initial nerves, our students performed admirably and impressed the judges with their creativity and determination.

Year 13 Projects


Building on their successful idea from last year, Lace is developing an educational toy designed to enhance children's fine motor skills and teach them how to tie their shoes. Keeping little hands busy and tying up loose ends!


This innovative team is working on a multifunctional chair that can transform into a table. Keep an eye out for this adaptable piece of furniture – it’s a chair that truly stands up to the test!

Reclaimed Greens

Reclaimed Greens is improving their previous design by creating hanging pot plant holders made from reclaimed wood, aiming to combat wood waste. They're branching out to turn over a new leaf and grow greener solutions!

Year 12 Projects

Koko Bags

Koko Bags is developing a convenient single-serving instant version of Koko Samoa, allowing customers to enjoy "Koko on the go-go."

Breath of the Pacific

This group is creating wooden car air fresheners featuring Pacific designs, perfect for battling stinky cars. They’re driving away bad odours one fresh breath at a time!

Happy Habits

Happy Habits is crafting a children's picture book designed to encourage less screen time and more productive activities. The book will also be translated into Samoan, promoting healthy habits and cultural awareness. It's a page-turner for nurturing positive routines!

Mark your calendars for Thursday 27 June and join us at the Matariki Festival for our first Year 12 & 13 market for 2024. Discover innovative products and support our young entrepreneurs!

market day!

Mr A Lin- Commerce Teacher

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of our recent student-run Market Day, which took place on Monday and Friday last week. Organized and executed by the talented students of COB101, this event was the culmination of weeks of diligent preparation.

Market Day featured a wide variety of delectable treats that delighted everyone's taste buds.

Offerings ranged from waffle ice cream sandwiches and golden kopai to butter chicken nachos and cookie ice cream sandwiches. The diverse menu also included refreshing Otai, cream pastry buns, cookies and brownie ice cream, biscoff banoffee, Panipopo, and panikeke, ensuring there was something to satisfy every craving.

The success of this event is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our COB101 students. They invested countless hours brainstorming and developing unique products, conducting market research, calculating costs, and implementing marketing strategies. Their commitment to excellence was evident in every aspect of Market Day.

Both days were bustling with activity and excitement. Students eagerly manned their stalls, engaging with customers and proudly showcasing their products. Market Day not only provided a platform for our students to demonstrate their culinary talents but also fostered an entrepreneurial spirit. They experienced firsthand the challenges and rewards of running a small business.

Additionally, this Market Day project offers students valuable insight into what they might experience in Level 2 Business Studies next year. As part of the curriculum, they will undertake a year-long project producing and selling an innovative business idea outside of school, participating in the Young Enterprise Scheme. This event serves as excellent preparation, equipping them with practical skills and a solid foundation for their future entrepreneurial endeavours.

We are incredibly proud of their achievements and the valuable skills they gained through this project

Senior Opens debating competition

Wednesday 5 June, was Round 4 of the Senior Opens debating competition hosted at DLS.

Motion for Round 4: This house would make military service mandatory in countries facing a high risk of conflict or war. Mandatory military service requires all eligible citizens, usually those aged between 18-25, into military service for periods ranging from 1-3 years.

DLS NEG (1st 11REX Nashawn Laumatia, 11TAN 2nd Marques Tominiko and 3rd 11TAN Elijah Wilson) vs AFF Ormiston. DLS win.

Premier Junior Competition

Thursday 6 June was the 5th Round of the debating Premier Junior competition.

Motion: This house regrets the rising trend of reselling thrifted clothing on specialty online marketplaces (eg. Depop, Grailed, Vinted).

DLS PJ 1 AFF (1st 10VER Steve Robert's, 2nd 10WEN Leroy Lauvao and 3rd 10UFI Iosefo Tominiko) vs Birkenhead. DLS win.

DLS PJ 2 NEG (1st 11SHN Leato Collins, 2nd 11VAI Daniel Lee Lo and 3rd 11VAI Gideon Aialeo-Talafa'aoti) vs St Kent's. St Kent's win.

DLS PJ 3 AFF (1st 10WEN JJ Tai Su'a, 2nd 10TLG Darnell Armstrong and 3rd 10TLG Anthony Pelenato) vs St Cuthberts. DLS win.

Massive thank you to Ms Kuresa for help over these two days of debates.

Well done to all our orators for a great week of robust debating!

Mr Wendt and Ms Kuresa pictured with senior debating students

2A rugby

The 2A Rugby Team had an impressive pre-season campaign, showcasing their skills against notable opponents. They played matches against King's College, Westlake Boys, and Waiuku College, and celebrated a victory in their annual fixture against Francis Douglas College away from home.

Team co-captains L-R Leonidus Ikitule, Finau Samson-Makoni and Junior Tolovaa are able to demonstrate their leadership skills by always leading from the front.

The team is comprised of players from Year 11, 12, and 13, with only three members remaining from last year's squad as the majority have moved up to the 1st XV.

This season, the team is under the guidance of dedicated co-coaches Mr. Rex and Mr. Hakeagatoa, trainer Mr. Ualika, and team manager Mrs. Leau, all committed to fostering the development of this young squad. We continue to acknowledge the late Matua Mike Bull, for the many years he invested to see the boys develop and grow into fine young men at De La Salle College.

With a roster of 36 players, there is also the potential for members to be drafted into the 1st XV when needed. The future looks promising for this group as they progress through the season. Our goal this season is to make the top four, and then semi-finals. Last year, the team reached the 2A finals. We appreciate everyone’s support to help these young men get to the finals and win it.


1 S T X V R U G B Y We wish our 1st XV team all the best for their upcoming game this Saturday as the curtain raiser for the BLUES v Fiji DRUA. Making his first appearance in the starting lineup this week is #8 Angel POE-DAVIS. All the best Angel! Tickets: Use this code to save money on tickets for the boys game DELASALLE_15% 🏉 vs St Peter's College 🏉 kick off 4.15pm 🏉 Eden Park

DLS Marist Under 13 Templars

Thank you to 275Kai for sponsoring the player of the day vouchers every week for the U13 Templars team.

Game 1 & 2 player of the day recipients from U13 Templars

College Blazers for Sale

We have limited supply of College blazers for sale at $50- sizes 82, 87 and 92. If you would like to purchase a blazer please contact Whaea Michelle 09 276 4319 ext 813 or via email

size 92 blazer on Year 12 student (NB image is not an indication of the blazer color)
Are you interested in being apart of our Matariki Festival? Please express your interest at the next PTFA meeting, Wednesday 12 June - 5.00pm - College staffroom
Come work for us – Advocacy Lead at Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the Catholic bishops’ agency for justice, peace and development, part of a global federation. We’re on the hunt for an Advocacy Lead to join our team and bring about positive social justice through education, advocacy, and Māori engagement. The ideal candidate will have strong writing and research skills, experience in an advocacy and/or policy position, and a relevant tertiary qualification. Reporting to the Chief Executive of Caritas NZ and the Regional Coordinator of Caritas Oceania, they will be responsible for contributing towards the establishment of the advocacy function and framework for Caritas Oceania and Caritas NZ and coordinating programmes aligned to the Caritas mission. This role offers an exciting opportunity within a close-knit Wellington-based team. Visit
1st XIII league player Galuafi pictured with Player of the Day sponsor, Cold Classics barber and alumni Mr Anthony Apelu for the match vs Manurewa High. The team won 28-12. Next Wednesday 12 June game is away against St Paul's College 4.00pm kick off
Want to earn badges for service hours?- sign up here


De La Salle College

A Catholic School for Boys Year 7-13 in the Lasallian tradition

Creating great men of Faith - Service - Community - Excellence

  • Strong Catholic Character and Lasallian traditions
  • Dynamic teaching staff
  • Strong academic achievements
  • High expectations of every student
  • Caring and Supportive Pastoral Care team
  • Extensive co-curricular activities

For enrolment enquiries contact Mrs Bianca Leau

Phone: +649 276 4319 ext 816



contact us

Connect with us


Facebook: De La Salle College, Auckland , La Salle Collegians (NZ)

College app: SchoolAppsNZ

De La Salle College

81 Gray Avenue

Mangere East

Auckland 2024


+649 276 4319

image of tree gifted by Francis Douglas College