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MKA Newsletter finland | Jan - March 2024

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Holy Quran

(Surah At-Taubah Verse 54)


(Sahih Muslim Volume 3, Hadees No. 1131)

Friday Sermon

Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 29th March 2024

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘aawuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) recited the following verse from the Holy Qur’an:

‘And when My servants ask thee about Me, say: ‘I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way.’’ (The Holy Qur’an, 2:187)

His Holiness(aba) said that God has placed this verse along with the verses regarding fasting in Ramadan. This indicates that praying has a very special connection with Ramadan and fasting, which is why offering prayers, voluntary prayers and other forms of prayers are especially focused on during the Holy Month. Every Muslim knows that in this month, God showers His love upon His servants more so than He does in ordinary times.

His Holiness(aba) said that once, the Holy Prophet(sa) said that God treats His servants according to how they perceive Him. If someone remembers God, then He is with them; if one remembers God in their heart then God remembers them in His heart; if one remembers God in a gathering then God remembers that person in a gathering. If one advances towards God the distance of a cubit then God draws a hand’s length near that person; if one advances towards God a hand’s length, then God advances towards that person the distance of two hand lengths. If one walks towards God, then God runs towards that person. In essence, this is the manner in which God treats His servants in ordinary times. During the month of Ramadan, an environment is created whereby one’s focus is entirely upon remembering God. So then imagine the blessings which God would bestow; it’s something that we cannot even fathom.

His Holiness(aba) said that this is contingent upon all of these acts being done with sincerity of heart while remaining steadfast in the faith. It is then that God turns to His servant with compassion. The Holy Prophet(sa) said that God dislikes turning someone away who comes to Him with their hands outstretched. This is the case when someone goes to God with sincerity of heart. Sincerity of heart demands a vow of true repentance.

His Holiness(aba) said that sometimes in haste, some people say that they prayed but that prayer was not accepted; however they do not stop to consider the level of sincerity with which they prayed and whether they are sincerely increasing in their connection with God, and the sincerity with which they seek repentance for their sins, seeking to strengthen their relationship with God by fulfilling His commandments. Hence, in order to attain His special compassion, we must fulfil His commandments.

His Holiness(aba) said that God is so compassionate that He has furnished us with an opportunity every year through Ramadan, that even if there have been shortcomings throughout the year, we can take this opportunity to address them, seek forgiveness and make a lasting change for the better. It is an opportunity for us to become true servants of God, and we have been given the opportunity to do what it takes in order to achieve that. When we finally do achieve this, then God gives the glad tidings that not only does He hear the prayers of such people but answers them as well. Hence, our prayers should not be limited to our personal needs, rather they should also be focused on establishing a stronger and closer connection with God.

Full Summary

Updated MKA National Aamla

Following two changes have been made in MKA Finland's National Amla, after getting approval from Huzoor e Anwar (May Allah be his helper).

1. Rizwan Ahmad Dogar Sb (Naib Sadr & Mohtamim Maal)

2. Fazal Raheem Sb (Mohtamim Tarbiyyat & Muhasib)

Please pray that may Allah enable us all to serve the Jamaat to the best of our capabilities. Ameen.

Majlis Atfaal Ul Ahmadiyya Aamla

In order to organize the activities for Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya better, Shoaib Ullah Shb have formed Atfaal Aamla with the approval of Sadar Sahib Majils Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. Everyone is kindly requested to co-operate with Atfaal Aamla when and where needed.

Website Update

Namaz timings of different cities of Finland for the year 2024 are updated on the MKA website. Additionally some new cites are added to the list. If your city is not included in the following list than you can contact your Qaid Majlis or you can directly contact with the Muhtamim Isha'at so that your city can also be added to the list. You can find the namaz timing of your city from this Link.

MKA Aamla's Casual Session with Murabbi Shb

On January 7, a casual session between MKA National Aamla and repected Musawir Ahmad Shahid Murabbi Silsla was arranged. First the Khuddam took sauna and after that a delicious meal was served which was prepared by Zeeshan shb and Shafique shb. After the meal, a casual discussion ensued. Murabbi Shb shared some of his experiences and provided advice to the Aamla members on certain topics. Overall, it was a productive and positive session.

Old House Visits

By the Grace of Allah Almighty Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Finland visited hopeatie Palvelutalo (Old care home) on 18.01.2024. The purpose of visit was to spend time with old people, bring happiness on their faces. During the visit gifts and new year’s greeting cards were distributed among them. 3 Khuddam, 2 Ansar and 3 children visited the place.

On January 23, 2024, the second visit took place at Seniorikeskus in Kannelmäki, Helsinki. During this visit, gifts were distributed to the elderly. A total of 3 Khuddam, 3 children, and 1 Ansar participated.

Khuddam Ijlas e Aam

On January 28, the MKA Ijlas e Aam was held at the Helsinki Namaz Center. Khuddam from the greater Helsinki region participated in this event. The program commenced with a report on the first quarter of MKA, presented by Mo’atmid Shb. Following that, the National President of Jamat Ahmadiyya Finland, Ataul Ghalib Shb, delivered a compelling speech on “The Importance of Salat”. The session concluded with a test related to Salat for all the participants. May the spirit of this gathering continue to inspire and strengthen the faith of all attendees.

Those who were not able to take part in this Ijas E Aam physically or by online link can view the proceeding follow:

Volleyball Tournament

On February 24, 2024, the department of Sehat-e-jismani organized a Khuddam volleyball tournament. The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Zeerak Ijaz sb. Following that, the Sadar Shb Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya delivered a short speech and initiated the tournament with a silent prayer. Three teams, comprising a total of 20 Khuddam, actively participated.

During the event, all Khuddam offered Zohar and Asr prayers in the sports hall. After the final match, food was served in the Namaz center. In the concluding session, the National President (Qaim-muqam) Sahib Finland awarded the trophy to the captain of the winning team, Shawaz bin Zafar.

Overall, it was a very successful event, Alhumdulillah.

Results of Ashra Tarbiyat

Majlis Khuddam Ul Ahmadiyya celebrated Ashra Tarbiyat from February 17th to 26th. During this period, the Khuddam were encouraged to:

  • Pray five times a day
  • Recite the Holy Quran
  • Listen to Huzoor e Anwar’s Friday sermon

The daily progress of the Khuddam was meticulously recorded using a jaeza form, with 25 Khuddam actively participating. Insha’Allah, prizes will be awarded to the winners. May this spiritual endeavor bring blessings and growth to all involved. Following are the first three positions of this ashra:

Murabbi House Shifting and Waqar E Amal

On February 15, around 12 Khuddam at different times participated in shifting and waqar e amal of Murabbi house. Thanks to all who responded to Muhtamim shb waqar e amal and Qaid shb and took part in this.

Online Session with New Students

An online introductory session was held on 28th of February at 20:00 with all the new students who recently came to Finland. The online meetup was between new students and National President of Jamat Ahmadiyya Finland, Missionary In-charge and president MKA.

Taleem Class Exam

By the Grace of Allah, our Taleem class exam was held on 2nd March. 11 Khuddam participated in that exam. Insha'Allah prizes will be distributed among winners at Jalsa Salana AMJ Finland. Following are the results:

All other Khuddam should still fill in the exam whenever possible from this Link.

Tabligh Stall

A Tableegh stall was held in Sello library, Espoo by the Tabligh department on 2nd March. Khuddam and Ansar participated in this stall at different times.

Taleem Class Update

As you know that we are going through the blessed month of Ramadan. Therefore, weekly Taleem classes will remain on hold during Ramadan as we have regular dars in the morning and in the evening. Please make sure to listen to these dars regularly.

InshaAllah, Weekly classes will resume again in April, after Eid ul Fitr. May Allah taala enable us to increase in righteousness, spirituality and in religious knowledge during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Solar Well In Africa

As you all know Huzoor e Anwar (MABHH) instructed Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland to donate atleast 1 mini solar well in Africa, which costs around 3500 euros. The target of last year was fulfilled on time.

It is requested that all Khuddam, kindly try their best to take part in it so we can achive the goal. If each Khadim donates around 40€ then we can easily reach our target, Insh'Allah. For further details, you can contact Mohtamim Khidmat e Khalq, Jaree Ullah Shb.

Upcoming Events

  • Khidmate Khalq Day: 14th April
  • Atfal Tilawat & Nazm Competetion: 21st April from 14:00 – 16:00
  • Khuddam Picnic outside Namaz center: 27th April
  • Vappu Day Waqar e Amal: 1st May
  • Ijlas e Aam (After Asr): 4th May from 17:00 – 18:30
  • Maal Week: 24th – 30th May
  • Namaz Center Grand Waqar e Amal: 1st June from 16:30 – 18:30
  • Cricket Tournament: 22nd June
  • Atfal Sports Competetion: 30th June from 14:00 – 16:00

Published by the Department of Ishaat Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland
