Boys varsity soccer makes connections on and off the field By: Isabella Boedeker, Caroline Murray & Kathryn Schaden

KICKING OFF CONNECTIONS | For the first time, the North varsity soccer team collaborated with Eastside, a local youth club, before their home game versus L’anse Creuse North. This experience was special for junior Luke Leonhard, as he connected with the young players through shared soccer experiences. “It was fun walking out with the kids and getting to know them,” Leonhard said. “Especially what position they play, what school they go to and if they are wanting to play soccer in high school or college.”

PHOTO CREDIT | Isabella Boedeker

DEFENDING LEADERSHIP | As senior and captain, Matthew Robert hopes his underclassmen teammates have learned from his leadership. “Playing my last season feels bittersweet, I hope to make lasting memories with my teammates and leave a legacy that my teammates can carry on,” Robert said.

PHOTO CREDIT | Kathryn Schaden

STARTING WITH A KICK | Making the varsity team his freshman year, Joshua Triplett keeps a positive mindset instead of letting the pressure of being on the field get to him. He did this Sept. 23 despite starting after halftime and not having the chance to score a goal during the game. "I have faced many challenges on the field," Triplett said. "They think I am not good but mostly I just ignore them and play to the best of my ability."

PHOTO CREDIT | Caroline Murray

KEEPING THE FAITH | Religion plays a role on and off the field in sophomore Vincenzo Bonasso’s life, which has helped him fight the pressure against L’anse Creuse North. “I pray a lot and I try to use my faith,” Bonasso said. “I just want to go as far as we can.”

PHOTO CREDIT | Kathryn Schaden

GIVING HIS ALL | After 12 years of playing soccer on various teams, junior Jack Odell puts his all into the game every time he steps on the field, especially during the game versus L’anse Creuse North. “My dad always told me to go 100% whether it’s practice, a game, or even tryouts,” Odell said. “So whenever I play, I play with maximum effort.”

PHOTO CREDIT | Kathryn Schaden

CARRYING A LEGACY | Finding a passion for the game of soccer was fueled by senior and goalie Maxwell Purdy's family. “My brother and my dad played soccer so it's kind of just been a part of my life,” Purdy said. “My dad was unable to play at a higher level so me playing soccer keeps him a part of the game.”

PHOTO CREDIT | Isabella Boedeker

KICKING OFF A CAREER | Every time he is on the field, varsity starter freshman Marshall Pata demonstrates a love for soccer, especially after losing 0-3 to L'Anse Creuse. "My favorite parts are the practices and the team bonding," Pata said. "Like, really getting to know the players.”

PHOTO CREDIT | Caroline Murray